OATdb Archive

2013 - 2014

IT, Vice President

Quality Service Delivery Experience
Students, faculty and staff will perceive the services delivered by IT are quality and aid their University related functions.

Deliver Service In A Helpful And Knowledge Manner
IT Units will continuously improve perceptions of the IT service-delivery experience by the students, faculty, staff, alumni and recruits.

Client Satisfaction
Surveys representative of critical services will be conducted and client satisfaction levels will reach target goals.

Client Satisfaction Not Achieved
While all IT units succeeded in surveying critical services, each of the three units had at least one KPI that did not meet the target goal.  The objective was that the target levels would be met and since all units did not meet this goal, the KPI was not achieved.

Client Satisfaction Actions
The measurements were considered to be successful at capturing data to reflect the intended purpose of this goal.  For FY15, the VP level target goal will be maintained and the VP will work with units to determine if adjustments are needed with their target levels.  The VP’s office will be working with each unit head to review and implement plans to improve this service delivery area.  The action item from FY13 stated that measures for FY14 would be monitored quarterly to provide feedback on progress.  Monitoring did not take place by units as expected, so a quarterly calendar item will be generated for FY15 for the VP’s office to check with units to ensure monitoring is being performed.  The VP’s office will continue to work with units to discuss these measurements and ensure we are innovating and improving efficiencies to maintain results at or above target levels.

Provide Quality Information Technology Resources
Consistent with the University mission, technology resources provided by IT will meet resource type needs, be reliable and be available when and where needed by the University.

Improve Technology Resources
IT units will continuously improve the types, delivery and availability of services to the students, faculty, staff, and alumni consistent with common expectations for the service.

Service Accessibility Satisfaction
Units will evaluate the satisfaction of clients with the manner and/or medium resources are delivered.   The intuitive convenience and efficiency of resource utilization and access should be considered in evaluation.

Service Accessibility Satisfaction Achieved
All IT units were successful in reviewing their service areas and identifying areas in need of improvement, therefore, this KPI was achieved.

Resource Availability
Units will establish target goals for core resource availability.

Resource Availability Not Achieved
Two of the three units had at least one resource that did not meet the target goal.  The third unit did not establish a target goal for their resource, so no measure was taken.  The objective was that the target levels would be met and since all units did not meet this goal, the KPI was not achieved.  

Project Delivery Satisfaction
Units will collaborate with campus to determine success with project delivery. This should include consideration of process as well as the client's satisfaction with the final product delivered.

Project Delivery Satisfaction Not Achieved
Two units succeeded in collaborating with campus to determine the success with project delivery.  Because no project delivery review was completed for one unit, this KPI was not achieved.

Service Accessibility Satisfaction Action
Each unit was able to identify at least one area that they can strengthen.  The VP’s office will be working with each unit head to review and implement plans for improvement. 

Resource Availability Action
The VP’s office will be working with unit leads to identify opportunities to improve the resource availability for the items that did not meet goals and how to sustain and improve where possible those that did.  VP will work with units to review why the goals were not met and if possible, implement corrective action plans to mitigate those risks for FY15.  VP will also visit with units to confirm what actions should be maintained in order to continue to meet or exceed goals.

Project Delivery Satisfaction Action
The VP’s office will be working with each unit head to review and implement plans for improvement  or sustainability as necessary, and establish project delivery areas that can be measured within Client Services. 

Provide Optimal Services Through Efficient Processes
IT Units will continuously analyze and as needed, redesign critical processes to increase campus efficiency in one or more of the following areas: costs, operations, and communications.

Continually Analyze Critical Process Efficiency
Each unit will review at least one critical process and provide data showing efficiency improvements or affirmation of efficiency of the current process.

Demonstrable Process Reviews
Success will be achieved if each unit provides documentation of one or more unit process reviews resulting in findings that demonstrate optimal efficiency exists or steps taken to improve efficiency.

Demonstrable Process Reviews Achieved
Each IT unit was successful in identifying steps taken to improve efficiency for at least one process, therefore, this KPI was achieved.

Demonstrable Process Reviews Action
The VP’s office will meet with unit head and review the analysis used to support their findings.  Changes will be made if necessary to improve the quality of the FY15 analysis.   VP will meet with unit heads to review how the needed changes are demonstrating the expected improvements in FY15.

Quality Professional Development
Staff satisfaction, staff value to the institution and overall divisional service delivery will be increased by staff completing quality professional development.

Provide Staff Development Opportunities
IT Units will provide high quality professional development opportunities for their staff that will enhance staff value to the students, faculty, staff, and alumni.

Service Improvement Through Professional Development
Success will be achieved if each unit meets its target goal for staff to receive professional development and provides demonstrable evidence of service or operational improvements related to this development.

Service Improvement Through Professional Development Not Achieved
All IT units have succeeded in meeting the target goal for satisfying the HR professional development requirement.  Not all units provided measurable results as to the quality of professional development that enhances value, so this KPI was not achieved.

Service Improvement Through Professional Development Action
The VP’s office will discuss KPI with unit leads to clarify what information needs to be gathered for FY15.  VP will work with units to improve the ability to assess the demonstrable value training brings to campus upon completion.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

Alignment of measurements was improved for 2013-2014 and the final data suggests that appropriate KPI's are being captured to provide demonstrable evidence of operations aligning with University expectations for the area.

Plan for continuous improvement IT VP will work with unit leads to utilize measurements as an operational tool for review, not just an end of year reflection point.   IT VP will contact unit leads regularly throughout the upcoming period to ensure measurements are being monitored in order to increase likelihood of reaching the desired goal.  VP and units will review measurements for any changes or additions that could improve quality for 2014-2015.