OATdb Archive

2014 - 2015

Reeves Center For Mathematics Education

Establish and coordinate innovative inservice programs for mathematics teachers.

Mathematics Workshops
Teachers who attend the Reeves Center workshops will be able to use presented material in their classroom.

Inservice Workshops
A post-workshop evaluation will be conducted asking the participants for specific ideas that they can immediately employ in their classroom.

Sponsored Workshops
One Reeves Center member has given workshops (in conjunction with our regional service center).

Future Documentation Of Workshops
While we have had a Reeves Center member give workshops, no artifacts (surveys, correspondence) have been saved.  This needs to be rectified next year.

Sponsor research to improve school mathematics curriculum, teaching, and learning.

Research Conference
Mathematics Education instructors who attend the MERiT (Mathematics Education Research in Texas) conference will find other researchers to work with or clarify their research topics.

MERiT Conference
A post-conference evaluation will be conducted asking the participants asking them to identify collaborators or new research topics.

Post Conference Evaluation
Conference evaluations are not available at this time.

Hiatus For MERiT
There is going to be a one-year hiatus for the conference.  There are two reasons for this:
  1. The current conference director is in her last pre-tenure year and needs to direct her time and energies towards that goal.  Having to direct the conference would distract her from that.
  2. It would have certainly been possible to have someone else direct the conference but their were also timing issues - other mathematics education conferences are taking place this fall at various sites and travel as well as finding a good weekend for the conference became a problem.
  3. We also feel that taking a hiatus will allow the mathematics education group to reflect on what we've done the past 5 or 6 years and think on whether or not we need to change our focus. 

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement We still have not done a very good job of documenting our contributions.  It looks like one of our members will be submitting a teacher quality grant.  We will need to make sure our records on that are up to date - especially if it gets funded.

Plan for continuous improvement As mentioned in the findings about, the Reeves Center needs to do a better job of documenting our contributions.  One member will be doing a Teacher Quality grant, a second member is working with a group of mathematics teachers from Humble ISD, and a third member continues to give workshops in conjunction with Region VI.  All of these need to be documented as being under the aegis of the Reeves Center.