1. Foster An Intellectually Engaging And Stimulating Academic Environment.
How do we hire, retain, develop, and promote and tenure diverse individuals who are both excellent scholars and teachers?
How do we develop increasing internal leadership capacity?
How do we promote intellectual and scholarly engagement between faculty and between faculty and students?
How do we hire, train, and retain high quality staff, student assistants, and graduate assistants?
How can we increase the level of funded research activity?
Intellectually Engaging
President Gibson will send individuals to conferences to improve skills and enhance growth.
Intellectually Engaging
President Gibson would like to send 1 employee per year to the Governor's Executive Development Program. In addition, she will support internal staff development programs sponsored by Human Resources, Staff Council, and other areas by allowing employees time away from normal job duties to attend and participate in programs as needed.
Intellectually Engaging
Dr. Gibson sent Dr. Heather Thielemann, VPEM, to the Governor's Executive Development Program. This program is 3 one week sessions focusing on executive managment. In addition, Dr. Gibson sent 12 staff to the FORWARD conference.
Dr. Gibson also participated in Staff Council's staff development seminar and the Chick-fil-a Leadercast program.
Intellectually Engaging
Dr. Gibson is formulating a list of possible attendees for the Governor's Executive Development Program to select the participate for the FY2013 program.
Stimulating Academic Environment
President Gibson will enhance the President's Breakfast Series for leadership development.
Stimulating Academic Environment
President Gibson will add an additional session of the President's Breakfast Series.
Stimulating Academic Environment
There was only one President's Breakfast Series held in FY 2012. The speaker was Dr. John Slocum from the SMU Cox School of Business. His topic was "Organizational Culture". Dr. Gibson plans to have a session each semester in FY 2013.
Stimulating Academic Environment
Dr. Gibson is formulating a list of possible speakers for the FY2013 President's Speaker Series.
2. Adopt Innovative Methods To Improve The Quality And Access To Instruction.
How do we develop innovative methods for online and face???to???face education that accentuate SHSU’s high academic quality and student friendliness?
How do we strengthen community college articulation?
How can we enhance the effectiveness of public school and community college articulation to increase college readiness and close the gaps?
How can we increase funding for student scholarships, assistantships/post doc grants?
Access To Instruction - On-Line
President Gibson will monitor the market and competitors to continually add programs to on-line degree menu to meet the needs of the students.
Access To Instruction - On-Line
President Gibson will add 1 undergraduate program to on-line degree menu.
Access To Instruction - On-Line
The Bachelor of Business Administration degree received approval to be administered online beginning Spring 2013.
Access To Instruction - On-Line
Dr. Gibson will work with the Provost to determine the additional programs to add to the SHSU on-line curriculum.
Access To Instruction - Physical
President Gibson will develop the Woodlands and Tomball campus locations.
Access To Instruction - Physical
President Gibson will utilize the Woodlands and Tomball campuses with 100% capacity for evening courses and increase capacity for daytime classes.
Access To Instruction - Physical
The new Woodlands facility opened May 2012. Currently the evening classes are near capacity. The university is offering business, criminal justice, and education courses during the day with a very good response.
The Tomball facility is also near capacity for evening classes. The university is limited to offering only education classes during the day. There is also a good response to the day courses.
Access To Instruction - Physical
Dr. Gibson has been very pleased with the enrollment at the Woodlands and Tomball campuses. She will continue to monitor each to make certain both campuses are utilized in the most effective manner.
Access To Instruction - Partnerships
President Gibson will continue to expand and improve 2 + 2 programs with Community Colleges.
Access To Instruction - Partnerships
Continue to be the premier university in the State in regards to transfer programs and reverse transfer.
Access To Instruction - Partnerships
Currently, Sam Houston State University is the 6th largest in number of transer students. Fall 2011 was the largest number of first time transfer enrollment (2,238) at SHSU. Fall 2012 exceeded this number with 2,283 first time transfer students. SHSU is a leader in the State with 50 baccalaureate degree programs with 47 community colleges/districts and 18 Joint Admission Agreements. In addition, SHSU has 2,162 online Articulation Agreements.
