OATdb Archive

2014 - 2015

Counseling MA (CMHC)

Effective Community Mental Health Counselors
Graduates of the Counseling MA program are effective counselors.

Competency In Core Content Areas And Skills In Counseling.
Graduates in the Counseling MA program will be knowledgeable in the core content areas for community mental health counseling.

1. To continue in the program, faculty must score counseling students on a scale of 0-7, with 5 and above being acceptable and program faculty preferring a score of 6 or 7 on the Counselor Potential Scale.

2. Ninety percent of the MA graduates will make a passing score on the National Board of Counselor Certification (NBCC) National Counselor Examination for Licensure.

Passing Scores
1. To continue in the program, faculty must score counseling students on a scale of 0-7, with 5 and above being acceptable and program faculty preferring a score of 6 or 7 on the Counselor Potential Scale.
2. Ninety percent of the MA graduates will make a passing score on the National Board of Counselor Certification (NBCC) National Counselor Examination for Licensure. We will continue this criteria for an additional year to maintain a pass rate of 90% on the NBCC.

Passing Scores On Counselor Potential Scales And NBCC
1. All of the students currently enrolled in the Counseling program were rated at 5 or higher on all 7 areas of the counselor potential scale with the exception of two students. One of the students was rated lower than 5 on academic potential and one student was rated lower than 5 on receptive to feedback. It was determined by the Counseling faculty that the advisors for these two students would meet with each of these students to provide feedback and determine a plan for remediation.
2. Thirteen students took and passed the NBCC in fall 2014. Nine student took the NBCC in spring 2015 with seven passing the test. For fall 2014 our students were at 100% pass rate; however, our pass rate was 83% which is below the desired 90% pass rate for spring 2015 semester. There is a pattern of students' scores falling low in the area of Diagnostic and Assessment Services and an additional areas where students' scores fell low are in Human Growth and Development. This was the area the two students who did not pass received low scores. Specifically, scores for the area of Diagnostic and Assessment for our students falls below average scores for other CACREP and non-CACREP programs.

Increase Pass Rate On The NBCC
1. Counseling advisors will continue to meet with students and when needed develop a growth plan to help students remediate and strengths in areas where they are rated below 6-7 on Counselor Potential Scales.
2. Our plan of action is to look closely at the Diagnostic and Assessment CACREP standards and make efforts to align our curriculum with these standards. Specifically, in COUN 5334 Affective Behavior and COUN 6363 Assessment as these are the two courses where diagnostic and assessment are taught.

Professional Practice And Training
Candidates will engaged in an internship providiing supervised professional practice and training experiences.

Graduate Students Complete An Appropriate Professional Practice And Training Experience.
Students will successfully complete an appropriate professional practice and training experience by demonstrating a thorough understanding of the process of counseling.  

Site Supervisors Evaluation Form.
Site supervisors will complete and submit the Site Supervisor Evaluation Form to faculty teaching COUN 6386, Field Practicum (Internship for Counseling students) when student completes the field experience.

At Least Meets Expectations.
All students enrolled in COUN 6386, Internship will be evaluated by their site supervisor. Items are scored on a scale of 1-6, with 3 and above being at the acceptable or exceptional level of performance. Program faculty prefer scores of 4-6. The site supervisor are to review the completed evaluation form with the student intern. Both site supervisor and student will sign and submit the evaluation to the faculty member teaching the course. Students will receive a rating of meets or exceeds expectations on all items of the Site Supervisor Evaluation Form.

Site Supervisors' Evaluation Of Interns
In fall 2014, 34 students were enrolled in COUN 6386, Internship I or Internship II. Only one student was evaluated below a score of 3 by a site supervisor. The area the student earned a score of 2 was "Demonstrates time, energy, and personal commitment in becoming an exemplary counselor." All other items, students were ranked at 3 to 6 with a majority of the students being evaluated at the 5 and 6 level.
In spring 2015, 55 students were enrolled in COUN 6386, Internship I or Internship II. All of the students were evaluated by site supervisors at level 4 or better. For one area, "Recognizes and resists manipulation by the client," four students were scored at level 3.

Performance Of Students In COUN 6386
Faculty teaching COUN 6386, Internship I and Internship II will meet with supervisors to gather more information about student's performance on areas of time, energy, personal commitment in becoming an exemplary counselor and recognization and resistance to manipulation of clients. The faculty will work together to develop some learning experiences for students concerning professional development and how to recognize manipulating clients and how to respond to their attempts to manipulate counselors.

CACREP Accreditation For MCFC
Begin alignment of the Marriage Couples Family Counseling track to seek CACREP accreditation.

MCFC Track.
Create a track for the MCFC under the Master of Arts degree option.

