OATdb Archive

2013 - 2014

Admissions, Undergraduate

Processing Admissions Documents
Undergraduate Admissions processes undergraduate applications, high school transcripts, test scores, and college transcripts for transfer students.

Timely Processing Of Admissions Documents
Undergraduate Admissions will process applications and accompanying documents so as to communicate an admissions decision quickly.

Processing Time
Processing time is dependent on seasonal application rates. Our goal is to have applications and related documents processed within 7-10 business days.

Processing Time
This goal was met over 85% of the time.  There are still some areas where we can become more efficient by automating processes.  This is an ongoing process as we continue to get more applications, transcripts, and test scores.

Efficiency In Processing
Our goal and objective were met.  Furthermore, our KPI was not only met but exceed in that our processing time on average was 5-7 business days and 7-10 business days during peak times.  We will continue to make improvements in processes to improve efficiency. 

Award HS Relations Scholarships Earlier
Awarding scholarships earlier will allow is to use this as a recruiting tool.

Award Scholarships In Jan/Feb
To award scholarships in January/February so they can serve as a recruiting tool.

Scholarships Awarded
Having awards completed by end of February.

Scholarships Awarded
The goal of having scholarshps awarded by the end of February was met.  We did however have several students not accept the scholarships and as a result had to reaward late into the Spring semester.  We are considering over awarding to reduce this problem.

High School Relations Continuous Improvements
We have increased the number of targeted high schools and have already sent notification to those high schools about the scholarship.  Furthermore, we have targeted the high schools based on apps to accepted to enrolled numbers, in an effort to increase enrollment from high schools where we traditionally receive low or no enrollment as well as high schools that have a higher than average college going culture based on TEA data.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

Timely Processing of Admission Documents

  • We are now processing payments through Touch Net, allowing us to take Visa payments

  • Loading TRex (electronic high school transcripts) directly into Banner is still not happening (this has been put on hold due to staff transition and Recruiter implementation

  • We are loading EDI (electronic college transcripts) directly into Banner

  • We did purchase and implement TES (Transcript Evaluation System) from College Source and it has been extremely beneficial to our Analysts



Develop an Admissions Transfer Center

  • The Transfer Center was closed to make room for Graduate Admissions in the Estill Building.  Despite its closing, we have made great strides in promoting, enrolling, and providing services for our Transfer students.



Award High School Relations Scholarship Earlier

  • With processing time improved, we were able to meet our proposed timeline

  • We did have some rejections of those scholarships that pushed back some offers, as well as requests to reserve some scholarship money for other students but we were able to meet our initial timeline

Plan for continuous improvement Although the goal of processing admission documents in a timely manner was met, there is a need for continuous imrovement in processes/efficiency due to the continuous increase in applications, high school and college transcripts, and test scores.  In an effort to maintain or improve the timeliness of admission decisions, we are working closely with IT to have electronic high school transcripts (Trex) load electronically as opposed to our current process.  The current process requires us to print them out, scan and index them, and then manually enter the data.  We are also working with IT on the electronic loading of ACT and SAT scores, which will not only speed the process dramatically but should also reduce or eliminate data entry erros. Our current process has ACT and SAT sending a disk once a month, an Analyst loading the disk and then manually matching any records up that do not match automatically.