OATdb Archive

2012 - 2013

Risk Management

Minimize Risk To Employees And Facilities
The primary goal of the Risk Management Department is to minimize risk to employees and facilities.

Emergency Operations Planning
Completion of the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) including functional annexes necessary to achieve level of preparedness defined as "Basic" based on criteria established by the Texas Division of Emergency Management.

Basic EOP Checklist
A checklist will be used to document progress in completing the basic EOP.  The goal for completion is December 2013.  Once the Basic plan is complete, we want to sustain the basic level through training and simulation exercises.

Emergency Operations Plan Status
The Emergency Operations Plan has been completed.  Training on the plan's listed emergencies has begun 7/17/13.  Objective status:  50% complete. 

Continuous Improvement
The new Director will assess the current Emergency Operations Plans and revise accordingly.  The new completion date is May 2014.

University Emergency Preparedness
Develop and sustain a comprehensive effort to educate faculty, staff, and students about the importance of emergency preparedness and safety.

Training Session Evaluations
Participants, upon completion of the training session, will evaluate the session using presenter-generated evaluation instruments.

Evaluation Goals
At least 80% of participants will be able to list two topics discussed during the workshop.  At least 80% will be able to declare some area of increased knowledge.

Training Sessions
Training sessions began July 17, 2013 and are planned for all campus buildings during 2013-2014. Assessments are being performed by the PACE Center. Full results are not yet available, but will be reported for the 2013-2014 assessment cycle. 

Training And Education
Risk Management in partnership with University Police and the PACE Center began a series of safety awareness meetings (building-by-building) to include emergency preparedness and discussions covering active shooter, tornados, hurricanes, fires, evacuation, and other topics of concern to building occupants. In addition, Risk Management in partnership with Information Technology will bring to all desktop computers an ICON for quick access to Emergency Procedures and the Safety Tips program which will serve as a means to increase employee/student safety knowledge throughout the year. Other actions will include evacuation drills, table top exercises, and other methods of increasing emergency response knowledge and awareness at the University.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

1. The new Director of Environmental Health, Safety & Risk Management began employment 5/13/13.

2. The new Director will develop goals for the department to include entries for the "Plan for Continuous Improvement."

Plan for continuous improvement Risk Management will quantify all tasks performed by University personnel that could potentially result in a loss or claim.  The ultimate goal is to develop a comprehensive Risk Management Program based upon enterprise risk management principles and the findings of the 2012-2013 Cycle.  Program updates and improvements will be based on findings from future Cycles.