Foster a lifelong learning environment in support of a diverse faculty and staff who are excellent scholars, educators, and professionals.
Lifelong Learning Environment - Professional Development
Dr. Gibson will promote a lifelong learning environment in support of a diverse faculty and staff who are excellent scholars, educators, and professionals by promoting and supporting internal and external professional development programs.
Lifelong Learning Environment - Professional Development
Establish a High Performing Employee Leadership Academy
Establish a Founders Day/Education Day at SHSU
Send one employee per year to the Governor's Executive Development Program
Encourage senior leaders to diversify hiring
Lifelong Learning Environment - Professional Development
Dr. Gibson has established a High Performing Employee Leadership Academy that will be implemented FY14. The mission of this academy is to identify, select, and develop high performing employees (faculty and staff) in order to strengthen the fabric of the university and the community with an increased commitment to excellence driven by the organization’s long term strategy to enhance leadership ability.
Dr. Jaimie Hebert (Provost) worked with Mr. Charlie Vienne (Director of Alumni Relations) to establish this program with the scheduled date to implement set for Spring 2014.
Dr. Gibson sent Somer Franklin, Assistant VP for Planning & Assessment, to the Governor's Executive Development Program.
Dr. Gibson has ask HR to conduct a diversity audit of the Faculty/Staff positions.
Lifelong Learning Enfironment - Professional Development
Dr. Gibson will monitor the SHSU Leadership Academy and based on the results of the exit survey will make changes to the program.
Dr. Gibson will continue to work with Dr. Hebert (Provost) and Charlie Vienne (Director of Alumni Relations) to establish a Founders Day/Education Day at SHSU and make sure the program is lauched Spring 2014.
Dr. Gibson will update her list of potential employees to attend the Governor's Executive Development Program in FY14.
Dr. Gibson will review the Diversity Report and implement the appropriate changes.
Dr. Gibson will promote a lifelong learning environment in support of a diverse faculty and staff who are excellent scholars, educators, and professionals by bringing to campus speakers and by hosting open forums to discuss various higher education topics.
President's Breakfast Series: Fall 2012 - Geraldine Hynes: Topic - Generational Differences; Spring 2013 - Eric Stoller: Topic - Maximizing Social Media
President/Provost Roundtable Forum: Sept 2012 - "Customer Service" in Higher Education; October 2012 - An Entrepreneurial University; February 2013 - Servant Leadership for Higher Education; March 2013 - Outcomes-Based Funding - Association with College Completion.
Dr. Gibson will continue to formulate a list of speakers for the President's Breakfast Series.
Dr. Gibson will select topics and gather articles for the President/Provost Roundtable forums for FY14.
Goal 2: Stimulate Learning Environment
Promote a stimulating learning environment through the integration of academic settings, campus culture, and service.
Stimulate Learning Environmemt - Academic
Dr. Gibson will promote a stimulating learning environment through the integration of academic settings, campus culture, and service by developing a training center and business incubator facility.
Stimulate Learning Environment - Academic
Acquire the land for training/business incubator facility.
Develop the plans for implimenting this project.
Stimulate Learning Environment - Academic
Dr. Gibson consulted with the CEO of TDCJ to request a land transfer this Legislative session for 78 acres on I-45. This request was approved by the TDCJ CEO, received Legislative/Governor's approval, received approval from the board of TDCJ and TSUS. The land was transferred to SHSU 9/2013.
Plans are currently in process to develop a training facility located at this site. The business incubator is temporarily located in a leased office space north of campus. Plans are to eventually relocate the facility to the I-45 property.
Stimulate Learning Environment - Academic
Dr. Gibson achieved her goal.
Dr. Gibson is currently exploring options for the best use of this land. It will included a training facility and a 5 acre land lease for the HEARTS Veterans Museum.
Stimulate Learning Environment - Culture/Service
Dr. Gibson will promote a stimulating learning environment through the integration of academic settings, campus culture, and service by maintaining the univeristy's culture of "up close and personal" and "service oriented".
Stimulate Learning Environment - Culture/Service
Actively participating in campus activities
Hosting student give away activities through social media
Attend and host luncheons for students, faculty, and staff
Stimulate Learning Environment - Culture/Service
Campus Activities: Dr. Gibson attended virtually all the football games and as many of the basketball, volleyball, and other sporting events that her schedule would allow. She also attended the National Rodeo Finals in WY. Virtually all the University Advancement/Alumni events - even traveling to the New York event. She attended/participated in the "All Paws In" student service project.
Dr. Gibson hosted 2 - 3 student give away activities per semester.
Dr. Gibson hosted 3 faculty and 3 staff small luncheons per semester. In addition, she attended 2 - 3 Student Services Luncheon per semester.
