OATdb Archive

2012 - 2013

Educational Leadership And Counseling, Department Of

Increase Enrollment
To increase enrollment via recruitment and retention of qualified and motivated students.

Increase Enrollment
To increase enrollment via recruitment and retention of qualified and motivated students.

Enrollment And Retention
Enrollment numbers and retention rates and persistence. Our goal is to increase annually in these areas.

Last year, the taskforce for recruitment workon on numerous strategies to increase enrollment in the master's programs with limited success.  These efforts will be ongoing and additional strategies will also be implemented.

Enrollment Numbers
Overall enrollment numbers for the Department were stable for the 2012-13 academic year.  Enrollment in the superintendent certification program declined in Spring and Summer, though this is a somewhat natural fluctuation due to doctoral admission rotations and concurrent enrollment. Numbers in the higher education administration program declined slightly in Summer.  Student persistence rates were stable across all program areas. 

Recruitment Efforts
The Department's committee for strategic recruitment developed a number of targeted recruitment efforts this year. Booth space was reserved at a number of professional conferences across the state and nation throughout the year, representing all program areas. A department-specific request for information postcard to be used at all recruitment events was developed.  A comprehensive list of conferences, events, and other recruitment opportunities was developed that included dates, websites, and contact information for each event.  Extensive scholarship opportunities were used throughout the year, particularly in Summer 2013.  These specific initiatives as well as additional initiatives for strategically increasing enrollment will continue to be implemented.     

Excellence In Teaching, Research, And Service
The Department Faculty will strive for excellence in Teaching, Research, and Service.

All faculty will engage in research, teaching, and service.

Faculty Evaluation System
Faculty are evaluated per University guidelines on research, teaching, and service.  Faculty must be actively engaged in sustained efforts that demonstrate effective research (evidenced by an average of at least one publication per year), teaching (evidenced by student evaluation scores on IDEA that meet department expectations), and service (evidenced by documented service activities to the department, college, university, and academic community at large).  100% of faculty in the department will meet or exceed the minimum expectations in all three areas. 

We committed this year for new faculty to be mentored by seasoned faculty to ensure their success in these areas.

Faculty Performance
As evaluated by the Department Promotion and Tenure Action Committee (DPTAC), almost all faculty are meeting expectations in teaching, research, and service. No faculty were reviewed for tenure decisions or for post tenure review this academic year. One professor did not receive a positive vote for promotion to full professor. 

Faculty Performance
All faculty met expectations in this area, although two faculty received negative feedback from the tenure review committee.  One new faculty member began this year, and she was assigned a mentor and has received very positive feedback related to meeting expectations in teaching, service, and research.  Faculty feedback has been reviewed individually, and formative progress will be discussed with faculty members as needed throughout the year.   The two faculty members who received negative feedback will meet with the chair and a mentor at least two times per semester to discuss progress and concerns related to their performance.

Customer Satisfaction
Customer Satisfaction among the various constituencies

Constituent Satisfaction
Constituents will be satisfied with department programs.

Feedback From Advisory Committee
An advisory committee for each master's and doctoral level program will provide feedback regarding their satisfaction with the EDLC programs and specializations.  All programs (100% of department programs) will implement advisory council feedback as a component of continuous improvement efforts.

Each department has attempted to incorporate advisory committee feedback.  We are eager to see the results.

Feedback From Advisory Committee
An advisory committee for each program area met throughout the year. Minutes from each meeting are attached.  For the educational leadership doctoral program and the educational administration master’s programs, these meetings were held in conjunction with the self-study site visit.  The corresponding report from the site visit is attached for these program areas in lieu of minutes.

Constituent Satisfaction
All programs in Counseling (master's and PhD) as well as the master's program in Higher Education Adminsitration and the doctoral program in Developmental Education Adminsitration, received specific feedback from an external advisory council and will implement this feedback accordingly.  Submissions to the University Curriculum Committee were included in these suggestions and have already been formally acted upon.  Suggestions for recruitment activities and for internship modifications were also suggested and will be considered further throughout the academic year.  The Educational Adminsitration (MEd) and Educational Leadership (EdD) programs did not have formal advisory committte meetings because they underwent extensive self studies this year that included external review; as part of the external review, feedback was collected from both current and former students.  The external review team used a wealth of data to make programmatic suggestions.  These suggestions were presented to the COE and the Office of Graduate Studies and will be implemented as possible throughout the upcoming academic year. 

Enhance Academic Program Quality
Enhance the quality and effectiveness of the academic programs

Enhance Academic Program Quality
Graduates will be competent in specialization content area and skills appropriate to their discipline. Students will demonstrate their level of competence by passing certification exams.

Student scores on program-specific TExES (state certification) exams

TExES Scores
90% of test takers will earn the required score on the corresponding TExES exam to achieve certification

Last year the Counseling and Superintendent program students met the 90% goal while the Principal program students only achieved 70%.  We are eager to determine whether our interventions had any impact to raise the 70% toward the 90%

TExES Scores
The School Counseling program had a 100% pass rate (28 of 28 students). The Superintendent Certification program had a 75% pass rate, with 6 of 8 students passing.  The Principal Certification program had a 92% pass rate, with 35 of 38 students passing.  These data represent the official 2011-12 state pass rates; official data for 2012-13 have not been released yet. 

Weaknesses Addressed
The committee to improve TExES scores for the principal preparation program met extensively throughout this year to work on curricular alignment, syllabi revision, and TExES improvement techniques (including analysis of specific score results and item analysis for practice exams).  Adjunct training and coordination were also addressed. These strategies have been effective but need to be continued in order to further strengthen and improve the success we have seen so far. Training for faculty to begin to offer review sessions will also take place this year.  Scores for the superintendent exam are lower than expected, though this is somewhat misleading due to the small number of students who took the exam.  Continued individual attention will be given to students in the superintendent program will be used to improve these scores.  

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement Plans for continuous improvement from the previous academic year were implemented as hoped.  Recruitment efforts were marginally sucessful, although extensive growth is neither expected nor desired.  Faculty continue to meet expectations in teaching, research, and service.  The committee formed to address TExES scores worked very hard this year and made strong progress in ensuring syllabi alignment and overall curricular improvement.  The self study process in educational administration and educational leadership was time consuming and was used in place of advisory council feedback this year; however, the process was helpful for examining areas of strength and areas for improvement in both program areas.

Plan for continuous improvement Department-level strategies to more effectively and efficiently recruit students will be implemented this year.  A targeted list of conferences and recruitment opportunities will be an area of focus, as will use of the department information card.  The use of scholarships from department funds will also be a key component of recruitment efforts.  Faculty success in the areas of research, service, and teaching will also continue to be an area of focus. Department faculty development activities will be conducted monthly, and individual meetings with faculty will be held as needed.  Mentors for all new faculty, including four posted positions now that should be filled during this academic year, will be assigned.  All programs will host advisory councils this year and will implement feedback from those committees as a component of continuous improvement. The Counseling programs (MA, MEd, and PhD) will also undergo CACREP accreditation renewal this year,which will involve extensive self- and external-review components.  TExES scores will be monitored after each test administration to help gauge gaps in student success or to identify areas of need. The principal certification program will continue to be an area of focus with these improvement efforts.