SHSU is also leading the way in the State with the Reverse Transer program by sending 3,624 filtered transcripts to 9 college districts. This process is in place with the Blinn System and is in the process of being implemented with the Lone Star College System.
Access To Instruction - Partnerships
Dr. Gibson would like Sam Houston State University to continue to be known as a leader in the State in regard to partnerships with Community Colleges. She will continue to monitor the success of this program.
3. Adjust Academic Program Mix To Meet Changing Demographic Characteristics And Changing Societal Needs.
What are the most critical undergraduate and graduate programs to develop over the next 3???5 years? Are there programs we should eliminate?
Are there programs that need to change their focus or emphasis?
What are the opportunities for research enhancement? Can we optimize program changes to maximize research potential?
Would a different student mix change the engagement in academic activities, community engagement activities, or service learning opportunities?
How can we capitalize on program development to achieve more nationally recognized programs?
How can we optimize program mix to increase national recognition?
How do we engage constituents to identify new program areas for development?
How do we increase awareness and engagement with international constituents?
Program Mix - Additions
President Gibson will add new programs that will meet the needs of the students and the current economy.
Program Mix - Additions
President Gibson will add the following programs.
* Undergraduate - Add 2 Allied Health, 1 Engineering Technology programs. * Masters - Add a program of interdisciplinary mix. * Doctoral - Add Digital Forensic/Forensic Science program.
Program Mix - Additions
* (Allied Health) The Bachelor degree in Biomedical Sciences (BBS) has received approval from the TSUS Board of Regents and is pending approval from THECB. * (Interdisciplinary Mix) The Masters in Digital Media has been approved. * The Doctoral degree in Digital Forensic/Forensic Science is currently in the process of being developed, and the university will seek approval from the TSUS Board of Regents soon.
Program Mix - Additions
Dr. Gibson will continue to monitor the approval of the Bachelor degree in Biomedical Sciences as well as the doctoral degree in Digital Forensic/Forensic Science.
4. Maintain A Culture Of Excellence In A Supportive And Collegial Environment.
How do we effectively define and convey the unique and special aspects of the Sam Houston State culture?
Our culture differentiates us in the marketplace, how do we capitalize on this aspect?
How do we maintain individualized service (or is it prompt service online with individual component as needed)?
What or how will student services and activities change?
How do we get more than the core undergraduates involved?
How does the approach to student athletics, performances, clubs, etc. change with multiple campuses and potentially more non???traditional undergraduates?
Culture Of Up Close, Personal, Quality Instruction - Non-Traditional Setting
Dr. Gibson will retain the culture of up close, personal, and quality instruction while expanding into new markets of distance education and Multi-Institution Teaching Centers (MITC).
Culture Of Up Close, Personal, Quality Instruction - Non-Traditional Setting
* Develop student on-line groups/activities. * Make student services available at the off campus sites.
Culture Of Up Close, Personal, Quality Instruction - Non Traditional Setting
The following services have been made available by the division of Student Services for the on-line students and the students located at the Woodlands Facilities: - Bearkat OneCard Services (Higher One ATM Machine located at the Woodlands Center) - All Barnes and Noble College Bookstore book acquisition services - Barnes and Noble product vending machine at the Woodlands Center - On-site testing staff member located at the Woodlands Center - Periodic visits by Counseling Services Psychologist to the Woodlands Center - Flu shots at the Woodlands Center - Information on Student Legal Services - Link to Fitness Blog - PodCasts from the Money Management Center
Culture Of Up Close, Personal, Quality Instruction - Non-Traditional Students
Dr. Gibson will continually work with the Vice President of Student Services to make certain Sam Houston State University is proactive to reach out to the non traditional students.
Culture Of Up Close, Personal, Quality Instruction - Traditional Setting
President Gibson will retain the culture of up close, personal, and quality instruction on the main campus in the traditional college setting.
Culture Of Up Close, Personal, Quality Instruction - Traditional Setting
* Continue to maintain the student to faculty ratio of 1: (mid 20s) * Continue to be below the State average for the ratio of number of employees/100 students. * Continue to be below the State average for the ratio of number of staff/100 students. * Continue to be at or below the State average for the number of faculty/100 students.
