Provide services, including advisement, application assistance, field experience assignments, practice and application for TExES Exam, and areas related to NCATE, to students pursuing initial teacher certfication.
Practice Examination
Provide effective communication of representative form/practice examination information (including exam pre-requisites, exam schedule, registration direction, and exam results) to support student preparation for state certification exams.
Candidate Satisfaction With Service Area Of Practice Examination Administration
Candidate satisfaction measured in terms of 1) their level of satisfaction and 2) importance to them, expressed as mean score using a 5-point scale from the Student Teacher End-of-Program Evaluation of SHSU Services and Operations, section E. Our target mean score is 4.2 for 2012-2013. We missed this goal in 2011-2012 by .08 of a point.
Practice Examination
Satisfaction with quality of service in representative form/practice examination rated at a mean score of 4.34 in 2013-2013 on a five-point Likert scale. This shows an increase from 4.12 to 4.34 which is +.22. Previous ratings show 3.84 in 2010-2011, 3.48 in 2009-2010, 3.68 in 2008-2009, 3.63 in 2007-2008, and 3.51 in 2006-2007.
Practice Examinations Target Performance
Action: EPS is pleased with the continued increase in this area of service although 4.2 has been the goal we have now raised our goal to 4.4. The gradual increase is partially due to the practice examination being administered by the SHSU Testing Center for the third consecutive year. The experience of administering the test after three years is a contributor to the flawless process. EPS will strive to improve the test administration and test practice information posted on the EPS website utilized by the students, faculty, and staff during the website revisions. The Certification Officer, the SHSU testing center and the EPS office will continue to improve its communication, processes, and procedures related to informing teacher candidates about representative test requirements and administration details.
Provide supplementary academic advisement as transfer students prepare to enter the educator preparation program.
Candidate Satisfaction With Service Area Of Advisement
Candidate satisfaction measured in terms of 1) their level of satisfaction and 2) importance to them, expressed as mean score using a 5-point scale from the Student Teacher End-of-Program Evaluation of SHSU Services and Operations, section B. Our target for the 2012-2013 student teacher cohort is 4.2. We missed this goal in 2011-2012 by .25 of a point.
Satisfaction with quality of service in advisement has remained at 3.95. This shows an increase from 3.33 last year to 3.95 which is +.62 although that number has remained static for the 2012-2013 calendar year .The results showed a mean score of 3.95 in 2011-2012 on a five-point Likert scale. Precious ratings show 3.33 in 2010-2011, 3.51 in 2009-2010, 3.88 in 2008-2009, 3.58 in 2007-2008, and 3.51 in 2006-2007.
Increase Advisement Effectiveness
Action: EPS would like to have an increase in effectiveness in this area of service. A rating of 4.2 is still the goal. Having a static result is still seen as positive because of the unpredictability of results in the past. The areas of attention in advisement are: EPS advisement information on the website will be made more user friendly, the advising team will establish a regular meeting time to collaborate on advising issues that arise, the advisor/recruiter will continue to improve the communication, processes, and procedures related to advising teacher candidates about teacher education programs and requirements, the advisor/recruiter will travel more to better inform and advise future SHSU education students, and , the advisor/recruiter will seek out and complete professional development that will assist in addressing all advisement responsibilities.
Educator Preparation Program
Provide effective communication of information to support student's application and admittance in the educator preparation program.
Candidate Satisfaction With Service Area Of Educator Preparation Program Admission
Candidate satisfaction measured in terms of 1) their level of satisfaction and 2) importance to them, expressed as mean score using a 5-point scale from the Student Teacher End-of-Program Evaluation of SHSU Services and Operations, section C. Although we averaged 4.22 on this objective, during 2011-2012, the mean score target for the 2012-2013 student teacher cohort will remain at 4.2 until we are sure this previous mean was not a fluke.
Program Admmission
Satisfaction with quality of service in educator preparation services program admission has wavered from 4.22 to 4.20. This shows a static number or specifically a slight change from 4.22 to 4.20 .The results showed a mean score of 4.22 in 2011-2012 on a five-point Likert scale. Precious ratings show 4.05 in 2010-2011, 3.96 in 2009-2010, 4.13 in 2008-2009, 3.79 in 2007-2008, and 3.77 in 2006-2007. There is now enough data to show a steady increase over the last several years.
Admission Performance Target Increased
Action: EPS is pleased with the continued increase in this area of service but feels that raising the goal to 4.4 is warranted. The related pages on the website will be rewritten and improved. The Director of Educator Preparation, the Certification Officer, and the EPS office will continue to improve its communication, processes, and procedures related to informing and assisting teacher candidates with the application and admission procedures. The EPS director will go to all the beginning level 1 field experience classes and explain the educator preparation process. Our intent is to capture the student’s interest at the beginning of their degree specific courses so that the initial application process will be completed as they begin their program. The Certification Officer will assure that the teacher candidates can be more aware of their status at the critical transition points in their degree plan. The Certification Officer will continue to train EPS office staff in the reporting procedures for entrance to the educator preparation program in order to keep all students and new teacher candidates informed on their current status.
Field Experiences
Provide effective communication of information to support and facilitate sequential field experiences (Levels I, II, and III) for teacher candidates in public school settings
Candidate Satisfaction With Service Area Of Field Experiences
Candidate satisfaction measured in terms of 1) their level of satisfaction and 2) importance to them, expressed as mean score using a 5-point scale from the Student Teacher End-of-Program Evaluation of SHSU Services and Operations, section D. We exceeded last year's target mean of 4.2 by .09 of a point, the target mean for 2012-2013 will remain at 4.2 to determine whether this year's mean was an aberration.
