Students will develop knowledge and skills relevant to advanced agricultural science.
Development Of Students' Knowledge And Skills
Students, through the Master of Science Curriculum, will demonstrate a global perspective of agriculture while also gaining scientific and technical knowledge with research and analytical skills in agriculture and related sciences.
Written And Oral Comprehensive Exams
All MS students pursuing the thesis route are required to successfully complete an oral examination, and all MS students pursuing the non-thesis route are required to successfully complete a written comprehensive exam. A committee of faculty members with expertise in the subject area will evaluate students’ oral and written performances using a faculty-developed scoring mechanism rating depth of knowledge base, theoretical concepts, and soundness of argument, critical thinking, and originality/insight. Scoring results in Fail, Low Pass, Pass, and High Pass.
90% Pass On First Attempt
Faculty expect that at least 90% of graduate students will pass their exam on their first attempt of their oral or written comprehensive examinations. 100% will pass on their second attempt. Technical knowledge in the various fields of agriculture along with Scientific depth of answers will be assessed.
MS Comprehensive Examination
Student outcomes were the weakest in areas of technical skill, application of knowledge and performance of skills. The course is a very lab intensive structure, therefore, faculty will require more outside learning and reading with assignments and problem sets that will strengthen STEM area weaknesses and technical knowledge.
There were 2 theses completed during the examination period. All thesis students completed their oral comprehensive examination with Pass or High Pass assessments from faculty committees with a 100% success rate.
There were 5 non-thesis students during the assessment period. All students passed with assessments ranging from low pass to high pass with the average of all students being “pass”. One student had to retake their examination due to the lack of evidence of meeting a mastery level of subject knowledge. Upon completion of the retake, the student passed the examination.
The objective of 90% success on first attempt was not met with only 85% of the student passing after the first attempt.
Continued Expectations
Committee chairs along with the graduate coordinate will express the importance of demonstrating evidence of masterly level of knowledge of subject area and technical writing skills with all appropriate documentation.
Professional Development
Students will learn the skills necessary to compete in the professional marketplace
Development Of Marketplace Skills
Students pursuing a Master of Science in Agriculture will demonstrate competency in communication skills, professional presentation skills of scientific knowledge.
Professional Assignment
All students seeking a MS Degree will be required to complete AGRI 6140 which addresses essential and advanced skills necessary to compete in the professional market place and develop essential skills for oral and electronic presentation of scientific research. Faculty will review student assignments and access student performance on selected assignments using a faculty-developed scoring system.
Students will be expected to review scientific documents and perform written and oral reviews of literature. Professional posters will be developed and presented to faculty.
80% Of Students Meeting Expectations
Faculty evaluations will indicate that at least 80% of the students enrolled in AGRI 6140 will perform at an acceptable level and score a 80% (adequate evidence of knowledge) or higher on a scale of 0-100. Clarity of scientific information will be reviewed closely - weakness last year.
Documented Outcomes
Four of the five assessed students met the 80% goal, but collectively, the average grade exceeded the goal. Students showed evidence of effective oral and electronic presentation skills of scientific agriculture topics.
Subsequent Action
Faculty will assist in helping students clearly understand expectations for quality oral and electronic presentations.