Enhance the quality and effectiveness of the academic programs
Standards Of Proficiency
Graduate Reading Specialist candidates will meet or exceed the established standards of proficiency in the knowledge and skills required for Texas Reading Specialist Certification.
Candidates' Reading Specialist TExES Scores
Candidates will successfully pass all domains of the Texas Reading Specialist certification examination, a standardized test developed by Educational Testing Service.
TExES Reading Specialist Scores
100% of students taking the Reading Specialist exam will pass with a score that exceeds the state mean and will achieve a score of at least 80% on each of the four domains.
Reading MED (Reading Specialist Exam)
100% of students that took the Reading Specialist exam passed with a score that exceeds the state mean and achieved a score of 80% on each of the four domains.
International Reading Association Standards Proficiency
Knowledge and skills standards were developed by the International Reading Association, the premier professional organization in the field.
Candidates Will Demonstrate Proficiencies Of The International Reading Association Standards For Reading Specialists.
The proficiencies of the International Reading Association were developed by leaders in the profession and represent the knowledge and skills base needed by Reading Specialists in the field.
Portfolio Rubric
Candidates create a portfolio that demonstrates their proficiency in each standard through work samples and reflection. See attached rubric.
Candidate Scores: 4 (exceptional) On Each Of Six Standards
The reading faculty divide the standards among them (two faculty members per standard) to score the portfolios. Candidates must achieve a score of 4 (exceptional) on each standard.
Reading MED (Reading Specialist Portfolio)
Candidates in the Reading Masters program achieved a passing score on the portfolio, though they did not all achieve a score of 4 (exceptional).
Reading MED (Reading Specialist Exam)
The Reading faculty will continue to support candidates and ensure that all standards are covered in our reading courses.