LCC is designed to provide police executives with the knowledge and skills necessary for successful leadership in a modern law enforcement agency.
Ensure That The Course Curriculum Develops Core Leadership Competencies In LCC Graduates
To become good leaders, Leadership Command College graduates will have to demonstrate their understanding and commitment to the seven core behavioral competencies that define the course curriculum.
LCC Graduate Self-evaluation Assessment
LCC Program staff will administer an evidence-based assessment tool to all potential Graduates to determine if the course curriculum has developed their core behavioral competencies
At Least 80% Graduates Meet The Defined Competency Standards
The content of the course curriculum will have ratified as appropriate when at least 80% of candidates meet the defined competency.
90% of candidates who graduated from the Leadership Command College in the 2013-2014 period were able to demonstrate their understanding and commitment to the seven core competencies that define the course curriculum. The criterion was exceeded.
Assessment Tool
At the conclusion of the program the program coordinator will administer an evidence-based assessment instrument to each graduate to identify which component of the course has contributed most to the development of their leadership competencies. The results over a two year period will be analyzed and presented to the LCC board for review.
Texas Police Chief Leadership Series (TPCLS)
The program is specifically designed to assist police administrators in developing their leadership skills.
To Identify The Behavioral Competencies That Most Impact The Effectiveness Of Texas Police Chiefs
Police Chiefs will be able to identify the behavioral competencies that most impact their effectiveness.
The two-year development cycle of the Texas Police Chiefs Leadership Series program starts in FY13 and ends FY15. This objective will last for a two year period, and every Chief of Police in the state will be assessed. In Texas, all Police Chiefs receive the same professional development, regardless of the size of their police departments. This objective will help determine the most effective way of structuring their development opportunities at LEMIT.
The Degree Of Variation Of Core Behavioral Competencies Of Texas Police Chiefs, And The Size Of Their Police Departments
In 2013, the Chiefs were asked to examine a list of leadership competency descriptors and to circle the one that best describes their own current competence level. They were then asked to review the list of topics that were presented during their 40 hour training, and circle all the topics that they believed would help them to achieve the next level of leadership competence. The results will be analyzed and presented to the curriculum review team.
The Most Impactful Core Behavioral Competencies Will Be The Same For At Least 80% Of Police Chiefs
At least 80% of Police Chiefs attending the program will be able to identify the behavioral competencies that most impact their effectiveness.
87% of the Police Chiefs attending the program were able to identify the behavioral competencies that most impacted their effectiveness.
The program coordinator for the Texas Police Chiefs Leadership Series, and the New Chiefs courses, will administer the evaluation to each Chief at the conclusion if the 40 hour professional development program to achieve a response rate in excess of 75% of all Texas Police Chiefs.