OATdb Archive

2013 - 2014

Research Administration

Improve Principal Investigator Reporting Capabilities
As research expands at SHSU, ORA must continue to improve the tools available to principal investigators allowing them to manage their grants effectively. 

Provide Principal Investigators With Tools For Grant Management
While the Controller's Office develops the university dashboard, ORA will develop methods to customize that dashboard to grant management.  ORA will also look to develop automated reports that can be sent to principal investigators on a regular basis improving their grant management.

Additional Report Features
ORA will successfully develop an automated feature for emailing periodic reports to principal investigators during the 2013-2014 cycle.

New Reports
While we have not finalized the development of a dashboard setup, ORA was able to setup the first automated report process for emailing a PI the balance remaining on their fund at 90, 60, and 30 days prior to the termination date of the grant.  These are sent on the 15th of each month.

Continual Improvement
We need to continue to simplify the reporting structure for investigators.  The structure is better now than ever, but we can do more. 

Review And Improve Existing Grant Training Programs For Principal Investigators
Federal grants are increasingly being awarded with more complicated regulations for management that ORA needs to help convey to investigators.

Increase Training Opportunities For Principal Investigators
The increasing regulations make it more pertinent for ORA to increase regular training opportunities to help principal investigators with understanding potential regulatory pitfalls.

New And Improved Training Programs
ORA will first review all existing training programs to make sure they are necessary for principal investigators. After that review, ORA will assess the added regulations and requirements on grants to create new additional training programs to help investigators remain compliant with their grant terms.

Improved Training
The Office of Management and Budget released a combined regulatory structure for rules and regulations associated with grants.  This has required us to review and further update all training programs.  This was completed during the past fiscal year.

PI Training Tracking
ORA will start tracking the training opportunities offered to principal investigators along with which investigators take the training offered. 

Talent Management
ORA has moved all training into talent management system to allow tracking of PI training attendance for compliance operations.  They also worked with ORSP for other required training tracking during the year.

This objective is now at the stage that it is an ongoing and will need yearly updates.  We are over the main hurdle of developing the training, so now we have to keep it up as part of yearly operations.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

ORA completed setting up training in talent management, but this will be a regular area of improvement.  While we did get out new reports and notifications to PIs, we need to continue to improve reporting and we will be looking to setup a dashboard for this.

Plan for continuous improvement ORA had a busy year.  In addition to setting up new reports and developing new trainings, ORA helped negotiated SHSU's new F&A rate and completed an audit to make sure operations were in place if SHSU needed to go to the long-form.  ORA and ORSP also contract with NCURA to perform an audit of overall operations to see how to improve over the coming year.  We will need to continue to develop reporting for the PIs and department staff, but we also need to get smoother operations in place for our faculty and staff.  This will be the focus going into the next fiscal year.