LCC is designed to provide police executives with the knowledge and skills necessary for successful leadership in a modern law enforcement agency.
Demonstrate Integration Of Leadership Principles
Graduates of the LCC will be able to integrate leadership principles of law enforcement management and administration as well as managing the political, legal, and social environments.
Leadership White Paper (LWP) Evaluation Rubric
LEMIT staff will evaluate a LWP according to a predetermined set of criteria. Participants are expected to write a publishable-quality research paper to graduate from the LCC. They are introduced to the format and requirements in Module I and are required to turn in a draft of their paper at the end of Module I. Participants receive instruction and are provided access to research material and resources during Module I and Module II. Participants also receive individualized, face-to-face mentorship during Module I and Module II. All participant LWPs must be Final Approved for the participant to attend Module III and graduate from the LCC. In response to our action last year, the LEMIT program staff are working to design and implement a rubric to standardize assessment of the LWP.
At Least 80% Of Leadership White Papers (LWP) Will Be Judged To Be Of Publishable Quality
At least 80% of LCC participants will produce a LWP of publishable quality and assessed to be “satisfactory” or better prior to final review, mentorship and approval. Participant LWP drafts are revised, at least twice, through one-on-one communication (phone, email, and face-to-face if geography allows) between the participant and LWP coordinator until the paper obtains Final Approval and ready to be published through the Newton Gresham Library at Sam Houston State University.
Criteria Achieved
The criterion of a 80% "Satisfactory Or Better" rating on LWPs prior to final review was achieved. Additionally, the percentage of those needing additional mentoring in trouble areas was less than five (5%) percent.
Evaluation Forms Re-Designed And Implemented With Rubric To Be Designed And Implemented
Though participants were mentored from "unsatisfactory" to "satisfactory" to correct areas of weakness and produce a 100% graduation to the next Module, LEMIT program staff re-designed and implemented both instructor and overall evaluation forms to better assess, evaluate and improve areas of need with a program specific rubric system being researched so that standardized assessment may be achieved through design and implementation next fiscal year.
Texas Police Chief Leadership Series (TPCLS)
The program is specifically designed to assist police administrators in developing their leadership skills.
Factors Impacting Effectiveness
Police chiefs completing the TPCLS will be able to list knowledge acquired and application of that knowledge subsequent to the training.
More Effective Evaluation System
As part of the overall evaluation, new police chiefs will be asked to compose a course essay, listing at least five (5) things learned from the training session, while participants attending subsequent training will be asked to maintain a learning journal upon completion of each of seven (7) topics of training and identifying 1) knowledge gained; 2) how that knowledge will be used personally; and 3) how can the training be applied to the participant's agency. As indicated in our action last year, the LEMIT program staff are working to design and implement a more effective evaluation system to better assess, evaluate and improve areas of need.
At Least 85% Police Chiefs Able To Convey Training Achievements
At least 85% of police chiefs attending the training series will be able to effectively convey their training achievements at least to the level of “Satisfactory.”
Continue To Convey Training Achievements
The criterion of at least 85% of police chiefs being able to convey their training achievements was met.
Evaluation Forms Re-Designed And Rubric Implemented
Though participants were able to successfully convey their course learning achievements and indicated various areas within the training material and instruction requiring improvement, LEMIT program staff re-designed and implemented both instructor and overall evaluation forms to better assess, evaluate and improve areas of need with a program specific rubric system being researched so that standardized assessment may be achieved through design and implementation next fiscal year.