Undergraduate Admissions processes undergraduate applications, high school transcripts, test scores, and college transcripts for transfer students.
Timely Processing Of Admissions Documents
Undergraduate Admissions will process applications and accompanying documents so as to communicate an admissions decision quickly.
Processing Time
Processing time is dependent on seasonal application rates. Our goal is to have applications and related documents processed within 7-10 business days.
Processing Time
Our processing time is currently 3-5 business days. At this time we are scanning received documents within 2 days of receipt. Although we have put some additional measures in place, we will not know how well everything works until we hit our peak application/transcript receipt period which runs from November through February.
Actions For Processing Time
The addition of two Admission Analyst positions has allowed us to spread out the work across more staff and to use our more experienced Analysts for testing and improvements. Also, adjusting the student work schedules to ensure scanning and indexing of documents is continuous allows those processes to keep up with the amount of paperwork being received. We are currently scanning and indexing documents the day they are received or the following day.
Develop An Admissions Transfer Center
A resource center to assist transfer students.
Assist Transfer Students
A resource center to assist transfer students in their transition into Sam Houston State University.
Tracking Calls And Visitors
This can be evaluated by tracking the number of calls and visitors.
Development Of Transfer Center
The hiring of staff and students for the Transfer Center has been completed. The Transfer Center renovations were completed and the staff and students had moved into their new offices. We were in the process of working with various Transfer groups or organizations as well as working on new ideas for Transfer students. Due to space limitations, the Transfer Center had to be closed down. It is no longer feasible to track visitors into the Transfer Center or calls to Tranfer Counselors because we no longer have the center and one of our Transfer Counselors has been relocated to The Woodlands Center.
Additions And Improvements For Transfer Center
We will continue to work with Community College Counselors and Advisors, prospective Transfer Students and their parents, and current Transfer students to assist them with the process and to improve the service and contacts for them on campus, however we will remove this Goal/Objective from our assessment.
Award HS Relations Scholarships Earlier
Awarding scholarships earlier will allow is to use this as a recruiting tool.
Award Scholarships In Jan/Feb
To award scholarships in January/February so they can serve as a recruiting tool.
Scholarships Awarded
Having awards completed by end of February.
High School Relations Scholarship Award Timeline
The notification of the earlier dates to high school counselors and prospective applicants was a success, however the intial awards were not completed until the third week of March. This was not due to lack of communication or advertisement of the scholarship but was a direct reslut of a signicant increase in the number of applicants and the lag in our processing time.
Award High School Relations Scholarships Earlier
The action here is on the processing side. With the addition of two Analyst positions, the adjustments to our student work schedules, and the possibility of some of the Banner IT projects being completed by November (particulary the payment being processed through TouchNet and the electronic high school transcripts loading electronically rather that being input), we can keep our processing time to within 10 business days and thus award by the end of February.