The Department of Kinesiology Faculty will demonstrate effective teaching practices.
Teaching Effectiveness
The teaching effectiveness of the Kinesiology faculty will be rated at or above the national average on the Individual Development and Educational Assessment (IDEA) instrument in face-to-face, hybrid, and on-line distance learning courses.
IDEA Student Ratings
The IDEA System is a quantitative instrument used to assess student perception of teaching performance of the Health and Kinesiology faculty during the fall and spring semesters annually. Using the IDEA System, students rate the professors' instructional strategies, teaching methods, and their overall in-class goals.
At least 83 percent of the classes facilitated in the face-to-face, hybrid, and on-line distance learning courses taught by the Kinesiology tenured and tenured track faulty will have IDEA Student ratings at or above the national rating from professors of Kinesiology at institutions using the IDEA evaluation system.
At least 78 percent of the courses taught by the Kinesiology adjunct / pool faulty will have IDEA Student ratings at or above the national rating from professors of Kinesiology at institutions using the IDEA evaluation system.
IDEA Student Ratings
After analyzing the 2014-2015 IDEA Group Summary Report for the Department of Kinesiology, the following results were reported for the Fall 2014 and Spring 2015 semesters. As a metric, IDEA indicates that percentages higher than 60% are normally indicative of high instructional effectivness:
Fall 2014
A total of 88% (Raw)/78% (Adj.) of the IDEA Summary Evaluation scores for Fall 2014 Department of Kinesiology face-to-face courses were at or above the IDEA Database Average.
A total of 84% (Raw)/84% (Adj.) of the IDEA Summary Evaluation scores for Fall 2014 Department of Kinesiology online courses were at or above the IDEA Database Average.
Spring 2015
A total of 99% (Raw)/88% (Adj.) of the IDEA Summary Evaluation scores for Spring 2015 Department of Kinesiology face-to-face courses were at or above the IDEA Database Average.
A total of 82% (Raw)/73% (Adj.) of the IDEA Summary Evaluation scores for Spring 2015 Department of Kinesiology online courses were at or above the IDEA Database Average.
IDEA Student Ratings Action
As a whole, the Kinesiology faculty exceeded the standards that were set forth by the department. As a recommendation, the KPI should be modified to focus on the faculty as a whole instead of tenured/tenure-track and adjunct/pool faculty being separated into two groups. This is due to the departmental report from IDEA being presented in a summary fashion that does not divide results into these two faculty groups.
Promotion Of Faculty Scholarship
The Department of Kinesiology Faculty will exhibit scholarly productivity on an annual basis.
Faculty Scholarship
The Department of Kinesiology tenured and tenure-track faculty will demonstrate professional scholarship through a variety of publications, presentations, and grants each year.
Evidence Of Scholarship
The Department of Kinesiology faculty will successfully publish, or present scholarly research in books, professional journals; conduct research and scholarly presentations at state, national, or international conferences; and / or secure state or national level grants each academic year.
At least 90 percent of the Kinesiology tenured and tenure track faculty will publish or present scholarly research in books, and/or professional journals. Faculty will also conduct research and scholarly presentations at state, national, or international conferences, and / or secure state or national level grants each academic year.
Evidence Of Scholarship
Scholarly productivity for 2014-2015 for Department of Kinesiology tenured/tenure-track faculty was as follows:
80% of tenured/tenure-track faculty within the Department of Kinesiology had at least one scholary article or book published.
90% of tenured/tenure-track faculty within the Department of Kinesiology had at least one professional presentation at an academic conference.
Evidence Of Scholarship Action
The criteria should be retained as faculty came close to meeting the standards that were developed. Continued emphasis on the importance of scholarly productivity should be maintained.
Graduate Program Growth
The graduate program in Kinesiology focuses on two distinct specializations: Sport Management and Sport and Human Performance. Each specialization is designed to prepare students for success in their chosen professional careers within a variety of sport, exercise, recreation, and fitness settings by providing the highest quality educational experiences. These programs are provided in both face-to-face (Sport Management) and online (Sport and Human Performance) formats.
Recruitment For Graduate Kinesiology Programs
The Department of Kinesiology faculty will actively promote and recruit students for the MA Kinesiology-Sport Management and the MA Kinesiology-Sport and Human Performance tracks during the 2014-2015 academic year.
Graduate Kinesiology Programs
The MA Kinesiology-Sport Management and MA Kinesiology-Sport and Human Performance Graduate programs will admit a minimum of twenty new students into Kinesiology graduate programs and graduate a minimum of ten students from the programs during the 2014-2015 academic year. This would represent a 25% increase over the expectations set for the combined Dept. of Health and Kinesiology (i.e., graduate Health programs and graduate Kinesiology programs).
Graduate Kinesiology Recruitment
The MA Kinesiology - Sport and Human Performance and MA Kinesiology - Sport Management had the following combined admission numbers for 2014 - 2015:
Applications: 50
Accepted: 33
Enrolled: 29
Graduate Kinesiology Recruitment Actions
The criterion was exceeded for 2014-2015 as 29 students enrolled in the Sport and Human Performance and Sport Management tracks. Since the programs will now be attached to two new degrees, each program should now establish their own standards for enrollment goals.