To increase productivity in the areas of scholarly work and teaching (IDEA scores) for faculty within the department.
Improve Scholarship And Teaching Over Previous Years
To increase productivity in the areas of scholarly work and teaching for faculty in the department.
Faculty Evaluation System (FES)
Comparisons over the past four years should show improvement in amount of scholarly productivity.
Faculty Evaluation System
Comparisons of the Faculty Evaluation System over the past four years show definite improvement in the level of faculty scholarly work. While the calendar year of 2012 (as reported in the FES) showed that faculty productivity tied with the former peak year of 2009, this year the productivity was up by another 9% over that of 2009 and 2012.
Individual Development And Educational Assessment (IDEA) Results
The Individual Development and Educational Assessment (IDEA) results will be used to measure improvement. Our goal is to have our average above the national average in the IDEA database.
IDEA Results
More research is needed in this area.
Improve Scholarship And Teaching
The increase in scholarly productivity is with a smaller number of faculty members who were full-time and tenured or on tenure-track as compared with 2009. There were also three pieces of scholarly productivity that were not reported on the FES -- they were accomplished by a full-time lecturer (clinical assistant) who does not complete the FES forms.
As a department, in order to increase scholarly productivity, we need additional faculty members in full-time, tenured or tenure-track positions. We will continue to request new positions as we go forward.
Program Offerings
To offer programs in keeping with the mission and resources of the department.
The department will provide a department viewed by the students as satisfactory in regard to the building and facilities.
Exit Survey - Building/Facilities
The Exit Survey requests several different types of data including satisfaction and skills assessment. For this objective, the rating of the building/facilities will be extracted and analyzed.
Exit Survey - Buildings/Facilities
Of the 52 undergraduate students who took the Exit Survey for 2013-2014, 33 gave an evaluation of the building/facilities. 24% of students rated the building/facilities for the department as Excellent, 58% of students rated the building/facilties as Good, and 18% rated the building/facilities as Fair. No student rated the building/facilities as Poor.
Exit Survey - Building/Facilities
In general, it appears as though the departments is viewed by most students as providing facilities that are considered at least Good. The largest group by major that viewed the facilities as Fair was the Interior Design majors (half of them viewed the building/facilities as Unsatisfactory). We believe this is because the Drafting Studio (Room 315) in which they spend so many hours is very crowded. We also have ordered some monitors (only two as an experiment) that can be used for manual drafting as well as CAD drafting. During the summer of 2014, we replaced the second floor VCT for the entire floor, including commons, laboratory and classroom areas. This has definitely improved the look of the building upon entry, and we also culled out some of the furniture that was looking rather worn. Finally, we have ordered some electronic signage for the building which we hope will help more students perceive the facilities as Good and Excellent.
The department will provide a faculty viewed by the students as satisfactory in teaching prescribed content.
Exit Survey - Faculty
Exit Survey data that includes a rating of the faculty in the program will be extracted and analyzed.
Of the 52 students who graduated during the 2013-2014 academic year, 33 completed the Exit Survey. Of the 33, 67% (22 individual students) rated the faculty in the department as Very Satisfactory and 33% (11 students) rated the faculty in the department as Satisfactory. No student rated the faculty as Unsatisfactory or Very Unsatisfactory.
In general, students seem to be satisfied with the quality of the faculty in the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences. For the next assessment cycle, we plan to break this section along with the section on Building/Facilities out by major so that individual programs can be more clearly assessed.
Program In Hospitality Administration
To broaden the current Food Service Management Program to include the entire hospitality industry without eliminating the current focus on food service.
Program In Hospitality Administration
To broaden the focus and change the name of the current program in Food Service Management to Hospitality Administration.
Hospitality Administration Program
Whether or not progress has been made toward broadening the current Food Service Management program into a program in Hospitality Administration.
Focus And Name Change To Hospitality Administration
Whether or not progress has been made toward broadening the focus of the Food Service Management program and changing its name to Hospitality Administration.
