OATdb Archive

2013 - 2014

Health And Kinesiology, Department Of

Teaching Effectiveness
The Health and Kinesiology Faculty will demonstrate effective teaching practices.

Teaching Effectiveness
The teaching effectiveness of the Health and Kinesiology faculty will be rated at or above the national average on the Individual Development and Educational Assessment (IDEA) instrument in face-to-face, hybrid, and on-line distance learning courses.

IDEA Student Ratings
The IDEA System is a quantitative instrument used to assess student perception of teaching performance of the Health and Kinesiology faculty during the fall and spring semesters annually. Using the IDEA System, students rate the professors' instructional strategies, teaching methods, and their overall in-class goals.

At least 83 percent of the classes facilitated in the face-to-face, hybrid, and on-line distance learning courses taught by the Health and Kinesiology tenured and tenured track faulty will have IDEA Student ratings at or above the national rating from professors of Health and Kinesiology at institutions using the IDEA evaluation system.

At least 78 percent of the courses taught by the Health and Kinesiology adjunct / pool faulty will have IDEA Student ratings at or above the national rating from professors of Health and Kinesiology at institutions using the IDEA evaluation system.

Teaching Effectiveness
The objectives relating to teaching performance by the tenured and tenured track and adjunct / pool Health and Kinesiology faculty were met during the 2012-2013 assessment cycle. Eighty-four percent of the classes facilitated by the tenured and tenure track faculty in the face-to-face, hybrid, and on-line distance format achieved student ratings at or above the national rating from professors of Health and Kinesiology at institutions using the IDEA evaluation system. This was the first time in two years that this goal was met by the tenured and tenure-track faculty.  Seventy-nine percent of the classes facilitated by the adjunct / pool faculty in the face-to-face, hybrid, and on-line distance format achieved student ratings at or above the national rating from professors of Health and Kinesiology at institutions using the IDEA evaluation system. This percentage was above the 78% target rate established for the assessment period.

Teaching Effectiveness
The faculty in the department were pleased with the results of the IDEA system. The chair has continued to meet with each faculty, full-time and adjunct, to discuss strategies to improve their teaching scores. A mentor program has been established to assist adjunct faculty with their teaching practices and IDEA facilitation. Faculty are urged to attend the professional teaching conference and workshops established by PACE and work with Dr. Harman to improve their teaching scores.

Promotion Of Faculty Scholarship
The Health and Kinesiology Faculty will exhibit scholarly productivity on an annual basis.

Faculty Scholarship
The Health and Kinesiology tenured and tenure track faculty will demonstrate professional scholarship through a variety of publications, presentations, and grants each year.

Evidence Of Scholarship
The Health and Kinesiology faculty will successfully publish, or present scholarly research in books, professional journals; conduct research and scholarly presentations at state, national, or international conferences; and / or secure state or national level grants each academic year.

At least 96 percent of the Health and Kinesiology tenured and tenure track faculty will  publish, or present scholarly research in books, professional journals; conduct research and scholarly presentations at state, national, or international conferences; and / or secure state or national level grants each academic year.

Evidence Of Scholarship
One hundred percent of the Health and Kinesiology faculty met this indicator. A total of eighteen articles, ten research abstracts, two book chapters, and two textbooks were published during the cycle. The faculty conducted three international, 11 national, and eight state presentations. Eleven faculty were assessed and averaged 4.9 scholarly activities for the 2013-2014 assessment cycle.

Evidence Of Scholarship
The chair and faculty were pleased with the faculty scholarship results. For the 2014-2015 academic year, the goal will be increased to 3.0 scholarly activities. In addition, categories of scholarship will be addressed in the performance indicator.

Growth Of The Graduate Programs
The MA Program in Health prepares students as health education specialists in the four broad areas of employment that define the discipline: community health, medical or clinical health, school health, and worksite health promotion. The graduate program in Kinesiology focuses on two distinct specializations: Sport Management and Sport and Human Performance. Each specialization is designed to prepare students for success in their chosen professional careers within a variety of sport, exercise, recreation, and fitness settings by providing the highest quality educational experiences

Graduate Health, Sport Management, And Sport And Human Performance Programs

The Health and Kinesiology faculty will actively promote and recruit students for the MA Health, Sport Management, and Sport and Human Performance Graduate programs during the 2012-2013 academic year.

Graduate Health, Sport Management, And Sport And Human Performance Programs
The MA Health, Sport Management, and Sport and Human Performance Graduate programs will admit a minimum of fifteen new students into the Health and Kinesiology graduate programs and graduate a minimum of eight students from the programs during the 2012-2013 academic year.

We did so well at recruitment in 2011-2012, that the criteria above represent a raise in expectations.

Growth Of All Health And Kinesiology Graduate Programs
The performance indicator relating to the growth of the Health, Sport Management, and Sport and Human Performance Graduate Programs was achieved during the 2013-2014 assessment cycle. A total of 34 new students were admitted into the graduate programs in the department. This was a 23% increase in the target goal of admitting 15 students into the graduate programs during the assessment period. A total of 15 students graduated from the programs during the cycle. This was a 30% increase in the target goal of having five students graduate from the programs during the assessment period.

Growth Of All Health And Kinesiology Graduate Programs
The graduate program coordinators and the full-time faculty were pleased with the results for the goal. The faculty plan to maintain this goal and increase the number of new graduate students to 18 for the 2014-2015 academic year. The Sport and Human Performance Graduate Program has been approved as an on-line degree which should increase overall enrollment in the graduate Kinesiology program.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

During the 2013-2014 academic year, the Health and Kinesiology (H & K) faculty incorporated several new strategies to improve teaching effectiveness, faculty scholarship, and the growth of the graduate programs. The strategies proved to be successful in that the IDEA scores of the Health and Kinesiology faculty were the highest in the College of Health Sciences for face-to-face and on-line course formats. A mentoring program for pool-faculty was implemented during this assessment cycle which improved collegiality and teaching effectiveness among the H & K pool-faculty. Several faculty utilized the faculty mentor approach and asked Dr. Harman to participate in their on-line and face-to-face courses. These strategies were effective for the faculty and their IDEA scores increased significantly over the 2012-2013 cycle. The faculty also appreciated the interim performance reviews that related to teaching effectiveness. The majority of the pool-adjunct faculty did not have a clear understanding of the IDEA system and appreciated receiving a performance review. Faculty scholarship increased significantly during the 2013-2014 assessment cycle specifically in the area of publications. The H & K faculty and the graduate program coordinators were pleased with the growth of all the graduate programs in regard to recruitment and graduation rates among graduate students. The growth of the programs were enhanced through student scholarships, graduate teaching assistantships, and a research assistant who coordinated the graduate applications for the department. The Office of Graduate Studies and the College of Health Sciences also contributed to the growth of the graduate programs through recruiting activities, advertising, social media, and the COHS website.

Plan for continuous improvement Effective fall 2014, the Department of Health and Kinesiology will become two separate departments:  the Department of Health Services and Promotion and the Department of Kinesiology. Three program faculty, including a new chair, have been hired for the Department of Health Services and Promotion; and one new faculty has been hired for the Department of Kinesiology. Additionally, an acting chair has been named for the Department of Kinesiology. Each of the faculty and chairs in the new departments will develop the goals and key performance indicators for their respective departments. The program faculty and the acting chair in the Department of Kinesiology have been actively involved with the OATDB assessment process for three years.  Three of the existing health program faculty have been actively involved with the OATDB assessment process for three years. The outgoing acting chair of the Department of Health and Kinesiology will assist the new chairs and faculty with the OATDB assessment process for the 2014-2015 academic year.