OATdb Archive

2014 - 2015

Graduate Studies, Office Of

Quality Graduate Programs
Contribute to an environment that promotes the development and maintenance of quality master's and doctoral programs.

Promote Faculty Research
Faculty who are active researchers are better prepared to be mentors and bring an expertise to the classroom that promotes knowledge of the literature, appreciation of research and emphasize the scientific practitioner model. Creating and disseminating knowledge is a key component of graduate programs. The Office of Graduate Studies shall contribute to an environment that promotes faculty research.

Funds For Faculty Travel
Funding for faculty travel will promote faculty research and development. The amount of funding the Office of Graduate Studies can provide the academic colleges is an indicator of success with respect to promoting faculty research. Funding for faculty research will increase 3%.

Faculty Travel
We were not able to fund faculty travel increases. Last year we funded 128,000 in faculty travel. This year we funded 120,000. This is a decrease of 6% due to the decrease in graduate student enrollment and budget restrictions.

Faculty Travel
We did ask the deans to provide concentrated support for untenured faculty who needed to start research agendas. We will continue to fund faculty travel but will concentrate on setting aside 20% of the funds for untenured faculty.

Promote Student Research
Creating and disseminating knowledge is a key component of graduate programs. The Office of Graduate Studies will encourage and facilitate student research.

Funds For Student Travel
Funding for students to travel to present their work at professional conferences serves to promote and reward research. The amount of funding the Office of Graduate Studies can provide the academic colleges is an indicator of success with respect to promoting knowledge of the literature and research among the students. We will increase funding by 5%.

Student Travel
We funded $130,000 in student travel last year. This year we funded $170,000 in student travel. We offered workshops on presentation skills in order to improve the research products of our graduate students. We also offered workshops in colloboration with Student Money Management on available funding and budgeting options to support student research development. Attendance at the workshops last year was approximately 72 students. This year attendance at the workshops was approximately 61 students. Workshop surveys completed by attendees indicated a need for help with writing in the sciences and catered information for international students. We also provided the Graduate Research Exchange in conjunction with the College of Education that provided an opportunity for graduate students to present their scholarly research in a professional capacity. Last year we had 56 participants. This year we had 74 participants with increased participation of 24%.

Student Travel
We will continue to fund student travel and other student research costs, such as surveys, instruments, etc. We will continue to provide at least 2 workshops a year on conference presentations. We will also continue to promote our own Graduate Research Conference to allow students the opportunity to practice thier presentation skills.

Promote Program Assessment
Graduate programs should develop and maintain processes and procedures to assess their effectiveness. The Office of Graduate Studies will promote the development of a university-wide process for program reviews.

Complete Reviews Of 6 Graduate Programs.
A systematic process for program review promotes quality. A process that encourages a self-study to include an external component contributes to a continuous improvement process. Complete reviews of 6 graduate programs and make changes to the programs based on outside reviewers' suggestions.

Program Review
We completed program reviews of 7 programs, including Biology MS, Geographic Information Systems MS, Homeland Security Studies MS, Literacy EdD, Reading/Language Arts MEd, Special Education MEd. All responses have been sent to THECB except for Biology MS which is set to be finalized 8/25/2015. We checked to be sure that we addressed changes from last year's reviews.

Program Review
We will meet with each of the programs that were reviewed last year a second time to ensure that all changes were addressed. We will follow up next year with each program to ensure that all issues from this year's reviews are addressed. It will be determined what funds, if any, will need to be set aside to help programs address issues arising from the reviews. We will review 7 more programs next year.

Effective And Efficient Administrative Practices
The Office of Graduate Studies will contribute to the creation and maintenance of effective and efficient administrative practices.

Create A Curriculum Plan For Academic Affairs
Develop a Curriculum Plan that incorporates strategic planning, budget, and new TSUS requirements.

Curriculum Plan
Develop and complete the Curriculum Plan and develop budget spreadsheets and white paper forms to use with the plan.

Curriculum Plan
A curriculum plan process, curriculum plan timelines, a white paper form, and a budget worksheet were developed, approved, and communicated to the university community. Curriculum flowcharts and outlines for various curriculum actions were developed, approved, and posted to the Graduate Studies website for university usage.

Curriculum Plan
In anticipation of the move to Courseleaf CIM, new curriculum forms were developed for UCC 2015-2016 approval to be implemented as of Spring 2016. We will develop a roll out and communication plan to support the transition as well as provide any necessary training to deans, chairs and relevant staff. We will further work with deans to develop the curriculum plan and insure integration of new programs into our Strategic Plan and budgeting system.

Catalog Improvements
Make improvements to the catalog both undergraduate and graduate in order to make them more effective for students. 

Improve Catalogs By Standardization.
Improvements to the catalogs are necessary since they are now completely online.  The improvements need to make the catalog more user friendly and more accurate.

