OATdb Archive

2013 - 2014

Institutional Effectiveness

Collect, Analyze And Disseminate Institutional Data And Relevant Information In An Accurate, Timely And Understandable Manner
Since September 2013, Institutional Effectiveness has continued to improve the construction of datasets within the department database by increasing the consistency of data capture.  Additionally, IE staff have contributed to improving the processes of data entry university-wide through increased participation in campus decision making and implementation of practices associated with student data that flows into the Banner system.  The department participates in weekly meetings with Information Technology, Registrar, Admissions and other function user staff.  The process to reconcile reports submitted to THECB has included full reconciliation of headcount to semester credit hour.  This practice has not been in place at SHSU prior to 2013, but it has significantly improved the quality of the reports.


The Office of Institutional Effectiveness issued a customer satisfaction survey at the conclusion of the fall 2013 semester to those individuals who had requested and received data from IE from August 2013 through January 2014. 


Similarly, a satisfaction survey will be issued in July 2014 to those individuals who submitted a request for data

Develop And Maintain Outcome Indicators
Develop and Maintain Outcome Indicators - Develop and maintain a core of outcome indicators at multiple institutional levels.

Data Definitions - Create Operational Document Identifying Key Data Definitions.
Data Definitions - Create operational document identifying key data definitions.

Data Cookbook
It was determined that the institution owns a software license for a product that will allow IE to facilitate the development and documentation of Cognos report and Banner term definitions, Data Cookbook. As a result, the operational document evolved into an online database. IE staff has been working on the framework in Data Cookbook to facilitate the ability for faculty and staff to pull common Cognos reports. It includes descriptions of Banner term definitions as well as an inventory and explanation of Cognos reports. Users will be able to search for the report they want and then Data Cookbook will provide a link to that report in Cognos.

Data Cookbook
The launch of Data Cookbook is scheduled. IE will work to remain diligent in maintaining the integrity of Data Cookbook as well as teach new users its functions.

Develop New And Enhance Existing Cognos Reports To Provide A Comprehensive Overview Of Critical Activities Of The University.
Develop new and enhance existing Cognos reports to provide a comprehensive overview of critical activities of the university.

Cognos Reports
Create three new Cognos reports for use by university personnel.

Cognos Reports
Cognos reports that were created and are in use by university personnel are: Undergrad GPA by Gender, The TSUS Census Day Report and The CDS report. There are two additional reports that are in process.  One is set to go live in the fall while the other is still in the editing phases and launch of that report is unsure at this time.

Cognos Reports
IE will continue to develop Cognos with Data Cookbook.  It is anticipated that there will be some need for new Cognos reports but that will be on a very limited basis.

Contribute Materially In The University-wide Process For Continuous Improvement By Assisting Administrative Units In The Evaluation Of Operations
The Office of Institutional Effectiveness has collaborated with the Office of Academic Planning and Assessment in developing Administrative Program Review procedures.  It is anticipated the initial administrative program review will occur in the spring of 2014. 

Develop Administrative Program Review Processes And Procedures
Design, develop and test processes, procedures and forms for the implementation of institutional Administrative Program Review.

Administrative Program Review Processes
Implement Administrative Program Review Process – Pilot APR on at least one administrative unit in Enrollment Management.

Administative Program Review Moves Forward
A schedule to move forward with reviewing additional Enrollment Management departments is in development and will be implemented in Fall 2014. It is anticipated that as many as 5 or more deparments will undergo the Administrative Program Review in the coming year.

First Administrative Review Process
The first Administrative Program Review began in April 2014 with the Registrar's Office.  The review is expected to take 3-6 months.  The Registrar has reported that they have found it very helpful in several areas of their office already. A schedule for additional departments is being developed and will move forward upon completion and reflection of the Registrar's Office.

Satisfactory Review Of Administrative Program Review
Administrative Program Review will receive a positive evaluation by the department undergoing the review.

The APR Process Will Receive A Rating Of 2 Or Higher On The Evaluation Rubric Completed By The Administrative Department Under Review.
The APR process will receive a rating of 2 or higher on the evaluation rubric completed by the administrative department under review.

APR To Undergo Review
APR will undergo its own review by the Registrar upon completion of the their review.  The speculation is that APR will do very well as it has been very well received.  A log of recommendations is being kept internally so that we can make our own improvements to the review process.

APR To Maintain Satisfactory Rating
APR will maintain a satisfactory rating and with improvements to the process expects to excel beyond satisfactory.

Improve Office Of Institutional Effectiveness Capacity
Improve Office of Institutional Effectiveness work order management and fulfillment strategies so that measurable improvement in quantity and user satfisfaction occur.

Track And Evaluate User Satisfaction
Increase the overall satisfaction level by users with output.

Post Fulfillment Survey
Post Fulfillment Survey – Evaluate user satisfaction via survey.

