OATdb Archive

2013 - 2014

Testing Center

Promote Quality Testing Services
Provide quality testing services at Sam Houston State University.

Provide A Variety Of Tests
Provide a variety of tests for our customers, contact testing companies and/or other colleges or universities to inquire about what tests are available, and determine which tests would best suit the needs of our audience.

Provide A Variety Of Tests
Take an inventory of currently offered exams by the Testing Center and compare to those tests being inquired about or needed by the student population and the general public.

Exams Implemented/Eliminated
To better meet the needs of our teacher certification candidates, the Testing Center has added the online version of the Representative TExES Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilites (PPR) exam in December 2013. This exam is required of all potential school teachers. In addition, to meet the needs of our foreign language candidates, the American Council on the Teaching Foreign Languages (ACTFL) exam was implemented in Decmeber 2013. The ACTFL exam is an oral proficiency exam and is required by the SHSU Foreign Language Department. Moreover, the Testing Center partnered with 4ROI, Inc. to administer a new certification exam for elevator operators in May 2014.

In addition, due to the implementation of the state-wide placement exam (Texas Success Initiative Assessment - TSIA), the Texas Higher Education Agency (THEA) exam was diminished and no longer accepted as a placement exam at SHSU. As a result, the demand for the THEA exam declined drastically; thus, requiring the elimination of the exam altogether.

Variety Of Exams
The Testing Center is continuing to work with various entities in order to offer more services to the student body and surrounding community. The Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) is set for implemenation in 2015. The MCAT is a standardized, multiple-choice exmination designed to assess the examinee's problem solving, criticial thinking and knowledge of science concepts and principles prerequisite to the study of medicine.

Although the Testing Center has reached out to the American Council on Education (ACE), the Testing Center is currently not an authorized testing site for ACE examinations. We will continue to seek out this service with ACE during another opportune time. Moreover, the same applies for McCann and Associates for their healthcare exams. The Testing Center is still in contact with McCann to get setup to offer their exams.

Provide Quality Staff And Service
Provide qualified staff that will provide outstanding customer service by being friendly, courteous, responsible, informative, accurate, and supportive.

Testing Center Student Survey
Survey students and visitors about their satisfaction with the staff and services by utilizing the Testing Center Evaluation Form and by using the Human Resources annual merit review process. It is the goal of the Testing Center to get at least 95% of Strongly Agree or Agree in both clusters of the evaluation - Staff and Sevice.

Quality Staff And Service
In the 2013-2014 survey year, 95- 97% of surveyors rated the staff and service in the agreed or strongly agreed category (see attached results).

In addition to the survey process, the Testing Center also went through the National College Testing Association (NCAA) Certification process and was awarded national certification. This certification recognizes the Testing Center on a local and national scale as a center that adheres to the best pratices in the testing industry.

Quality Staff And Service
The Testing Center staff is recertified on an annual basis or retrained on updated testing procedures as necessary. In addition, SHSU has implemented a Professional Development Program that requires staff to complete a certain number of professional development hours per fiscal year.

Provide A Quality Facility
Provide a facility conducive to a quality testing environment which will be clean, comfortable, quiet, aesthetically-pleasing, and user-friendly.

Provide A Quality Facility
Survey students and visitors about their satisfaction with the Testing Center facilities by using the Testing Center Evaluation Form. The Testing Center strives to get at least 95% of Strongly Agree or Agree in facility atmosphere.

Provide A Quality Facility
In the 2013-2014 survey year, 95-96% of surveyors rated the facility in the agreed or strongly agreed category (see attached results).

Major comments to take into consideration for improvement involved noise level experienced in testing room, parking, and testing space.

Provide A Quality Facility
The Testing Center is always seeking advanteagous ways to improve our facility. In response to several comments about the noise level, the Testing Center installed a sound board between the computer lab and the Academic Building IV mechanical room, which was the source of some of the noise level in the testing lab. Most complaints about the noise level stems from incidents that are not controlled by the Testing Center (e.g., remodeling/general cleaning on the upper floors. The Testing Center is located on the first floor with three levels above.

Moreover, parking has been a major comment on the survey responses in regard to finding a parking spot during their testing appointment. Parking on campus is maintained and managed by the Parking and Transportation Office; thus, there is no direct control granted to the Testing Center in regard to this frequent complaint. However, the Testing Center has a policy to have any parking violation tickets dismissed for those individuals that are utilizing our services. This policy is in conjuntion with the Univerity Police Department (UPD) and has been effective since the inception of the Testing Center (2003). The Testing Center does not have a private parking lot and currently there are no plans to establish one.

Another notable comment: testing capacity for certain exams. The Testing Center is composed of two testing labs (16 and 6 seats respectfully).  Due to limited seating, the Testing Center easily fills to capacity. Additional space has been acquired at The Woodlands Center. The Testing Center started testing in the 5 seat lab in January 2014. So far, demand has been favorable at that location.

In addition to the items listed above, the following improvements to the facility were implemented in the 2013-2014 academic year:

* Rewired both computer labs
* Replaced all 16 computers
* Installed three security mirrors in Lab 102E
* Migrated to the new CLEP iBT platform
* Replaced defective camera in Lab 102E

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

Variety of Tests
The Testing Center has reached out the American Council on Education (ACE), but have yet to establish solid information from ACE on becoming an authorized testing site. Three attempts were made for an ACE representative to contact the Testing Center in regard to becoming an authorized site; however, no response was received. The Testing Center plan to reach out again during a more opportune time. In addition, no testing endeavors have been sought with McCann and Associates. Being that this exam is not in high demand in the community, the Testing Center has not placed the exam as a priority and will seek out this exam at another time. The MCAT will not be available until year 2015; thus, no progress on installing the MCAT has been made.

Quality Staff and Service
The Director of Testing along with the Testing Center staff members are recertified annually for certain exams. In addition, a certain number of professional development hours are required by SHSU for full-time employees.

Quality Facility
The Testing Center began testing at The Woodlands Center in January 2014. Since the first test administration, the Testing Center has seen an increase in examinees. For the past 4 months of testing, TWC facility has been filled to capacity. The Testing Center is testing approximately once per month.

Plan for continuous improvement Variety of Tests
The Testing Center is always looking for the opportunity to advance its services. In doing so, new testing endeavors are constantly embarked upon. For the 2014-2015 year, plans to become an authorized testing facility for the Professional Golf Association (PGA) is in progress. The PGA exam is a certification exam for professional golfers. It  is a goal of the Testing Center to acquire at least one new exam per year. This goal is considered reasonable due to evolving requirements in the job market and educational goals of the community.

Quality Staff and Service
Modifications to policies and procedures for current exams are inevitable and done on a regular basis. As required, the Testing Center staff will continue to develop professionally and receive certificantions as necessary.

Quality Facility
The plan to acquire a bigger space at The Woodlands Center has been discussed should the need for more space become available. In speaking with the Executive Director of The Woodlands Center, there is a possibility of modifying the current space at The Woodlands Center in order to accommodate more students as the demand increases(there is a massive amount of underutilized space in the current testing location). Also, the Testing Center at the Huntsville Campus is scheduled for a remodel during the 2014-2015 year. New wall art, countertops, cabinets, inside and outside displays, and drawers will be modernized. The Tesing Center is also embarking on going more green with score reports. Currently the Testing Center is working with the Information Technology department on receiving electronic score reports for many of our exams.