Field Experience
Satisfaction with quality of service in field experiences has increased to 4.31 which is a +.02 increase. This shows an increase from 4.29 to 4.31 which is +.02 .The results showed a mean score of 4.29 in 2011-2012 on a five-point Likert scale. Precious ratings show 4.05 in 2010-2011, 4.09 in 2009-2010, 4.09 in 2008-2009, 3.79 in 2007-2008, and 3.96 in 2006-2007. During the 2012 spring semester there were 2469 students participating in Level I, Level II, or Level III field experiences.
Field Experience Enrichment Target
Action: EPS is pleased with the increase in this area of service and will raise our goal to 4.4. The related pages on the website will be rewritten and improved. The Director of Educator Preparation, the EPS secretary and the EPS office will continue to improve its communication, processes, and procedures related to informing and assisting teacher candidates with the application and admission procedures. The EPS director will go to all the beginning level 1 field experience classes and explain the educator preparation process. Our intent is to capture the student’s interest at the beginning of their degree specific courses so that the initial application process will be completed as they begin their program. The Certification Officer will continue to train EPS office staff in the reporting procedures for entrance to the educator preparation program in order to keep all students and new teacher candidates informed on their current status. The steps to transition to eCollege will be announced and all EPS staff will be able to assist students when needed. Professional development and support will be provided for all University Supervisor to assist them in providing excellent support and supervision to student teachers. The EPS office staff will continually train others to ensure that someone in the office can be called on as needed to assist all staff and students when needed. The EPS director and secretary will continue to supervise and support the student assistants in order to create a more professional and customer friendly office atmosphere. The EPS secretary will strive to improve the office environment, technology usage, delegation skills, and event preparation to raise the level of professionalism in the EPS office. The EPS director will provide opportunities for professional development in need improvement areas such as professional communication, supervision of student workers, and creating a professional atmosphere as well as leadership and management.
TExES Examination
Support teacher candidates and other school professional candidates by providing effective communication of information (including testing pre-requisites, examination schedule, and applicable review software and practice examinations) and approval for required state educator certification examinations.
Candidate Satisfaction With Service Areas Of TExES Facilitation
Candidate satisfaction expressed as mean score using a 5-point scale from the Student Teacher End-of-Program Evaluation of SHSU Services and Operations, section G. Although we missed the target goal in 2011-2012 by .11 of a point, the target mean score of 4.2 for 2012-2013 cohort of student teachers.
Satisfaction with quality of service in TExES services has increased to 4.11 which is a +.02 increase. This shows an increase from 4.09 to 4.11 which is +.02 .The results showed a mean score of 4.09 in 2011-2012 on a five-point Likert scale. Precious ratings show 3.67 in 2010-2011, 3.65 in 2009-2010, 3.75 in 2008-2009, 3.73 in 2007-2008, and 3.38 in 2006-2007.
TExES Data Provides New Actions And Resolve
Action: EPS is pleased with the increase in this area of service although 4.2 will remain the goal. The related pages on the website will be rewritten and improved. The Director of Educator Preparation, the Certification Officer, and the EPS office will continue to improve its communication, processes, and procedures related to informing and assisting teacher candidates with TExES certification processes and procedures. The Certification Officer will seek out and distribute appropriate information related to certification and TExES. The Certification Officer will attend Texas Education Agency and Certification Officer Association meetings and professional development meetings that will assist them in their responsibilities toward students and their future TExES certification. The Certification Officer will continue to train EPS office staff when appropriate on certification issues in order to keep all students and new teacher candidates informed on the requirements. Special attention will be given to the new rules which will be in effect as of September 1, 2013. These rules were set in the latest legislative session. We are aware that the test format will change however TEA has said that due to unforeseen issues that have risen they do not expect to have definite information on the new testing format until October 2013.
Teacher Certification
Provide effective communication of information, monitor and facilitate candidates' completion of program requirements, and ultimately recommend teacher candidates and other school professional candidates for certification to the State Board for Educator Certification.
Candidate Satisfaction With Service Area Of Certification Facilitation
Candidate satisfaction measured in terms of 1) their level of satisfaction and 2) importance to them, expressed as mean score using a 5-point scale from the Student Teacher End-of-Program Evaluation of SHSU Services and Operations, section H. The target mean for the 2011-2012 student teacher cohort is 4.2. We missed it by .21 of a point. Thus, the target mean for 2012-2013 will remain at 4.2.
Satisfaction with quality of service in teacher certification facilitation has increased to 4.03 which is a +.04 increase. This shows an increase from 3.99 to 4.03 which is +.04 .The results showed a mean score of 3.41 in 2011-2012 on a five-point Likert scale. Precious ratings show 3.52 in 2010-2011, 3.52 in 2009-2010, 3.61 in 2008-2009, 3.39 in 2007-2008, and 3.09 in 2006-2007.
Teacher Certification Action Results
Action: EPS is pleased with the increase in this area of service although 4.2 is still the goal. The related pages on the website will be rewritten and improved. The Director of Educator Preparation, the Certification Officer, and the EPS office will continue to improve its communication, processes, and procedures related to informing and assisting teacher candidates with certification processes and procedures. The Certification Officer will seek out and distribute appropriate information related to certification. The Certification Officer will attend Texas Education Agency and Certification Officer Association meetings and professional development meetings that will assist them in their responsibilities toward students and their future certification. The Certification Officer will continue to train EPS office staff in when appropriate on certification issues in order to keep all students and new teacher candidates informed on the requirements.