Forensic-Related Careers Or Advanced Graduate Studies
This performance indicator is a measure of post-graduate success with respect to employment in the area of forensic science or the pursuit of research or an advanced graduate degree.
Postgraduate Success
Upon completion of the MS program, graduates will be employed in the area of forensic science or will pursue advanced graduate studies or research.
Job Or Advanced Program Placement
The number of MSFS graduates that are successfully employed in forensic careers or pursue advanced degrees or full time research within 12 months of graduation.
Postgraduate Success
The employment status of MSFS graduates is surveyed within twelve months of graduation. In 2014, 100% of graduates were successfully employed or pursuing advanced degrees. In total, 86% of graduates selected employment in either public or private sector forensic or clinical laboratories and the remainder chose to continue their education at other academic institutions.
Postgraduate Success
MSFS graduates enjoy high rates of postgraduate success in terms of employment and the pursuit of advanced degrees. The extensive hands-on laboratory experience and FEPAC-accredited curriculum are critical in terms of maintaining this high level of performance.
The Department of Forensic Science must maintain current levels of laboratory instruction despite operational costs and must continue to invest in capital equipment to support instructional methods that are relevant to accredited forensic laboratories.
In the future, the department hopes to retain students who pursue advanced degrees at other institutions due to the recently approved doctoral degree in forensic science.
Increase Enrollment
To increase enrollment via recruitment and retention of qualified and motivated students.
Increase Enrollment
To increase enrollment via recruitment and retention of qualified and motivated students.
Graduate Research Assistantships
Resources available to support graduate assistantships and scholarships.
Assistantship Resources
During this academic year, the department received assistantship funds to support ten of the twenty-eight graduate students in forensic science.
Enrollment And Retention
Enrollment numbers and retention rates of students accepted into the Master of Science in Forensic Science annually.
Enrollment And Retention
During this academic year the number of students enrolled in the Master of Science in Forensic Science was twenty-eight. Increases in graduate student financial support allowed the program to increase enrollment. A total of sixteen students graduated during the spring semester and twelve new students were accepted into the program.
The department must continue to offer student assistantships and scholarships in order to remain competitive with other FEPAC-accredited graduate programs.
Excellence In Teaching, Research And Service
Sustained excellence in teaching, research and service at the department level.
All faculty will engage in research, teaching, and service.
Faculty Evaluation System
Faculty are evaluated per University guidelines on research, teaching, and service. Faculty must be actively engaged in sustained efforts that demonstrate effective research (evidenced by publications and supervision of student-directed research), teaching (evidenced by student evaluation scores on IDEA that meet department expectations), and service (evidenced by documented service activities to the department, college, university, and academic community at large). 100% of faculty in the department will meet or exceed the minimum expectations in all three areas.
Faculty Performance
The standardized faculty Evaluation System (FES) matrix utilized by the College of Criminal Justice showed that all faculty performed at or above the minimum expectations in terms of research, teaching and service. In 2013 faculty within the department reviewed the College of Criminal Justice's FES matrix to discuss future modifications and updates. The matrix was updated to reflect administrative changes within the college. Although more substantive changes were discussed they were not implemented pending an institutional review of the FES (anticipated in 2014).
Faculty Evaluation
The department must continue its efforts to distribute graduate student researchers more evenly among faculty and more importantly, encourage participation in underrepresented disciplines. We will continue to encourage interaction between students and new faculty and in particular, faculty members located outside of the main campus location who interact with the student cohort on a limited basis.
The Department of Forensic Science will make changes to the FES matrix after institutional recommendations have been addressed in 2014-2015.
Enhance And Develop Academic Program Quality
Enhance and develop academic program quality and scope by developing and submitting a proposal for a doctoral degree in forensic sciences.
Doctoral Program Development
Propose, develop and gain support for an interdisciplinary forensic science doctoral program.
Doctoral Program Proposal And Approval
Gain approval for a doctoral degree in forensic science.
PhD In Forensic Science
Following an on-site visit in May 2014, the PhD in Forensic Science was approved by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board in July 2014.
PhD In Forensic Science
The Department of Forensic Science was able to satisfactorily address all of the issues raised during the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board's on-site visit. The department can now move forward with marketing and recruiting efforts.