OATdb Archive

2014 - 2015

Risk Management

Minimize Risk To Employees And Facilities
The primary goal of the Risk Management Department is to minimize risk to employees and facilities.

Emergency Operations Planning
Completion of the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) including functional annexes necessary to achieve level of preparedness defined as "Basic" based on criteria established by the Texas Division of Emergency Management.

Training Sessions
At least 6 safety and/or emergency preparedness training sessions will be held annually. Internal and external presenters will deliver training that meets or exceeds regulatory requirements.

Training Sessions Completed
* Post Incident Review: Lee Drain Evacuation/Chemical Reaction: 2/20/15, 11 Attendees
* Staff Council: "What's the Risk" Training: 3/10/15, 16 Attendees
* Post Incident Review: Newton Gresham Library Evacuation/Bomb Threat: 5/29/15, 14 Attendees
* Post Incident Review: Bearkat Village Evacuation/Gas Leak: 5/29/15, 14 Attendees
* Tabletop Exercise: Campus Emergency: 3/27/15, 17 Attendees (incl. executive leadership)
* Business Continuity Plan Discussion: IT Department, 5/4/15, 7 Attendees
* Emergency Plans Review: Graduation Planning Team: 5/5/15. 10 Attendees
* Emergency Management Training Material Development: Counseling, ResLife, UPD: 6/16/15, 5 Attendees
* Emergency Management Training Material Development: PIO, IT, Logistics: 6/19/15, 5 Attendees
* Business Continuity Plan Discussion: Enrollment Mgmt. 7/9/15, 9 Attendees
* Leadership Development Emergency Preparedness: University and Community Leadership, 12 Attendees
* Emergency Instruction Video Development: Delta, IT, UPD, PIO Collaboration: Multiple meetings 6/2015-7/2015

Tabletop Exercise Completed
The requisite tabletop exercise was completed 3/27/15 and well attended by a cross-section of leadership; including executive leadership employees.  The institution was proficient in areas of information dissemination/communications, command structure designation, and identifying essential functions.  Areas needing improvement include; order of succession (command if senior leader is unavailable), actual practice of an emergency event and creation of go kits.   Departmental emergency planning sessions are recommended as well as a functional exercise. See attached After Action Report.

Basic BCP Checklist/Crosswalk
A checklist (Texas Continuity Crosswalk) will be used to document progress in completing the basic Business Continuity Plan (BCP).  The goal for completion is December 2014.  Once the Basic plan is complete, we want to sustain the basic level through training and simulation exercises.  Exercises are evaluated according to the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program(HSEEP).

Crosswalk Completed
Completed and submitted to the SORM 10/30/2014.

BCP Review & Update Completed
State Office of Risk Management (SORM) reviewed the submitted SHSU BCP and stated it met the requirements outlined in the Crosswalk.  SORM did provide 3 recommendation to improve the plan, which were not requirements to modify the plan.  The improvements included; Reduce the number of Essential Functions, Add a Communications Table, and Add an Essential Records Management Table.  These recommendations were adopted and changes made for the 1/2016 submission deadline.

Consultant Selection
Selection of a consultant by 1/30/2013 to develop the University's Business Continuity Plan is paramount to the completion of the Emergency Operations Planning objective.  The consultant is to deliver the completed plan by 10/1/2014.  The criteria for selecting the consultant is identified in the attached Request for Proposal.

Consultant Hired
Consultant was hired and BCP completed 10/30/2014.

Tabletop Exercise
Complete a tabletop exercise by 9/1/15 to meet the requirements of the Business Continuity Plan and SORM.

Emergency Preparedness & Safety Training
Develop and sustain a comprehensive effort to educate faculty, staff, and students about the importance of emergency preparedness and safety.

Training Session Evaluation
Participants, upon completion of the training session, will be asked questions designed to gauge their understanding of the material presented and provided the opportunity to ask any clarifying questions to improve their understanding of the material presented.

Evaluation Goals
100% of participants will be provided an overview of the material provided, asked their understanding, and allowed to ask clarifying questions; acknowledging their level of understanding of the training provided.

Training Courses - Evaluation Goals Achieved
Participants were provided ample opportunity to discuss items presented in training sessions as well as other items of interest.  Many acknowledged their understanding and some asked additional questions when we had an opportunity to interact while in their workspace.  This indicates that employees have attempted to apply what was learned in training to their workplace and/or their willingness/interest in emergency response, safety, and risk management.

SHSU Complies With State And Federal Emergency Planning Exercises
The State of Texas must be prepared to ensure the continuing performance of critical government functions under all conditions, including emergencies that disrupt normal operations. This capability depends on effective continuity planning that identifies critical functions; identifies the personnel, facilities, and other resources required to continue delivery of those functions; and ensures those resources will be available when needed through coordination with partners and stakeholders. Requirements for state agency continuity planning are established in the Texas Labor Code (Section 412.054), with additional information on information security rules related to information security standards in Rule §202.24 of the Texas Administrative Code.

Business Continuity Plan Exercise
Continuity planning exercises are excellent learning tools.  The most recent exercise re-introduced SHSU's emergency plans and responsibility to respond in an emergency.  The exercise also garnered confirmation that Executive Leadership supports the continuity planning exercise initiative and puts in place the expectation that exercises will be held for all areas deemed essential to operations and that exercises will increase in complexity to meet the requirements of state and federal mandates.

Schedule Training
At least 6 safety training sessions will be scheduled by 10/1/15.  In addition, the number of attendees will be recorded to set benchmarks for interest and effectiveness.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

* The Business Continuity Plan was completed 10/30/14.
* The Accident/Incident data base was developed and is continually maintained.  Data will be used to further develop the risk management program.
* Facilities and Risk Management has developed a report format and agreed to use the FAMiS system to generate detailed reports of deficiencies and repairs on at least a quarterly basis.

Plan for continuous improvement AA plan to develop the Department of Environmental Health, Safety & Risk Management was submitted to the AVP of HR and Risk Management as well as the VP of Admin and Ops.  Plan details include:
* Hiring the appropriate department personnel to support the growing safety and risk management needs of the institution.
* Utilizing students to support departmental and institutional goals as they relate to risk management and safety.
* Provide training that will help to minimize risk and losses to employees and facilities.
* Creating a culture of safety awareness and safe behaviors through education/training.
* Potentially developing and marketing a safety program specific to educational institutions of which educational institutional centric safety programs are not available to the market.
* Improving emergency response understanding and capacity.