Facilitate Continuous Improvement In Financial Services
Facilitate continuous improvement of Budget and Controller Office processes across the University.
Evaluate And Improve Budget Effectiveness Campus Wide
Continue to evaluate and improve effectiveness of budget and allocation process of funds.
Departmental Review Of Budget Process
Review the allocation of University resources and the effectiveness of budget process.
Improvements Made
The Budget Office improved the budget cycle significantly over the previous year with both online budget entry and salary planner automation processes. For continual improvement, The Budget Office is going to review the processes further to ensure the budgets are properly allocated to departments. Also, we will be reviewing the remaining budget at year end for the campus to find improvements to implement in the next fiscal year.
Enhancements Needed
While the Budget Office made significant improvements during the year, they will be working with departments to increase the efficiency of the process.
Evaluate & Improve Controller Office Operations For The Campus
Continue to evaluate and improve effectiveness of the Controller Office operations for the campus to reduce departmental time needed to carry our financial functions.
Implementation Of New Processes
Evaluate the new processes added during the 2013-2014 year to determine whether SHSU improved the use of university resources. This would include implementation of e-procurement along with other systems.
Improvements Made
The Controller's Office continues to make improvements to operations through the use of various automated processes. During the year, two perfect forms were added to improve processes with goals of adding several more in the next fiscal year. SciQuest will be implemented at the beginning of next fiscal year starting with the Divisions of IT & F&O and will expand through campus after that. This includes an automated AP and receiving process. There are other goals to improve electronic submission of expense transfers and monthly reporting that will be part of next fiscal year.
Continue Improvements
The Controller's Office needs to focus the coming year on improving efficiencies in other areas of the university. This will include finalizing SciQuest and improving travel operations. Also, the other offices under the Controller will be implementing other operations to decrease administrative time to run reports and process accounting information.
University Fee Structure
Review and propose new university fee structures to provide for future revenue requirements.
Departmental Review Of Budget Process - Fee Structures
Investigate the alternative fee structures to submit for review and implementation based on management approval.
Continuing Process
During the fiscal year, Financial Services worked with TSUS to present different types of fee structures to be tested at SHSU. These are still in development for future consideration. SHSU did successful implement the guaranteed price plan for entering students in the Fall 2014 term. This plan included an automated signup process along with an audit fee structure allowing the Bursar Office to delay billing for more accurate records.
Continue Work
This is an ongoing project to improve the university fee structure. SHSU will continue to work with TSUS to see what we can do to improve billing operations.
Minimize Risk To Employees And Facilities
Minimize risk to employees and facilities by making sure financial services has processes in place for business continuity.
Develop & Implement Business Continuity Plan
Make sure all offices under Financial Services has developed and implemented a business continuity plan.
Each office should have developed, documented and implemented the plan or should provide a progress report of how far they are in the process.
Almost Complete
Each department under Financial Services worked to develop their business continuity plans. The Kuali implementation was delayed some during the year to get the assistance of a consultant. We all meet with the consultant to make sure we were on the right path for all areas. Additionally, payroll and general accounting have tested the ability to generate payment documents remotely. The Treasurer Office is working to make sure the next banking depository has the capability to assist with check printing and payroll submission remotely for no down time in the event of a disruption.
Develop A Strong Employee Development Process
Financial Services should have an employment development process that utilizes university training programs and other internal or external development programs.
Develop & Document Processes For Employee Development
Make sure all offices under Financial Services has developed and documented a process for training employees.
Plan Documents
Each office should be able to provide their plan for employee development from all sources.
For the fiscal year, every department developed a training plan and budget. Talent Management is also being used to track training along with conference attendance. The Controller's Office also puts on a day long training each year that everyone from Financial Services attends. The Budget Office developed a conference schedule to help with improving the budget process for the university. The Treasurer Office is developing a professional development plan for gaining greater understanding of higher education issues in treasury.