Stimulate Learning Environment - Culture/Service
Dr. Gibson will determine which campus activities she is able to attend for FY14.
Dr. Gibson will select dates for the student give aways - FY14.
Dr. Gibson will select dates for the student, faculty, and staff luncheons - FY14.
Goal 3: University Resources And Infrastructures
Increase and develop university resources and infrastructures that support the intellectual transformation of students.
University Resources And Infrastructures - Funding
Dr. Gibson will seek to obtain resources for the University from the State, donors, and other various sources to support the intellectual transformation of students.
University Resources And Infrastuctures - Funding
Contact legislators in an attempt to increase appropriations
Obtain Legislative support for funding of Tuition Revenue Bonds for the Biology/Allied Health Building and Engineering Technology Agriculture Building
Contact and receive donor support for academic programs, scholarships, and building projects
University Resources And Infrastructures - Funding
Appropriations: Dr. Gibson tesitfied to the Office of the Governor/LBB Committee and the Senate Finance Committee regarding SHSU appropriation needs. She also met with Representative Otto and Senator Schwertner and other Legislators regarding SHSU appropriations. SHSU still remains at the bottom of the list for appropriation funding for the Public Universities in Texas.
TRB: Dr. Gibson tesitfied to the Office of the Governor/LBB Committee and the Senate Finance Committee regarding SHSU TRB needs. She also met with Representative Otto and Senator Schwertner and other Legislators regarding SHSU TRB needs. The State did not fund any TRBs during this past Legislative session.
Dr. Gibson met with numerous donors and prospective donors and helped Sam Houston State raise more than $9 million for the second consecutive year and surpass the 10,000 donor mark.
University Resources And Infrastructures - Funding
Dr. Gibson will work with TSUS office to determine a plan to increase State appropriations for SHSU during the next Legislative session.
Dr. Gibson will try to find donor support for these 2 facilities. If this is not successful, she will work with TSUS office to determine a plan to receive TRB funding during the next Legislative session.
Dr. Gibson will work with the VPUA to determine a list of donors to approach regarding funding for FY14.
University Resources And Infrastructures - Planning/Development
Dr. Gibson will impliment and develop plans for the most effective and efficient use of SHSU's resources to support the intellectual transformation of students.
University Resources And Infrastructures - Planning/Development
Enhance Program offerings in high demand
Hire consulting firm to conduct enrollment management audit
University Resources And Infrastructures - Planning/Development
Dr. Gibson received approval from the TSUS Board of Regents at the August 2013 to offer a PHD in Forensic Science and EDD in Instructional Technology. SHSU is awaiting approval from THECB.
Dr. Gibson selected Miller/Cook, Inc. to conduct the Enrollment Management audit. The audit was conducted Spring 2013 and suggestions obtained from the audit are currently being implemented.
University Resources And Infrastructures - Planning/Development
Dr. Gibson will explore with Provost Hebert the best options to present to the TSUS board for new programs offered at SHSU for the next curriculum cycle.
Dr. Gibson achieved her goal.
Goal 4: Marketing Outreach
Enhance marketing outreach and visibility to include academic and scholarly activities through consistent and integrated messaging while optimizing communication channels.
Marketing Outreach - Internal
Dr. Gibson will enhance marketing outreach and visibility to include academic and scholarly activities through consistent and integrated messaging while optimizing communication channels by marketing academic programs and promote branding.
Marketing Outreach - Internal
Continue funding to maintain or increase marketing 12 new academic programs annually
Continue funding for branding focus (social media and video)
Marketing Outreach - Internal
Funding was made available to market the following Academic Programs for FY13: Communication Studies, Criminal Justice Online, Victim Studies, Computing Science, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Family and Consumer Sciences, Mass Communication – Film Production, Human Services (minor), Math Education, Musical Theatre, Teaching.
Funding was made available to promote the following. Branding: Social Media - the university recently surpassed 50,000 Likes on Facebook and 8,000 Twitter Followers. Video - the focus has been producing television commercials. In addition, Dr. Gibson agreed to add in the FY14 budget a position for a Videographer.
Marketing Outreach - Internal
Dr. Gibson will work with Provost Hebert to determine the 12 new academic programs to market for FY14.
Dr. Gibson will work with the VPUA and the Communications office to determine the needs for marketing the SHSU brand.
Marketing Outreach - External
Dr. Gibson will enhance marketing outreach and visibility to include academic and scholarly activities through consistent and integrated messaging while optimizing communication channels by promoting/exposing SHSU to external markets.
Marketing Outreach - External
Serve or be involved in four national higher education boards
Support Montgomery County functions and improve University attendance at Montgomery County/Chamber events
Marketing Outreach - External
Dr. Gibson is on the board of directors for the following national higher education boards: American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU), Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), American Search, Inc.(ASI), American Academic Leadership Institute (AALI).