New Study Plan For MCFC
Students seeking the Master of Arts degree in the Counseling program will have a choice of two tracks rather than only one option, the Clinical Mental Health Counseling track. A new study plan and track option for Marriage Couples Family Counseling will be created and available for students seeking this specialization. 

MCFC Track Option
During the school year 2014-2015, MCFC faculty will meet with the VP of Graduate Studies and the Registrar to seek approval and support to add the MCFC as a specializated track option under the Master of Arts degree in the Counseling master's program.

MCFC Track Option Offered
VP of Graduate Studies and the Registrar  approved the MCFC track option for students enrolling in the Master of Arts degree. The MCFC option was been added to the new graduate catalog, added as an approved option with the Registrar, and is now available on the Counseling program web page as a specialization track option under the MA degree.

MCFC Option Available For Students
New students entering the Counseling program must attend an orientation meeting or watch an orientation DVD prior to beginning the program. In the orientation, students are made aware of the degrees, specializations, program options available. Students are given information about the advisor to contract depending on the degree and/or specialization they are seeking. Students seeking the Master of Education for school counseling do not have a specialization area to select only students enrolling the Master of Arts option must select the Clinical Mental Health Counseling specialization or the Marriage Couples Family Counseling specialization.

Curriculum Alignment For MCFC
The MCFC faculty will begin curriculum alignment and new course development following the standards for CACREP accreditation for the Marriage Couples Family Counseling

MCFC Courses Available For Enrollment
Existing MCFC courses will be aligned with CACREP standards and new courses developed to meet the curricula requirements for MCFC programs seeking CACREP accreditation.

CACREP Standards For MCFC Programs
All CACREP standards for MCFC programs will be included throughout the courses required for the MCFC specialization.

MCFC Curricula Aligned
All of the MCFC CACREP standards are included in the courses required for the MCFC track option of the Master of Arts degree and is available as a track selection to students entering the Counseling program or students interested in switching to the MCFC specialization track option.

MCFC Track Advertized To Students
The Counseling program web page will highlight the new MCFC track option for students seeking to specialize in MCFC and obtain a Master's degree in this speciallized concentration.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement 1)During the school year 2014-2015, we admitted to the program fewer students than the number who graduated during fall 2014, spring 2015 and summer 2015. In addition, we implemented a 3.0 GPA undergraduate requirement to be considered for admission to the program. The increase in undergraduate GPA and the decrease in enrollment along with hiring two new faculty and moving one faculty from Education Leadership into the Counseling program moved the  student to faculty ratio below the 1 to 10 ratio required by CACREP. Currently, our ratio is 1 to 9 student to faculty which is well below the 1 to 10 CACREP Standard.
2) Only one of the two criterion, "Passing Scores" for Goal,Effective Community Mental Health Counselors,  and Objective, Competency In Core Content Areas and Skills In Counseling, was met during the year 2014-2015. Students were rated with passing scores on the Counselor Potential Scale with all students in the program averaging over all scores between 5 and 7 (with 7 the maximum score). The second criterion of "Passing Scores" was not met for the National Board of Counselor Certification (NBCC) test administered in Spring 2015. Pass rate was 100%  for the 10 students taking the NBCC administered in Fall 2014. The pass rate for 12 students taking the NBCC in Spring 2015 was 83% (10 of the 12 students passed). Eighty-three percent is below the established criterion of 90%. The two areas yielding the greatest discrepancy between scores of our university students and other CACREP university students results are: Human Growth and Development and Diagnostic and Assessment Services. Faculty teaching these two areas will work to align learning experiences with CACREP Standards and NBCC competencies.
3) We are making progress toward preparing the CACREP self-study for the Marriage, Couples, and Family Counseling (MCFC) track. MCFC faculty committee have been assigned various sections of the self-study and are meeting regularly to coordinates efforts to complete the self-study and submit to CACREP by spring 2016.

Plan for continuous improvement While students in the counseling program are scoring high on the Counselor Potential Scales and increased number of students are not passing all areas of the NBCC examination. The two areas with the lowest scores are: Human Growth and Development and Diagnostic and Assessment Services. Lead faculty in these two areas will mentor adjunct faculty teaching in these areas to make certain adjuncts are following the departmental syllabi including the learning experiences based on CACREP Standards designed to prepare students for the NBCC. In addition, faculty will consider creating study sessions for students preparing for the NBCC.
For Goal, Professional Practice and training, overall our students are performing at the above average level on all items of the Supervisor Evaluation for COUN 6386 with the exception of two students, while this is a very small percentage, faculty teaching COUN 6386 (Internship), Professional Orientation and Ethical Pracitce, and Community Counseling will incorporate learning experiences dealing with time management and risk of manipulation by clients.
Set a timeline throughout the fall 2015 and spring 2016 so that we are on track to submit the CACREP self-study for the MCFC track of the Master of Counseling degree.