OATdb Archive

2011 - 2012

Risk Management

Campus-Wide Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
Begin formulation of a campus-wide BCP by forming a working group to generate feedback and to help determine critical vs. non-critical factors to consider during a crisis.

Campus-Wide Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
Begin formulation of a campus-wide BCP by forming a working group to generate feedback and to help determine critical vs. non-critical factors to consider during a crisis.

BCP Checklist
A checklist with the required elements of an effective BCP will be used to determine progress in formulating a campus-wide BCP.  Goals are to be in progress by July 2012 and have the BCP completed by January 2013.

BCP Checklist Progress
Due to the former Risk Management Director leaving for another university, goals have not yet been established for the BCP.  This objective is under consideration and may possibly be moved to IT.

Hire Risk Management Director
Our first order of business is to hire a risk management director, who will then oversee all risk management tasks.

Emergency Operations Planning
Completion of the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) including functional annexes necessary to achieve level of preparedness defined as "Basic" based on criteria established by the Texas Division of Emergency.

Emergency Operations Planning
Completion of the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) including functional annexes necessary to achieve level of preparedness defined as "Basic" based on criteria established by the Texas Division of Emergency.

Basic EOP Checklist
A checklist will be used to document progress in completing the basic EOP. The goal for completion is December 2012. Once the Basic plan is complete, we want to sustain the basic level through training and simulation exercises.

Emergency Operations Results
Annexes A (warning) and B (communications) were completed.  These two annexes are part of the Emergency Operations Plan.  To achieve “Basic” preparedness, as defined by the Texas Division of Emergency Management, annex C (shelter and mass care) must be approved and finalized.  Due to the resignation of the university’s risk management director, annex C was not completed December 2012 as planned.   

Replace Risk Manager Director
To return the department to a progressive track, we will be replacing the former risk management director who has resigned.

University Emergency Preparedness
Develop and sustain a comprehensive effort to educate faculty, staff, and students about the importance of emergency preparedness and safety.

University Emergency Preparedness
Develop and sustain a comprehensive effort to educate faculty, staff, and students about the importance of emergency preparedness and safety.

Training Session Evaluations
Participants, upon completion of the training session, will evaluate the session using presenter-generated evaluation instruments.

Evaluation Goals
At least 80% of participants will be able to list two topics discussed during the workshop.  At least 80% will be able to declare some area of increased knowledge.

Evaluation Issues
Safety and Emergency Management training was provided to various groups throughout the University.  Due to the resignation of our risk management director, evaluations have not been located.

Better Recording Needed
We will develop a more strategic method for maintaining evaluations in a central location so that we are able to locate data and documents even when people resign in the middle of the year.  As we hire a new risk management director, that person will assist with the strategic method development we seek.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

Plan for continuous improvement We have two major issues on which to work:
1. Recruiting/Hiring a new risk management director; and
2. Centralizing data storage so that it can be easily accessed by the division.