OATdb Archive

2014 - 2015

Testing Center

Promote Quality Testing Services
Provide quality testing services at Sam Houston State University.

Provide A Variety Of Tests
Provide a variety of tests for our customers by contacting testing companies and/or other colleges or universities to inquire about what tests are available, and determine which tests would best suit the needs of our audience.

Provide A Variety Of Tests
Take an inventory of currently offered exams by the Testing Center and compare to those tests being inquired about or needed by the student population and the general public.

Exams Implemented
To meet the needs of examinees in need of special accommodations for the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Assessment, the Testing Center now offers the TSI in the following formats:

* Braille
* Large Print
* CD/Audio

In addition, several Representative TExES tests (practice teacher certification) were added to inventory.

* 231 English Language Arts & Reading (ELAR) 7-12
* 232 Social Studies 7-12
* 233 History 7-12
* 235 Mathematics 7-12
* 236 Science 7-12
* 238 Life Science 7-12
* 291 Core Subjects

The following Represententative TExES exams have expired and been removed from inventory:

* 132 Social Studies 8-12
* 133 History 8-12
* 136 Science 8-12
* 137 Physical Science 8-12
* 138 Life Science 8-12
* 191 Generalist EC-6

Variety Of Tests
The Testing Center is continuing to work with various entities in order to offer more services to the student body and surrounding community. Information regarding the HESI exam has been collected and analyzation in progress. The HESI exam is an entrance exam utilized by nursing programs around the world.

Provide A Quality Facility
Provide a facility conducive to a quality testing environment which will be clean, comfortable, quiet, aesthetically-pleasing, and user-friendly.

Provide A Quality Facility
Survey students and visitors about their satisfaction with the Testing Center facilities by using the Testing Center Evaluation Form. 

Provide A Quality Facility
A new survey was implemented in the middle of the fiscal year; thus, the following results are compiled from responses during the last six months of the fiscaly year. 94% of surveyors rated the facility in the agreed or strongly agreed category.

Major comments were made about the temperature within the labs. Many major testing companies that the Testing Center is partnered with prohibits outerwear due to security reasons; therefore, the Testing Center has limited control over solving the temperature issue. Examinees are advised by the Testing Center as well as the testing companies to come to the examination site in layered clothing.

Provide A Quality Facility
Currently, the Testing Center is equipped with computer labs that meet the need of a standardized testing facility. The Testing Center is always seeking way to improve the facility when the need arise. During the 2014-2015 fiscal year, the Director of Testing and the Director of Plant Control at  SHSU collaborated on scheduling examinations and plant control operational testing. This collaboration effort will reduce the chance of plant operation testing, which involves noise levels that are disruptive to examinees, from interfering with the Testing Center examination schedule. In addition, the Testing Center in keen on keeping up with technicial requirements which led to the purchase of a new network switch box. This switch will assist in the reliability of the camera system.

Provide Quality Staff And Service
Provide qualified staff that will provide outstanding customer service by being friendly, courteous, responsible, informative, accurate, and supportive.

Provide Quality Staff And Service
Survey students and visitors about their satisfaction with the staff and services by utilizing the Testing Center Evaluation Form and by using the Human Resources annual merit review process.

Provide Quality Staff And Service
A new survey was implemented in the middle of the fiscal year; thus, the following results are compiled from responses during the last six months of the fiscaly year. 97% of surveyors rated services and staff in the agreed or strongly agreed category.

Provide Quality Staff And Service
Staff members will continually to be certified on an annual basis for all pertinent exams. In addition, professional development assignments will be assigned to employees throughout the year.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement The Testing Center was in negotiation with PSI Services on acquiring the Professional Golf Association (PGA) Exam; however, after a review of the agreement by the legal team at SHSU and in addition to PSI Services being unable to meet the changes required by SHSU, the contract was never implemented.

Furthermore, because facility space is approved and granted by administration, acquiring more space at The Woodlands Center is a challenge due to a growing demand of other areas that are a priority (mainly academic areas).

Moreover, the remodel of the Testing Center has been placed on hold until definitive plans are made known. The going "green" effort has not been established due to challenges imposed by another area (IT). IT is working on a campus-wide process which involves several units on campus requesting electronic score reports. It has been reported that electronic reports will be worked on as a whole and not for individual areas; thus, this improvement plan is structured around IT's schedule and not the Testing Center.

Plan for continuous improvement Variety of Tests
The Testing Center is always looking for the opportunity to advance its services. The Nursing Program on campus and the Joe G. Davis Nursing School at Huntsville Memorial Hospital is continuing to see a high demand in applicants. The Testing Center has been approached about offering another nurse entrance exam (HESI); therefore, efforts will be placed on acquring this exam. In addition, the Testing Center will be working to expand our services to our satellite campus at University Park.

Quality Staff and Service
Modifications to policies and procedures for current exams are inevitable and done on a regular basis. As required, the Testing Center staff will continue to develop professionally and receive certifications as necessary. Also, in order to serve the growing number of examinees that partion the Testing Center, additional staffing will be needed; thus, after the new year, plans for additional staff members will be addressed.

Quality Facility
The plan to acquire a bigger space at The Woodlands Center has been discussed should the need for more space become available. In speaking with the Executive Director of The Woodlands Center, there is a possibility of modifying the current space at The Woodlands Center in order to accommodate more students as the demand increases(there is a massive amount of underutilized space in the current testing location). Plans to remodel the Testing Center at the Huntsville location will be readdressed. This remodel will include new wall art, countertops, cabinets, inside and outside displays, and cabinets. Moreover, the Testing Center will continue to work with the IT Department on acquiring electronic score reports.