Dr. Gibson either attended or sponsored the following events in the Montgomery County area: Southern Montgomery Co./Woodlands Chamber of Commerce Chairman's Gala, Interfaith of the Woodlands Gala, Greater Conroe/Lake Conroe Chamber of Commerce Chairman's Ball, Woodlands Area Economic Deveopment Partnership, Woodlands Area Chamber of Conference Economic Outlook Conference.
Marketing Outreach - External
Dr. Gibson will continue to serve on these four national higher education boards.
Dr. Gibson will continue to seek opportunites to promote SHSU visibility in Montgomery County/Woodlands area.
Goal 5: Data Driven Decisions
Promote efficient data driven decision making through the integration of centralized data analysis, review and dissemination.
Data Driven Decisions - Planning
Dr. Gibson will promote efficient data driven decision making through the integration of centralized data analysis, review and dissemination by connecting the strategic plan and budget planning process through data analysis.
Data Driven Decisions - Planning
Collect from each division a strategic plan
Connect the annual budget requests to goals listed on divisional stategic plan
Data Driven Decisions - Planning
Dr. Gibson received and discussed with the Vice Presidents and Athletic Director their Strategic Plans.
Dr. Gibson and VPFO Hooten ask each division to priortize the lists of items needed to achieve objectives from their Strategic Plans. A meeting was held May 2013 with members from President's Cabinet and Council of Academic Deans to discuss these items. Dr. Gibson has ask each VP/AD to send to her a list of items that were funded and implemented.
Data Driven Decisions - Planning
Dr. Gibson will continue to work with VPs/AD to tweak Stategic Plans in response to changes such as growth of the University.
Dr. Gibson will continue to work with VPFO Hooten to ensure University funds are used in the most effective and efficient manner.
Data Driven Decisions - Analysis
Dr. Gibson will promote efficient data driven decision making through the integration of centralized data analysis, review and dissemination by focusing on the use of facilities and efficient use of assets.
Data Driven Decisions - Analysis
Determine appropriate class size and best use of facilites
Impliment centralization/outsourcing of certain assets for efficient use of resources
Data Driven Decisions - Analysis
Dr. Gibson would like to keep classes at the student to faculty ratio of 25:1 to maintain the "up close and personal" culture of SHSU. Therefore, she consistently works with Provost Hebert and VP Hooten to ensure the appropirate number of faculty are on staff and the facilities/classrooms will accomodate this ratio.
Dr. Gibson analyzed the data to consider centralization/outsourcing certain functions such as the press and fleet operations. Currently, these two functions are still under review.
Data Driven Decisions - Analysis
Dr. Gibson will continue to analyze the data and work with Provost Hebert and VPFO Hooten to try to maintain the 25:1 student to faculty ratio.
Dr. Gibson will continue to analyze the data to consider centralization and outsourcing of assets in order to ensure the most efficient and effective use of University assets.
Goal 6: Proactive Response To Ever-Changing Needs
Cultivate a continually sensitive and proactive response to the ever-changing needs of our constituents.
Proactive Response To Ever-Changing Needs - Off Campus Student Population
Dr. Gibson will cultivate a continually sensitive and proactive response to the ever-changing needs of our constituents by continuing to develop SHSU's services available to online and geographically dispersed students.
Proactive Response To Ever-Changing Needs - Off Campus Student Population
Require all areas to review services for online and geographically dispersed students
Proactive Response To Ever-Changing Needs - Off Campus Student Population
One of the agenda items for the August 2013 President's Cabinet Mini-Retreat was "Serving a Broader Base of Student". Dr. Gibson requested for the VPs to bring to her a bulleted list of services made available to on-line and geographically disbursed students. The list was discussed during the retreat.
Proactive Response To Ever-Changing Needs - Off Campus Student Populations
Dr. Gibson will continue to monitor the divisions to make certain services are extended to online and geographically dispersed students.
Proactive Response To Ever-Changing Needs - Grant Opportunities
Dr. Gibson will cultivate a continually sensitive and proactive response to the ever-changing needs of our constituents by continuing to development grant opportunities for diverse student populations
Proactive Response To Ever-Changing Needs - Grant Opportunities
Assign a University Advancement employee to expand and seek grant opportunities for diverse student populations
Proactive Response To Ever-Changing Needs - Grant Opportunities
The Vice President of University Advancement assigned one of his employees to continually seek grant opportunities available for SHSU students and programs.
Proactive Response To Ever-Changing Needs - Grant Opportunities
Dr. Gibson will continue to utilize the services of this employee to research new grant opportunites.