Focus And Name Change To Hospitality Administration
At some point, the department had discussed changing the name of the Food Service Management program to Hospitality Administration. However, because the Food Service Management program is basically a "free ride" (meaning that it does not require its own courses, faculty, or facilities), it was decided rather to put forward a proposal for an entirely new program in Hospitality Administration. This program had been proposed in the department's five-year strategic plan and also presented to the Provost for the university's budget planning. It is our understanding that it made the cut with the Provost's Office and was presented to the Vice President for Planning and Operations, and was strongly considered at that point, perhaps to be considered once again in conjunction with a hotel/conference complex. A program in Hospitality Administration would require at least one additional full-time, tenure-track faculty person and several new courses, and the faculty is in agreement that we would not go forward with such a proposal without the promise of the required faculty.
Focus And Name Change To Hospitality Administration
The university is aware that the department is interested in such a program and that such a program would mesh nicely with current program offerings. Should interest in offering a Hospitality Administration program be expressed at SHSU, the department would gladly participate in the dialogue.
Curriculum Development/Graduate Programs
To develop new graduate courses in all areas of family and consumer sciences to meet the needs of current and potential students and other stakeholders.
Structured Classes For Graduate Programs
Faculty in the department will develop courses that will meet the content area needs of students interested in a concentration or focus area including interior design, fashion merchandising, family and consumer sciences teacher certification, and nutrition.
Structured Classes For Graduate Programs
Faculty will develop courses that meet the content area needs of students interested in a concentration in one of the following areas of family and consumer sciences: interior design, fashion merchandising, family and consumer sciences teacher certification, and nutrition.
Structured Classes For Graduate Programs
In the past two years, the faculty has added three new graduate programs, one on assessment, one on the family and the aging population, and one on housing. In addition, the Consumer and Biotechnology course has been put into an online format this summer in order to make it available to students in the MS in FCS program. A course in Administration of Programs within Family and Consumer Sciences also has been planned. That leaves the area of Fashion Merchandising as needing a graduate course for that area, and the course offerings will be much more well-rounded. The next step is development of a rotation of courses for the MS in FCS.
Structured Classes For Graduate Programs
Several items will be the focus for the coming year. Dr. Browning-Keen already has outlined three courses for consideration for the MS in Dietetics. The course in Administration of Programs within Family and Consumer Sciences is planned for Spring of 2015, although it will be offered under FACS 5079 as a "Special Topics" course. A course in Fashion Merchandising is also needed, perhaps to be developed during the 2014-2015 or 2015-2016 academic year.
Tenure-Track Position In Nutrition And Dietetics Programs - Ph.D., RD
The dietetics programs (BS in Food Science and Nutrition and MS in Dietetics) have the goal of requesting a new faculty position; that person would be required to have the Ph.D./RD credential and would teach in both programs. The addition of a new position would be of benefit in terms of continuing accreditation for these programs.
Tenure-Track Position In Nutrition And Dietetics - Ph.D., RD
The department received permission to hire a tenure-track position in the areas of Nutrition and Dietetics. This position is to be filled with a Ph.D. in nutrition, dietetics or a related field who is also a Registered Dietitian. The person would be able, if needed, to assume the directorship of either accredited program (Food Science and Nutrition at the undergraduate level and Dietetic Internship Program at the graduate level). The person would be qualified and able to teach in either program.
Tenure-Track Position In Nutrition And Dietetics - Ph.D., RD
This position was approved and advertised. However, we were not able to hire by the end of the Spring 2015 semester, and the position will remain open until filled.
Tenure-Track Position In Nutrition And Dietetics
The position has not yet been filled and remains open until filled.
Tenure-Track Position In Nutrition And Dietetics - Ph.D., RD
As the Fall 2014 semester begins, the department will once again be active in seeking to fill this position. We have continued to advertise it over the summer. It has been suggested to us that we contact specific candidates and meet with them to encourage them to apply to the program.