Provide quality testing services at Sam Houston State University.
Provide A Variety Of Tests
Provide a variety of tests for our customers, contact testing companies and/or other colleges or universities to inquire about what tests are available, and determine which tests would best suit the needs of our audience.
Provide A Variety Of Tests
Take an inventory of currently offered exams by the Testing Center and compare to those tests being inquired about or needed by the student population and the general public.
Exams Implemented
In addition to the four current placement exams, the Testing Center has implemented the mandatory state-wide placement exam called the Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSIA). This exam is the sole exam used in the state of Texas to determine the appropriate English and math course placement for those students that are required to be assessed upon entering the University.
In addition to the six national (Saturday) exams, the Testing Center added the MPRE. The Multistate Professional Responsibities Exam is managed by the Law School Admission Council for the National Conference Bar Examiners. The purpose of the MPRE is to measure the examinee’s knowledge and understanding of established standards related to a lawyer’s professional conduct. The Testing Center implemented this exam in early 2013 at the request of LSAC in search of new testing sites.
Variety Of Exams
To continue our efforts in providing a variety of exams to meet the needs of the student population and general public, the Testing Center has inquired with Prometric regarding the MCAT exam. The Medical College Admission Test is a standardized, multiple-choice examination designed to assess the examinee's problem solving, critical thinking, and knowledge of science concepts and principles prerequisite to the study of medicine. SHSU has a budding Medical and Allied Health Program that will benefit from this exam.
In addition, the Testing Center was contacted by McCann Associates in regards to administering two healthcare exams. McCann Associates has been an innovative leader in the development and distribution of assessment, certification, business intelligence, and personal development solutions. Currently the Testing Center is in contact with McCann for further details.
Moreover, the Testing Center has sought out to become a testing site for the American Council on Education. The American Council on Education's College Credit Recommendation Service (CREDIT) connects workplace learning with colleges and universities by helping adults gain access to academic credit for formal courses and examinations taken outside traditional degree programs.
Provide Quality Staff And Service
Provide qualified staff that will provide outstanding customer service by being friendly, courteous, responsible, informative, accurate, and supportive.
Testing Center Student Survey
Survey students and visitors about their satisfaction with the staff and services by utilizing the Testing Center Evaluation Form and by using the Human Resources annual merit review process. We want to get at least 95% of Strongly Agree or Agree in both clusters of the evaluation - Staff and Sevice.
Quality Staff And Service
Per the Testing Center Evaluation Form, the following results were compiled:
98% of customers rated the staff in the Agree or Strongly Agree category. 96% of customers rated the service in the Agree or Strongly Agree category.
Improvements to staff performance and knowledge is an ongoing process due to changes in policies and regulations by each testing company.
Quality Staff And Service
In an ongoing effort to maintain qualified test administrators/proctors, a manual to include procedures for every exam administered in the Testing Center was initiated approximately 3 years ago. The Director of Testing has delegated the duty of maintaining and updating the manual to the Staff Associate II in the office. The Testing Center Manual (TC Manual) is updated on a yearly basis or as needed in order for staff to remain abreast of correct procedures, policies, and technology requirements for each exam. All staff members in the Testng Center has signed acknowledgments indicating they have read, understand, and will abide by all testing procedures as set forth in the TC Manual. In addition, at the notification and direction of the Director of Testing, all staff members are recertified for appropriate exams. The Director of Testing manages and keeps certification records on file.
Provide A Quality Facility
Provide a facility conducive to a quality testing environment which will be clean, comfortable, quiet, aesthetically-pleasing, and user-friendly.
Provide A Quality Facility
Survey students and visitors about their satisfaction with the Testing Center facilities by using the Testing Center Evaluation Form. The Testing Center strives to get at least 95% of Strongly Agree or Agree in facility atmosphere.
Provide A Quality Facility
Per the Testing Center Evaluation Form, the following results were compilled:
96% of customers rated the facility in the Agree or Strongly Agree category.
Major comments to take into consideration for improvement involved seating capacity, temperature of testing labs, noise level in testing labs, and the testing website.
Quality Facility
To better serve the student population and surrounding communities, the Testing Center wishes to expand its Huntsville facility in order to accommodate more examinees. This is an endeavor that the Director of Testing will embark on in the near future when requested facility space becomes available. In addition, to better prepare students for a pleasing testing experience in the lab, a notation in regards to wearing layered clothing will be implemented in order to allieviate comments on the temperature of the testing labs.
Moreover, the Testing Center will reach out to the testing company that supplies the headsets to inquire if more sound proof headsets are available. Earlier this year, the Testing Center purchased quiet keyboards to reduce the noise level in the testing labs. New lobby and computer lab chairs were also purchased.
The Testing Center is partnered with RegisterBlast (a third-party vendor) to manage and maintain the Testing Center's website. The website is constructed in an user-friendly manner; however, continous improvements are done either at the Testing Center's request or self-initiated by RegisterBlast.