Oral and written communication skills will be emphasized with students in the Kinesiology BS (Generalist) program.
Communication Skills
Kinesiology BS (Generalist) students will communicate in oral and written forms their personal philosophy of a professional career in field of Kinesiology.
Communication Skills
A common embedded portion of KINE 1331 will require students to effectively communicate their personal philosophy of a career in the field of Kinesiology using both oral and written communications skills developed by the faculty.
Communication Skills
Students must score at least 80 percent correct on the common faculty-developed rubric for the personal philosophy oral and written communication skills assignment.
Communication Skills
Fall 2013/Spring 2014-A total of 77% of Kinesiology BS students scored an 80% or better on their personal philosophy communication skills assignment.
Communication Skills
The Kinesiology faculty were pleased with the improvement of the scores on the personal philosophy communicating skill assignment. They would, however, like to improve on the overall communication skills of their students. The faculty will maintain this goal and include additional strategies during the next year to improve these skills.
Content Knowledge
Content knowledge will be emphasized in the BS Kinesiology (Generalist) Program.
Content Knowledge
Students will be able to effectively gain and apply knowledge of the twelve sub-disciplines of the profession of Kinesiology.
Content Knowledge
Embedded portions of exams and assessments from KINE 1331, 3363, 3364, 3378 will assess students’ knowledge and application of theories and concepts in Kinesiology.
Content Knowledge
Students must score at least of 75 percent correct on the embedded exam questions and assessments testing their knowledge and application of theories and concepts in Kinesiology.
Content Knowledge
Fall 2013/Spring 2014-A total of 46% of Kinesiology BS students scored a 75% on the final exam for KINE 1331 testing their knowledge and application of theories and concepts in Kinesiology.
Content Knowledge
The Kinesiology faculty were not pleased with the scores of the exams in KINE 1331, 3363, 3364, and 3378 that focused on Kinesiology content and theory. The faculty will maintain this goal and include additional strategies during the next year to improve the content and theories that relate to the profession of Kinesiology.