Culture Of Up Close, Personal, Quality Instruction
*Student to Faculty Ratio: 25 : 1 *Employee to 100 Students: 11.4 to 100 (State Average - 19.3) *Staff to 100 Students: 6.8 to 100 (State Average 14.6) *Faculty to 100 Students: 4.64 to 100 (State Average 4.7)
Culture Of Up Close, Personal, Quality Instruction
Dr. Gibson will continue to provide resources in order for Sam Houston State University to provide its students with a quality education that is up close and personal.
Culture Of Up Close, Personal, Quality Instruction - Traditional Setting - II
President Gibson will keep campus informed and seek campus wide input regarding pertinent issues.
Culture Of Up Close, Personal, Quality Instruction - Traditional Setting - II
* Hold forums to discuss current issues * Seek campus wide input on pertinent issues * Seek input from executive administration
Culture Of Up Close, Personal, Quality Instruction - Traditional Setting - II
* Held Roundtable Open Forums to discuss current issues of Higher Education. * Inclusive campus wide approach to develop the University Strategic Plan. * Held President's Cabinet and Council of Academic Deans Planning Retreat.
Culture Of Up Close, Personal, Quality Instruction - Traditional Setting - II
Dr. Gibson will continue to hold the Roundtable Open Forums in FY2013. She also plans to have another President's Cabinet and Council of Academic Deans Planning Retreat for FY2013. Dr. Gibson will seek the university's input for the upcoming Campus Master Plan that will be developed in FY2013.
5. Place A Targeted Emphasis On Marketing And Institutional Branding.
How do we continue growing the support of alumni and friends?
What do ongoing development activities look like between campaigns?
How do we diversify and optimize different revenue streams (commercialization, etc.)?
How do we define an annual marketing plan with all its components?
Social media branding
Institutional branding
Program marketing
Will changes in the city or region (Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Austin) affect our student participation?
How do we balance institutional marketing with program marketing?
How do we fund marketing for new program development?
How do we engage individual programs in the marketing process?
How can we adjust branding to increase revenues from grants and contracts?
Marketing Campaign
President Gibson will establish a marketing campaign.
Marketing Campaign
* Provide resources (funding and personnel) to Communications to implement a marketing campaign. * Provide resources (funding and personnel) to Enrollment Managment to Market 20 academic programs annually.
Marketing Campaign
*Dr. Gibson provided funding to implement a new marketing campaign two years ago. The position of Associate Vice President and Marketing and Communications was added at that time. During FY 2012, the funding ($260,000) was made permanent. *Dr. Gibson approved two new positions and a budget of $249,000 to implement a program to market 20 academic programs annually.
Marketing Campaign
Dr. Gibson will check to see if the resources provided to the marketing campaign are suffient or need to be adjusted.
6. Support And Promote Regional Economic Development.
Where, how and who to work with city and region on economic development and our legislative support?
How can we integrate our services and programs to promote community and regional development?
How can we promote university???community engagement to address the mutual needs of the campus and surrounding communities through service learning opportunities?
How can we promote beneficial research and innovative discoveries as new commercial ventures?
Economic Development - Jobs
President Gibson will promote economic development to increase jobs for students and spouses of SHSU personnel.
Economic Development - Jobs
President Gibson will establish an Economic Development organization with other community leaders.
Economic Development - Jobs
Dr. Gibson has been an active particpate along with the city, county, HMH, and the chamber in the development of NuCorp. This is a new community economic development group whose mission is to bring to the Huntsville-Walker County area new businesses to stiumulate the economy and bring jobs to the area.
Economic Development - Jobs
Dr. Gibson will continue to stay active with the community to develop the economic growth of Huntsville and the surrounding area. She currently has plans to conduct an updated Economic Impact Study.
Economic Development - Research
President Gibson will promote research and economic development programs at Sam Houston State University.
Economic Development - Research
Dr. Gibson will establish a Research Park facility with a business incubator, facility for research, and hotel/conference center.
Economic Development - Research
Dr. Gibson is in the process of establishing a Research Park facility. This project is currently being added to the new Campus Master Plan. An Executive Director of Research Park, Terry Stokes, has been hired and the university is currently in negotiations to accept an offer of some gifted land to house the facility.
Economic Development - Research
Dr. Gibson will continue to work on the development of research park/training facility.
