To provide quality services to students in the areas of advisement, Ep prep application assistance quality field experience, TExES exams, NCATE-CAEP requirements, and teacher certification
Provide quality academic advisement to students transferring to SHSU and entering the educator preparation program
Candidate Satisfaction With Service Area Of Advisement
Transfer student satisfaction will be measured by 1) their level of satisfaction as shown on the advising session evaluation sheet and 2) importance to them, expressed as mean score using a 3 point Likert scale from the Student Teacher End-of-program evaluation of SHSU services and Operations. The service and operations survey was changed in the summer of 2013. The survey uses a 1-2-3 Likert scale, with 3 being the highest score. Our target is to increase the mean score of 2.5 to 2.6 in 2015-2016.
Our advising staff includes a transfer-advisor and recruiter that goes to all campuses but is housed on the main campus within the EPS office. Her goald is to meet the needs of advisement of transfer students. All COE advisors meet regularly and we have also meet with the SAM center advisors to ensure that everyone has the same information for students.
The transfer advisor and recruiter keeps monthly records of contacts and electronic communications with all students. This is a means to track the success of our advising visits.
Teacher Certification
Provide effective means of information, monitor and facilitate candidates/ completion of program requirements, and ultimately recommend teacher candidates and other school professional candidates for certification to the State Board for Educator Certification.
Candidate Satisfaction With Service Area Of Certification Facilitation
Candidate satisfaction will be measured by 1) their level of satisfaction and 2) importance to them, expressed as mean score using a 3 point Likert scale from the Student Teacher End-of-program evaluation of SHSU services and Operations. The service and operations survey was changed in the summer of 2013. The survey uses a 1-2-3 Likert scale, with 3 being the highest score. Our target was to increase the mean score of 2.35 to 2.5 in 2014-2015 which was met and surprassed at 2.53. for 2015-2016 the mean score target will be 2.63.
With a desire to increase certification efforts of our students we have held meetings for all education majors in order to give them the best available information about certification requirements. Meetings were held at the main and satellite campuses. We explained requirements and put the information in the students hands. We also ensured further contact at transistion points in our program.
We are able to track students that attended our "How to become a teacher" meetings using the university's Insight computer program. We select student to attend based on criteria and then we are able to continue contact at specific times until they graduate.
Field Experiences
Provide effective communication of information to support and facilitate quality, and meaningful field experiences (Levels I, II, and III) for teacher candidates in the public school setting.
Candidate Satisfaction With Service Area Of Field Experiences
Candidate satisfaction will be measured by 1) their level of satisfaction and 2) importance to them, expressed as mean score using a 3 point Likert scale from the Student Teacher End-of-program evaluation of SHSU services and Operations. The service and operations survey was changed in the summer of 2013. The survey uses a 1-2-3 Likert scale, with 3 being the highest score. Our target is to increase the mean score of 2.7 to 2.74 presently and reach 2.8 in 2015-2016..
Field Experience
Our graduates have benefitted from the COE gaining more partnership districts. We have gone from 55 in Fall of 2015 to 64 currectly. Our new teacher candidates have been able to choose a more diverse field experience placement and have more meaningful classroom experiences because of our expansion. We expect to add more districts in the near future.
Field Experience
We have insisted that our Sam Houston Innovative Partnerhship with Schools (SHIPS) districts be advisors for our college regarding field experience. They have collaborated with us on the needs of our secondary programs and kept us up to date on their needs for future teachers. This advisory capacity has been a positive factor in adding more districts to our partnership.
TExES Examination
Support teacher candidates and other school professional candidates by providing effective communication of information (including testing pre-requisites, examination schedules, and applicable review software and proactive examinations) and approval for required state educator certification examinations.
Candidate Satisfaction With Service Areas Of TExES Facilitation
Candidate satisfaction will be measured by 1) their level of satisfaction and 2) importance to them, expressed as mean score using a 3 point Likert scale from the Student Teacher End-of-program evaluation of SHSU services and Operations. The service and operations survey was changed in the summer of 2013. The survey uses a 1-2-3 Likert scale, with 3 being the highest score. Our target is to increase the mean score of 2.37 to 2.52 currently and then to 2.65 in 2015-2016.
TExES Examination
The EPS office has devoted many hours toward test prep. With the change in testing due to new legislation we were able to get information about testing to our students so that they could benefit from the test "pilot" period. Many of our EC-6 students were able to take the new core test and our test data was then shared with the state stakeholders in order to refine and improve the actual test. We were also able to focus our instruction for the benefit of the students that were testing.
TExES Examination
THe EPS has been able to reach out ot other colleges on campus and meet with them regarding our teacher graduates. Several academic areas have requested our assistance in order to ensure they graduate quality and knowledgable candidates that can be successful on their content tests. It will benefit our students that there is colloboration bewteen our colleges.
Educator Preparation Program
Provide effective communication about requirements and the application process in order to support student’s application and admittance to the educator preparation program.
Candidate Satisfaction With Service Area Of Educator Preparation Program Admission
Candidate satisfaction will be measured by 1) their level of satisfaction and 2) importance to them, expressed as mean score using a 3 point Likert scale from the Student Teacher End-of-program evaluation of SHSU services and Operations. The service and operations survey was changed in the summer of 2013. The survey uses a 1-2-3 Likert scale, with 3 being the highest score. Our target is to increase the mean score of 2.6 to 2.62 currently to 2.7 in 2015-2016.
Our EPS admission process has changed in order to fit the new rules and statues. We now check the entry status of all new teacher candidates and not only acknowledge their entry into the program but also once all their information is approved we offer them an invitation into our program. Once that step is complete then the student accepts our invite and that date is recorded as the date of entry into our program. It is a long process but has proved that it can be student friendly because students' are kept informed of their progress continously.
The EPS office has established new procedures for our student workers with clearly defined areas of responsibility in order to keep students informed of their EPS progress. WE are able to call up students' scores and be specific about their progress or areas that need attention. This has enabled student to self-monitor and keep their grade and certification requirements up to date and positive.