Catalog Improvements
In order to enhance the online mode of delivery of the catalogs, allowing for an improved user experience, and improve the accuracy of catalog content, integrating curriculum, Banner, and catalog data, both the Undergraduate and Graduate catalogs are currently being moved into a new offsite operating system (Courseleaf) in anticipation of  a Spring 2016launch

Catalog Improvements
We will continue the process of standardization, focusing on the need for making the catalog work closely with DegreeWorks in conjunction with the Registrar's office.  We will work to implement Courseleaf.

Curriculum Process Improvement
Improve the curriculum process to provide better information to the university community.

Curriculum Improvement
Improvements to the curriculum process should include building a process that includes the Registrar's Office and provides communications across necessary areas on campus to keep everyone informed of the process.

Curriculum Improvements
A communication/notification plan was developed, approved, and applied to transmit notification of curriculum actions to both the colleges as well as the needed support entities (Registrar’s Office, DELTA, Admissions, Advisement, etc.). In anticipation of the implementation of Courseleaf workflows were created for approval by the UCC. The workflows include certificate proprosals, minor processes, new degree program proposals, and degree program changes. Having universal policies and processes should reduce misinformation, improving communication of any changes, and address issues of inaccurate degree plans.

Curriculum Improvements
We will continue to monitor the created workflows, promote the use of the workflows, and evaluate the curriculum process for improvements. The UCC will be surveyed for recommendations on improvements to the procedures and processes.

Provide inclusion and retention of quality students

Develop And Implement Programming For Academic, Professional And Career Development
Create and provide workshops promoting academic presentations, dissertation and thesis completion, resumes and cv preparation, IDEA training, etc.

Provide programming for graduate students including resume and vita building, conference presentation, dissertation and thesis tips, template workshops, and teaching evaluations. Evaluate workshops.

We provided the following workshops:
Template Workshop
Vita Building
Thesis tips and tricks
Research 101
Stress Management I and II
How to Be a Presentation Star
Criticism: Giving and Taking
IDEA training
Science Writing Workshop
Professional Ettiquete
Funding Graduate School
Professional Development Photoshoot
Leadership Academy
Dissertation Bootcamp
Dissertation/Thesis Writing Days
Ask a Research Librarian/Info Session
302 students attended these sessions

A part time videographer was hired to film and develop an online version of each of engagement session. She was able to film 2 sessions before the end of Spring semester to be posted during the launch of the new website.

Students rated the sessions as either Good or Excellent and provided suggestions for future sessions

We were able to develop and implement graduate student organization leadership training with an added scholarship initiative for students who completed the training program. We will work to grow and develop the training further including collaboration with the Center for Leadership and Excellence. We have also launched the Graduate Student Bridge program to provide mentoring and aid for minority graduate students at the recommendation of graduate advisors. This program will host several engagement programs geared toward student success and professional development. We will promote the development of graduate student organizations in all colleges on campus. We will continue to evaluate the workshops, continuing to offer those with high ratings and assessing the need for some of the recommended the programs. The part time videographer will continue to record engagement sessions with the goal of providing online videos of all sessions this year to meet the needs of our online students.

Athlete Advising
Provide advising for athletes who are entering graduate school to ensure that they are successfully enrolled.

Athlete Advising
Advise athletes who want to enter graduate school and move them to enrollment in their senior year.

Athlete Advising
Advised 7 of the 9 students--6 seniors and 3 juniors. Of the seniors 4 have been accepted into a program and 1 is working on acceptance for spring, 1 is expecting acceptance for summer. The juniors had 2 who did not show up for advisement and 1 who is looking for early admission in the Fall of 2016.

Athlete Advising
We will present information to the graduate advisors at our fall luncheon concerning the important timelines for athletes trying to get into graduate school and maintain NCAA eligibility. We will give a list of the workshops for graduate students to athletes academic mentors and continue to work with the athletic advisory council to identify athletes who need graduate advising.

Acknowledge Graduate Student Excellence
Provide graduate students a venue to celebrate accomplishments in their programs.

Develop and implement Dissertation Thesis and Capstone project Awards and continue to support TA awards.

TA awards and Graduate Research awards were given to students at the 2nd Graduate Studies Awards Banquet. Students who participated in the Research Exchange as well as those who won for Best Research, Most Impactful Research, Most Creative Research, and Best in Presentation. 5 students were recognized as Outstanding Teaching Assistants. An award was also given for 1 outstanding Dissertation, 1 outstanding Thesis, and 1 outstanding Captstone project. It was the first year for the Graduate Advisor award as well.

We will continue to implement awards, promote student online participation in the graduate research exchange as well as support extending graduate research to the Woodlands Center campus. We will begin to publicize other student accomplishments on our website on a newly created Student Spotlight to be implemented September 1st 2015.

Quality Communications
Provide quality communciations with entities inside and outside SHSU.