Post Fulfillment Survey Complete
Institutional Effectiveness issued an invitation via email to individuals who requested data through the IE work order process from Fall 2013 – Summer 2014.  The results of the survey were compared to the results of the same survey issued for Fall 2011 – Summer 2012 and Fall 2012-Summer 2013.  In terms of positive and negative changes by topic or question, the results are as follows:                                                                
1. Did you receive the information you requested? –slight improvement
2. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the customer service received from the staff –significant improvement
3. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the response time in starting your request-slight improvement
4. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the time required to complete your request-slight improvement
5. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the presentation style or format of the response-significant improvement
6. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the usefulness of the response/data to your project/work-improvement
7. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the clarity of Written Explanations-improvement
8. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the clarity of the Oral Explanation-significant improvement
9. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the thoroughness of Written Explanations-improvement
10. Please indicate your level of satisfaction with the thoroughness of Oral Explanation-improvement

Consider Making Changes
IE is going to consider making some changes to the survey in order to provide additional feedback.  One consideration is that if there is a negative rating, a comment will be required.  If a client isn't happy, we want to know why and work to address that.  After analyzing the work orders it was determined that the bulk of the workorders come in in February and October. IE is considering two surveys a year so that we can get to the bulk of users right after the peak times.  We are hoping more clients will participate in the survey.  Our goal is to continue to improve our levels of satisfaction.

Develop And Implement Programs To Increase Awareness Of Legislative Relations Program
The Office of IE has developed and distributed Legislative Priority documents to members of the Texas Legislature.  In September 2014, additional information was prepared for legislators.  Additionally, the office collaborated with the Division of Academic Affairs to develop the SHSU Austin Internship Program.

Place Qualified Students In Internships Located Within Legislative Offices In The Texas Capital, Where They Earn High Performance Ratings.
Place qualified students in internships located within legislative offices in the Texas Capital, where they earn high performance ratings. 

Evaluations By Legislative Personnel Rate SHSU Interns At High Levels.
Evaluations by legislative personnel rate SHSU interns at high levels.

Intern Evaluations
The students earned top-notch evaluations.  Supervisors were asked to rank students from 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest.  The results:
• “How would you rate the student’s overall performance?”: Mean Score—5
• “How likely is it that you would accept another SHSU intern?”: Mean Score—4.6
• “What letter grade would you give the intern for their work?”: Typical Grade—A/A+
• On a more qualitative level, supervisors provided comments such as:
o “a perfect fit for our office;”
o “outstanding attitude…professional appearance…”;
o “excellent addition to our staff”
o “she has never let us down.”

Group Size
Identify legislative offices who are interested in obtaining an SHSU intern and seek no more than 10 eligible students to participate.  Due to the positive results from the initial program year, it has been determined that a small group of interns offers a higher chance for good matches and increases the time available to mentor the students.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

Actions associated with Goal 2 are contingent on hiring a staff member to finalize development and implement Administrative Program Review. 


IE hired Ms. Jamie McElfresh to design, develop and implement the Administrative Review Program at SHSU.  She conducted the initial APR in the Office of the Registrar using the core program documents: planning guide, APR guidelines, self-study, and the peer review committee rubric.  She presented the process to the division leadership and key Registrar staff, and facilitated every aspect of the program from April 2014 to conclusion in the next month.  The department completed an action plan and will assess the results of their experience in the next few weeks.  A draft executive summary will be submitted to the division leadership prior to a wrap up meeting with the department and division leadership.  The Registrar staff has expressed appreciation for the benefits they experienced in the self-study process.

Plan for continuous improvement Development of an institutional data dictionary has received positive reviews in informal meetings and presentations.  IE and IT staff coordinated the update of Cognos 8 to Cognos 10 (X) at the end of the FY14 period.  This incorporated the migration and archive of thousands of Cognos reports.  Upon the conclusion of the upgrade in late August 2014, the Data Cookbook (DCB) has been updated with the reports to be used in Cognos X and relinking of the HTLM connections has begun.  The IE staff will continue to add Cognos reports to DCB to the extent the majority of unrestricted reports is included.  Additionally, IE staff will continue collaboration with IT to publicize DCB and train SHSU employees on its use.


In conjunction with populating and implementing DCB, IE staff will slowly take routine report development from IT personnel.  Report authors in Finance & Operations, Registrar’s Office, Payroll, etc. will continue to develop Cognos reports for internal use, but IE will be ultimately responsible for writing, testing and vetting institutional reports based on the routine and daily data needs of SHSU employees.  These reports will be evaluated by a team of report reviewers before being added to DCB.  The review team will be comprised of data owners and the process is to be developed by the IE and IT reporting team that oversaw the migration to Cognos X.


The Administrative Review Program will conclude with the Registrar’s Office in the first few weeks of FY15 and another program review will be kicked off in New Student Orientation.  Departments in Enrollment Communication will be identified for APR in spring 2015.


In August 2014, IE hired a new Assistant Director for IR.  Latrice Rideout has begun her training in institutional processes and is working with the IR staff to review and improve existing processes.  The FY 15 Work Order log will be adjusted to allow analysts to record time worked on each job in such a way that their hours can be easily summed and tracked by month.  In the past, this has been a very manual process and not tallied efficiently.  Also, Latrice will conduct the follow up contacts as she becomes familiar with the SHSU IR duties.  She will set internal goals for satisfaction and will develop reporting templates.


The IE legislative relations program will again coordinate with the Academic Affairs staff to promote and support the Austin Internship Program.  The small size of this cohort contributed to its success, as the SHSU program staff is limited.  Mike Yawn is the institutional contact and the primary academic advisor for this program.  IE will develop a log of the 84th Legislative Session bills and will advise all SHSU employees in researching, testifying or other tracking of legislation.  Additionally, IE will assist the new SHSU VP for Finance & Operations in the preparation of fiscal notes required by the Texas State University System.