OATdb Archive

2012 - 2013

Veterans Resource Center

SHSU Veterans Resource Center Communication Plan
Send emails to applied Veteran students

Veteran Communication
Develop an email plan to send out to students who have indicated they are a Veteran on the ApplyTexas application.

Communication Plan
We will develop communication plans to send to Veteran and dependent students when they apply to the school.

Communication Plan
We develop a communication plan to send out to veterans and dependents who indicate that on the ApplyTexas application.

Communication Plan
Goal has been met.

SHSU Veterans Resource Center Staff Increases
Hire additional VRC counselor

Hire Additional Veterans Resource Center Counselor
To hire an additional VRC counselor for our center 

SHSU VRC Additional Staff
To hire an additional staff member for the Veterans Resource Center 

Veterans Counselor Is Hired
We were able to hire one additional staff member to the VRC staff.

Retire Goal
Goal was met.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

Veterans Resouce Center (VRC) began assesssment during the 2012-2013 year and therefore there is not adequate data for comparison at this time.  VRC will have data to compare for the 2013-2014 goal assessment.

Plan for continuous improvement I will continue to make the communicatin plans better for the incoming students. I will sent out a survey to them to ask them what was helpful and not helpful on the survey. I was able to retire one of my goals due to the new hire for the Veterans Resource Center.