Have A Positive Economic Impact Within The SBDC Six County Service Area
This economic impact will be measured annually using six specific objectives established within the SBDC annual federal contract.
Impact Clients
This criterion is measured monthly and is available through the University of Houston MIS System. The director monitors the success of this goal weekly by each business advisor. The goal set for us this year by the federal grant is 152.
Impact Clients
This criterion is measured by the MIS tracking system and through annual surveys provided by SBDC to identify appropriate clients and spend a total of 5 or more hours of contact and preparation with that client.
Impact Results
The goal for impact clients this year was 152 and as of September 29, 2015, we have achieved 117 at this point. In contacting each client and asking them to participate in our survey and having good relations with our clients will make it possible for our Center to meet this goal before the end of our calendar year. Impact clients are reported from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015. Thus achievement of this goal will not be measured and recorded until December 31, 2015.
Impact Clients
Continue working with clients that have good possibility of success to reach the 5 hour contact and preparation goal.
Assist Future Entrepreneurs In Starting New Businesses
The SBDC will strive to work with all clients in assisting the development of new businesses throughout the service area.
Client Surveys And MIS System
This criterion is measured monthly and is available through the University of Houston MIS System. The Director weekly monitors the success of this objective by each business adviser. Our goal for start-ups this fiscal year is 33.
Small Business Start-Up Results
Our goal for this fiscal year is 33 and as of September 29, 2015, we have 41 which exceeds the goal.
Small Business Start-Up Results
Our goal for this fiscal year is 33. We will work with pre-start-up clients to assist them in achieving business start-up phase, which will result in our center reaching the goal.
Bank Visits
The Center will continue extensive bank visits to ensure that potential clients with start up ability are referred by banks and are assisted by the Center.
Job Creation
The Small Business Development Center (SBDC) will work with established and start up businesses to create jobs.
Annual Client Surveys
The indicator for this objective is SBDC client - jobs documentation. This documentation is established by a series of surveys that are conducted annually of all SBDC clients within the service area. Our goal for this fiscal year is 218 Jobs. We are in the process of working with banks to increase loans to small businesses and extensive marketing to established businesses that may require technical assistance.
Annual Client Surveys
The indicator for this objective is SBDC client - jobs documentation. Our goal for the end of our fiscal year (9/30/2015) is 218. As of September 29, 2015, the total number of jobs created is 227 which exceeds our goal for FY 2015.
Client Follow-up
The SBDC will work with existing and start-up businesses to assist with job creation.
Bank Visits Assists In Job Creation
The SBDC business advisors work with bankers to identify existing bank clients that need SBDC assistance. This assistance leads to the develpment of new jobs in both existing and start-up businesses. The University of Houston has a marketing liaison official to conduct continuous banking visits and he has established ongoing communication and marketing with banks.
Assist Clients In Obtaining Capital
The SBDC will assist clients during this measureable period in obtaining capital from banks and other financial organizations.
Client Feed-Back Through Surveys
Capital formation is monitored weekly through the MIS tracking system and through annual surveys provided by SBDC clients. Our goal for this fiscal year is $7,927,696.00 and we perceive this as highly inflated for our service area. We are eager to determine whether the ex-banker hired by the Houston SBA district office as a marketing/liaison official to conduct continuous banking visits and establish ongoing communication and marketing with banks will be able to assist us in meeting our goal.
Capital Formation Results
Our goal is to assist clients in obtaining $7,927,696.00 for Fiscal Year 2015 (which ends 9/30/2015) in client investment and loans for capital injection. As of Setpember 29, 2015, we have achieved $4,214,350.00 due to the economy recovering from recent economic conditions.
Extensive Bank Contact
The SBDC business advers will work with bankers to identify good clients that need capital and SBDC assistance. The Houston SBA district office has a marketing liaison official that conducts continuous banking visits and establishes communication and marketing with banks. Additionally, the University of Houston is in the process of developing banker visit brochures that advers can use to remind bankers of our services.
Obtain New Clients During The Fiscal Year
Identify clients within the seven-county service area that need SBDC assistance. The identification with these clients will be done by chambers of commerce, city and county organizations, and walk in clients requesting assistance.
New Client Measurement
New client tracking is conducted weekly through the MIS tracking system and the quality of service is measured continuously through client surveys. Our goal from the federal grant has been set for this year at 182.
New Client Results
Our goal for new clients for FY 2015 is 182 clients and as of September 29, 2015, we have achieved 132 which falls below our stated objective due to economic challenges in our service area.
SBDC Promotional Activities
The primary action for this goal is to market the services of the SBDC through new marketing materials and selected media throughout the service area.
New Client Products
The University of Houston Regional Office is reviewing additional product lines that can be offered to clients, which include Profit Cents by Sageworks. A slight increase in the number of new clients during this fiscal year is partly due to the use of recently introduced products such as Growth Wheel. Our SBDC Center has two certified Growth Wheel Advisors trained and authorized to use the Growth Wheel materials and program.
Total Clients
To identify appropriate clients and spend a total of 5 or more hours of contact and preparation with that client.
Total Client Surveys And MIS System
This criterion is measured monthly and is available through the University of Houston MIS System. The goal is set by the federal grant funded through University of Houston and is monitored by the SBDC Director to ensure weekly progress by each advisers. The total client goal for our center is 363, which translates to 121 total clients per adviser. Additionally the long term impact client goal for our center is 152, which translates to 51 clients per adviser. Sometimes, to meet long term client goals, we have been compelled to include pre- start-up clients in order to be successful with the long term goal.
Toal Clients Results
The goal set for the Center of FY 2015 by the Federal Grant is 363 and as of September 29, 2015, we have achieved 518 which surpasses the goal. The SBDC will sustain an extensive effort to market our Center's services thorughout the service area. This strategy will include using new marketing materials acquired from our University of Houston Regional SBDC Headquarters. We look forward to additional brochures and strategies received from the marketing consultant team hired by the University of Houston.
Extensive SBDC Marketing
The SBDC Center will continue its extensive marketing effort to the dedicated service area. Marketing efforts willl include new marketing strategies and materials obtained from the University of Houston Regional Center. Additionally, consultants will work with service area bankers and other financial organizations. The effects of our marketing effort will be shown through the results of the long term impact clients which is tracked and monitored weekly.