Administrative oversight of Lowman Student Center (LSC), Recreational Sports, and Students' Legal and Mediation Services
Lowman Student Center (LSC)
Provide guests with high quality facilities, equipment and services.
Quality Operations
Using an assessment survey, measure the quality of the operations for service and the facility. The service portion of the survey is broken into 3 areas: communication, efficiency, and courtesy. Facility issues surveyed were quality of tables, chairs, equipment and special needs. Each of the areas allowed the responder to select a rating of excellent, good, fair, or poor. The survey provided space for additional comments from the responder. A copy of the survey is attached.
LSC Quality Of Service Study
Using our Campus Labs survey tool to evaluate our facility reservations and operations we received a 97.40% excellent or good response. This rating is comparable to last year’s results. The reservations section received a 97.68% satisfaction rating which is slightly higher than last year. Operations scored a 97.13% rating which is right in line with last year
Quality Operations
In addition to the approval rating the comments on the survey were very positive. We did not receive any actionable comments for the facility. We will continue to explore more online options for our reservations.
Plan For Continous Improvement
1. We continue to look for funding to expand and renovate the student center. This year we were able to get the student services fee committee to budget $250K towards the expansion. Their intention is to increase that funding each year until we have sufficient funding to expand the LSC.
2. Part of the expansion/renovation plan was to relocate the LSC operations office into the LSC office suite to facilitate better communications. After some renovations to the existing LSC office suite, we were able to make the move this FY. We will continue to work on other areas of the renovation plan where it is logical and as funding permits. The two projects that are in the queue for FY 15 are to provide a satellite office for our university police and to expand a meeting room LSC 110 to accommodate more than 50 at a meeting.
3. Based on the student's input in the expansion forums, we renovated an area of our game room to become a black light arcade. While this renovation has only been completed for a few weeks the students have responded very favorably to that addition. We will continue to look at the student's requests to guide us in our renovations.
4. We have started a process of replacing furniture that is at least 10 years old. We have replaced a number of chairs and tables. We have also started a reupholstery project for most of our common area furniture. We will continue this process over this coming FY.
5. We have worked on "greening" the building and will continue that program. This year we will re-lamp one or two large meeting rooms with LED fixtures. As funding permits we will continue this energy and manpower saving project.
Students' Legal And Mediation Services
Provide follow-up service check-up and evaluate whether students have understood their rights and taken action on one or more legal options.
Students Responding To Follow-Up Calls Will Affirm That They Have An Ongoing Understanding Of Legal Options.
Each student seeking legal consulations will receive a follow-up telephone call 1-2 weeks after appointment. When calls are unanswered, the department will leave a message expressing concern/interest in legal resolution. When calls are answered or returned, the following will be asked:
Was the information you attained in your legal consultation helpful in understanding your legal options? (yes/no)
Were you able to take the next step towards resolution of your legal issue? (yes/no/na)
Invite additional consultation if no steps have been taken.
Of students receiving consultation:
95% will receive a follow-up call.
20% of students will be reached by telephone and agree that the information attained in legal consultation was helpful in understanding legal options.
15% of students reached by telephone and will have taken the next step towards resolution of their legal issue.
Understanding Legal Options
Currently 100% of the students who have a consultation with our office receive a phone call within 10-14 days after their consultation to follow-up on their needs.
Of the students that we were available to reach 94.21% of the students that sought our advice either strongly agreed or agreed that they were confident in the next steps to take in their legal situation. Only 1 person strongly disagreed or disagreed with their knowledge of next steps. 18 people were neutral.
Review Assessment Mehodology
The Student's Legal and Mediation Services will continue to review questions that we ask, how we ask the qustions to make sure our findings have consistency, and that we are obtaining correct information.
Plan For Continous Improvement
Currently 100% of the students who have a consultation with our office received a phone call within 10-14 days after their consultation to follow-up on their needs. In the future, besides leaving a voice mail we will contact them by email.
Recreational Sports
Students who take advantage of the May trip to Grand Canyon National Park will report participation: 1. Increased self-esteem 2. Enhanced interpersonal relationships 3. Involved learning at least one new skill
Survey With StudentVoice
The indicator will be a survey with a Likert scale 1-5 with a place for comments for two of the items. Expectations are that 90% of participants will report positive experiences with the trip. We are especially interested in the self-esteem ratings improving from the 86% reporting improvement during 2010-2011.
Outdoor Recreation May Grand Canyon Trip
Due to a lack of participation in this Outdoor Recreation Trip the event was cancelled and no survey was done. All other outdoor trips that took place during the 2013-2014 year were assessed. As a whole they did not improve on the 86%. While the majority still feels they improved their self-esteem as a result of the trip Recreational Sports did not attain the 90% rate. Interpersonal Relations Ships had an 84.62% positive rating. 81.25% learned a new skill. This was included on the survey where participants had to list 2 of the Leave No Trace (LNT) principles which were discussed on every trip.
Outdoor Recreation Shift In Outcomes
In reflection of the survey and the participants Recreational Sports doesn't feel there is a true representation of knowledge of an increase in self-esteem among participants that resulted from the trip or students already feel they have good self-esteem. The rate of 90% might be unrealistic to attain with current assessment methods. Outdoor Recreation will switch from self-reported improvement to more skill based assessment. They will move away from self-esteem and focus on LNT and other skills used during adventure trips. These assessments will fall in 2015-2016 assessment cycle of Recreational Sports.