The Manager/Buyer will stock the Museum Store with souvenir-type merchandise that appeal to the demographic that shops our store most.
Daily Sales Totals From General Visitors And School Groups.
As the school groups, tours, and individuals come through the Museum Store, the numbers of sales and amount sold will be measured monthly to track the progress of this goal. Our goal is to average $1,500 per month.
Achieved Monthly Revenue Average
Sales at Wigwam Neosho increased to an average of $2889 per month
Increase Monthly Revenue Average
Update KPI for 2013-2014 to include increased monthly revenue average goal of $3333
Increase Number Of Groups To Tour The Museum
The Museum will schedule more tour groups with our Education Department.
Increase Tour Groups
Our goal is to schedule 10% more tour groups with our Education Department than 2010-2011.
Did Not Achieve Goal Of Increased Number Of Groups
Museum did not achieve goal of increased number of groups (with a goal of 85 groups, only 76 groups were counted), but did increased total revenues to Education Programs account (which would indicate an increase in the total number of programs offered and selected).
Reevaluate The KPI Or Rethink The Objective
Perhaps a better evaluation would be made by observing the expansion of programs offered and observing the revenue of the Education Programs account.