Students will develop knowledge and safety skills relevant to EngineeringTechnology.
Development Of Students' Knowledge And Skills
Students will be able to demonstrate competency in key areas of engineering technology by passing the OSHA Safety Course and receive OSHA Certification. The OSHA Certification serves as a capstone requirement. The test is administered by an outside agency.
ITEC 4382 OSHA Certification
All students enrolled in the program must complete ITEC 4382 and receive their OSHA Certification in Safety. The course addresses key concepts and skills relevant to safety in the field of Industrial Technology. Each semester all students are required to take the OSHA Certification examination as the capstone activity for the course. The cortication exam is divided into multiple sections, however, an overall passing grade of 70% or higher is passing.
100% Certification Rate
There is a consensus that at least 80% of the students taking the OSHA examination will make a 90 or higher on the exam, while, 100% will be certified by making a score of 70 or higher. A score of 90 or higher indicates comprehension of key concepts and elements of safety management and managing risk.
All 27 students completed the examination and scored 70% or higher, thus, receiving certification. However, only 7% of the students scored 90 or higher.
Learning Modificaiton
Students will be given more examples of fall hazards and receive additional similations of assist in risk management.
Develop Professional Skills
Students will learn the skills necessary to compete in the professional marketplace.
Demonstrate Professional Skills
Students completing the BS in Engineering Technology will gain experiental learning and field experience in the industry through an internship necessary to successfully gain employment.
ITEC 4391 Internship Evaluation
All students enrolled in the program must complete ITEC 4391 in their final year of enrollment. ITEC 4391 addresses key concepts and skills, as well as practical demonstrations of competency relevant to the field of engineering technology. Each semester interns will be evaluated by their internship supervisor and by their faculty supervisor on a faculty-developed rating scale.
85% Meeting Expectations
There will be a general consensus among ETEC Faculty members that at least 85% of the students enrolled in ITEC 4391 demonstrate an above average (4.0 or higher) level of performance on the rating scales.
Outcome Assessment
All students successfully completed their internship with assessed skill levels from the supervisor of 4 or 5. According to the supervisor, the interns were professional with exceptional work ethics and skill sets. Skill levels met or exceeded the expectations of the job requirement. Surveying skills was an area that few supervisors would like to see included in the curriculum.
Student Performance
Survey course will be included in curriculum if faculty is identified to teach concepts.