OATdb Archive

2012 - 2013

Financial Aid

Student Service
To increase the level of service provided to our students.

Staff Development
Perform regular staff development training to strengthen understanding of existing programs and train staff on new policies, procedures and programs.

Students Calling More Than Once
Fewer call-backs would indicate that first encounters would be clear and concise so that students would know what to expect in the loan application and award process. Our goal is to have less than 50% call-backs.

Insuffient Data To Support Reduction In Student Call-Backs
It has been determined that the Financial Aid & Scholarships Office was not be able to sufficiently track the number of call-backs that we receive from students/parents/others.  We are unable to verify whether or not this KPI was met. 

Staff Scheduling Change To Increase Efficiency
We do currently track the number of incoming, handled, and abandoned calls, but our phone system does not track the information of the individual calling.  We will make improvements within the office to improve Student Service, so that we are better able to assist students, but we cannot realistically expect call volume to decrease, especially during peak times and due to enrollment growth.  One change that has been implemented for the 2013-14 school year is staff scheduling.  Each area of expertise in the office is scheduled one day per week to process their work, have team meetings, and hold team trainings.  During this day off they will not be expected to assist students from the front or on the phone.  We expect that this change will improve efficiency with processing students' files for quicker award processing, therefore possibly reducing overall phone calls received.

Technological Enhancement
To utilize the Banner software features and functionality.

Summer Awards
This will be the second summer to use the Banner platform to assist with awards. The objective is to learn how to make the process work seamlessly in Banner

Number Of Summer Awards
The number of summer awards will demonstrate effective use of the Banner platform in the summer semesters with a goal of 3200 applicants during the summer.

Summer Awards Increased From 2012 To 2013
Prior to summer 2013 the Financial Aid Office had to request a work order through IT once per week in order to award students summer financial aid.  We were not able to make it part of our internal Banner processes until summer 2013.  The total number of students awarded for summer 2012 was 3885, and the total number of students awarded for summer 2013 was 5052, a 30% increase.  This performance objective went beyond expectations.

Summer Awards No Longer A Necessary Objective
Although the goal of technological enhancement will stay in place for the 2013-14 assessment cycle, our office will be making changes to the objectives that have gained in importance.  Now that summer awards are part of an automated process, we do not see it as an objective that we need to assess for future cycles. 

Consumer Information
Increased, clearer consumer information available should make the Financial Aid process more transparent.

Improve Consumer Information Outlets
Enhancing consumer information will reduce repetitive calls, especially during peak times, by giving a detailed explanation of what students can expect at each stage of the award process.

Revise/Improve Written And Electronic Consumer Information
The goal is to revise written and electronic consumer information so that repetitive calls are reduced by 10% for Spring 2013. 

Insufficient Data For Correlation Between Revised Consumer Information And Call-Backs
It has been determined that the Financial Aid & Scholarships Office was not be able to sufficiently track the number of call-backs that we receive from students/parents/others in relation to revised print and electronic communication. We are unable to verify whether or not this KPI was met.

Consumer Information Objective In Need Of Revision
This objective is not measurable through anything we currently have in place.  We do have a need to increase knowledge through Consumer Information, and we will be making enhancements such as revising our website, adding financial aid information to the Parent Bearkat Account, creating new brochures, and other such ways to make financial aid information more transparent to consumers.  We will define new measurable objectives for the next assessment cycle.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

One major change implemented during the 2012-13 cycle was the development of a Q&A team within the Financial Aid office.  Five staff members were chosen from different areas of expertise.  They met weekly to discuss frequently asked questions from the previous week and sent out a weekly email updating the office on how to answer such questions.  This greatly assisted with informing the staff and allowing them to quickly and efficiently answer the majority of questions.  The Q&A team is still in place, although we are not able to measure how this has assisted with our goal of fewer call-backs. 

We are now able to fully award summer through a Banner process run by the Financial Aid office, rather than needing to submit a work order through IT.  This objective was met through the changes put in place, so it will not be an objective in future cycles.

Plan for continuous improvement We determined from our findings, or rather lack of findings, that we are not able to measure increases or decreases in the number of call-backs through the phone system we currently have in place.  Objectives will have to be revised to focus on other measurable objectives within the goals.  Goals may also be revised to better fit upcoming changes in the Financial Aid & Scholarships Office.  We also determined that summer awards are no longer something we need to assess, and we will be adding new objectives in the area of technology. 

In order to increase efficiency in the office, we have several projects in place.  We are currently transitioning to processing paperwork electronically rather than using hard copies.  We will be implementing Tutor Track, a card swiping system that will help us keep track of who is coming in to the office, how often, and why they are coming in.  This will help us to determine our weak areas where additional internal training is needed or where consumer information can be revised.  We are also developing a new relationship with Undergraduate Admissions to better collaborate for recruitment and retention.  With all of these changes, we will work to implement measurable objectives for 2013-14.