Publicize Graduate Student Research And Accomplishments
Create and maintain a venue to publicize graduate student research and accomplishments.

Create A Graduate Studies Magazine
Create the annual graduate studies magazine to publicize graduate student research and accomplishments.

Graduate Studies Magazine
The magazine has been completed and has been approved for printing in September. All faculty, students, and alumni will be sent a link to the electronic version. Hard copies will continue to be sent to legislators, alumni boards, and other select groups. Additionally, Weston Rose attended his second University Research Magazine Association (URSA) conference to hone his skills in the creation and continued progress in the develoment of the publication. Mr. Rose, or the communications coordinator, will continue to submit the magazine to the USRA for review. The review process provides a list of suggestions and recommendations.  A part time photographer and videographer was hired to help with the digital content of the magazine and improve on the debth of the layout.

Graduate Studies Magazine
We will continue to submit the magazine to the University Research Magazine Association yearly and use the feedback to improve the magazine. We will work with the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs to develop a collaborative effort to promote Graduate Research alongside undergraduate and faculty research.

Improve Graduate Advisor Communication
Develop a systematic way to provide communications to the graduate advisors about changes in Graduate Studies.

Graduate Advisors Communication
Provide a luncheon each full semester for graduate advisors in order to communicate important changes in Graduate Studies.

Graduate Advisor Communication
Provided two luncheons during the year where we provided information regarding changes in Graduate Studies. Approximately 36 of 54 advisors attended in the Fall and with better promotion and ample lead time approximately 49 of 54 advisors attended in the Spring. This has continued to alleviate confusion with the programs. Enrollment management was also able to attend and provide up-to-date information to advisors. We did invite key administrative assistants and deans in an attempt to clearly inform departments of vital process changes.

Next year we will continue to attempt to implement a meeting with administrative assistants in the departments and chairs as we continue to see that the communication has not been flowing back from either the deans or the graduate advisors.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement We provided workshops for our students as detailed above including writing workshops and Writing Day editing support for students working on theses and dissertations. We continue to provide the Dissertation Support Group and have extended the Bootcamp to include more students and an extra day of needed events and writing sessions. We provided 2 online Dissertation Support sessions. We provided follow up meetings for all programs that had completed Program Reviews and created plans for meeting recommended changes. We implemented workflows, and set policies and procedures for Degree Plan changes. Forms were created and approved by the UCC to work with the purchase of the COURSELEAF to better integrate Degree Plan changes, catalog changes, and prerequisite changes. COURSELEAF is still in the implementation stage and once done we will be able to work with the SAM Center (advising) to ensure that DegreeWorks is more useful to them. The implementation of the new software will still need at least another year to fully implement. Flowcharts in the approval process now and will be approved and implemented as the implementation occurs.  The Curriculum Plan and the Catalog responsiblity will be transfered to the office of Assessment and they will continue the improvement process. We have implemented a Student Organization Leadership training in Collaboration with the Center for Leadership and Excellence, which occurs every semester. We successfully awarded Thesis/Dissertation/Capstone project awards this year in collaboration with the PACE center. The new website was launched August 19, 2015 and includes navigation and clarification tools recommended by the university Web Optimization Committee. The new website includes a graduate student spotlight and access to the current and previous editions of the Graduate Magazine. We also continue to hold a Fall and Spring Luncheon for Chairs, graduate advisors, and interested Deans that provides information about process and policy changes.

Plan for continuous improvement In order to provide continued support for students, we will continue to provide writing workshops for students working on thesis or dissertations, to include template workshops as we move into the electronic format with the university purchase of Vizio software. We will begin the assessment and pilot program for a formal Teaching Assistant training initiative in conjunction with the P.A.C.E center. Additionally we will meet with each academic graduate program that offers a thesis option to complete a needs assessment for a Thesis boot camp to mirror the Dissertation Boot camp. We will continue to survey the students who attend engagement events and orientation to provide a continuous students needs assessment. We will move to provide more online engagement sessions to meet the demand of the universities growing online student demographic. We will continue follow up meetings for those programs that completed Program Reviews. Additionally, we will meet with each program to identify any obstacles to making changes. We will continue to develop and grow our student leadership programs. To promote minority student retention in conjunction with the President's Strategic Plan we will implement our minority student achievement initiative, The Graduate Bridge Program. We will continue to support and promote student achievement through the Graduate Magazine, Graduate Student Appreciation week, and the Graduate Awards banquet. Lastly, we will have meetings with graduate advisors, staff, and associate deans to provide important information about changes in processes and policies as well as to provide information for new faculty members through participation with faculty investment. The Office of Graduate Studies is currently transitioning out the Academic Affairs units of Gradaute and Undergraduate catalog, Curriculum process, and committee book to the Office of Academic Planning and Assessment. We will work to complete a smooth transition of staff and resources on September 1, 2015.