7. Identify Appropriate Five-year Plans And Targets For Enrollment Growth And Mix And Its Instructional And Service Implications.
How do we accurately define the student population mix? (e.g. core undergraduate, non??? traditional undergraduate, graduate, diversity emphasis, international students, underrepresented populations, and Hispanic enrollments to obtain Hispanic???serving institution status)
How do we develop the University Center and University Park campuses to complement the main campus’s course offerings?
What are and will be the implications for distance learning growth? Will it affect the face??? to???face enrollments?
How do we continue to emphasize quality if we grow non???traditional undergraduate program areas?
How do we effectively coordinate student recruitment efforts across divisions, campuses, and online?
How and when do we add faculty and staff to accommodate enrollment growth for instruction and services based on enrollment mix?
Enrollment Growth
Dr. Gibson will provide resources for enrollment growth.
Enrollment Growth
* Achieve overall annual growth of 3%. * Achieve 8% annual growth for Hispanic students. * Achieve 7% annual growth for African American students. * Achieve 37% on-line growth.
Enrollment Growth
*Enrollment for Fall 12 was 18,461 which was an 5.33% increase over Fall 11 *Hispanic student enrollment growth for Fall 12 was an 7.63% increase over Fall 11 *African American student enrollment growth for Fall 12 was an 12.21% increase over Fall 11 *Undergraduate on-line growth was 9% from Fall 2011 to Fall 2012, Graduate on-line growth was 13% from Fall 2011 to Fall 2012 with the overall growth 27.5% growth from Fall 2011 to Fall 2012.
Enrollment Growth
Dr. Gibson will continue to provide the resources seeking the appropriate enrollment growth. She plans to conduct an enrollment audit in FY2013 in order to make certain SHSU has the best enrollment practices in place.
8. Make Data- And Outcome-based Continuous Improvement A Part Of Our Daily Environment.
How do we monitor and plan for the implications of federal and state changes (funding and others)?
How do we allocate resources based upon goals?
What technology resources (infrastructure, people, etc) are needed given the branding,student population and program decisions?
How should we build into our services the ability to monitor for performance and changes needed as student populations change? Participation changes?
How can we improve the institutional data collection, management and analysis processes to reflect accurate characteristics of the university and its programs?
How can we determine institutional priorities for staff development and training and develop programs to address these priorities?
How do we develop an appreciation for and commitment to a culture of assessment and accreditation?
How do we determine which information is most useful and which is unnecessary?
Data Reports
President Gibson will create user friendly data reports for faculty/staff.
Data Reports
* Complete the conversion of campus to Banner. * Establish university dashboard indicators.
Data Reports
* The University has converted to Banner and is in the process of customizing reports for divisions to utilize the data. * The Vice Presidents and Athletic Director has submitted dashboard indicators for their divisions to the President. Dr. Gibson is in the process of working with each to narrow the indicators to 7 - 8 to focus on essential areas.
Data Reports
Dr. Gibson plans to continue to establish an appropriate set of campus-wide dashboard indicators to establish measureable benchmarks for an annual comparison of data.
Assessment/Institutional Research/Data
President Gibson will make certain the data collected and disbursed is done in an efficient manner and used effectively.
Assessment/Institutional Research/Data
* Establish a unit devoted to assessment and a separate office for instituional research. * Make changes to the OATDB or implement additional software so that it is applicable to a wide variety of users.
Assessment/Institutional Research/Data
*Dr. Gibson added a unit that is a part of the division of Academic Affairs that is devoted to assessment. The Assistant Vice President, Somer Franklin, oversees this unit and is the new SACS liaison. *Dr. Gibson restructured Institutional Research to include Public Policy to tie data and information together to increase usefulness. *Dr. Gibson is still in the process of working with IT to locate/purchase an assessment software package.
Assessment/Institutional Research/Data
Dr. Gibson is pleased with the development of the new office of assessment. She will continue to monitor the growth and development.
9. Continue To Develop Campus Physical Facilities And Infrastructure.
How do we obtain funding for the construction outlined in the Campus Master Plan?
* How do we increase laboratory space for research/scholarship to enhance external funding?
* How do we identify the technological resources needed for the future?
* How can we better address the transportation and parking needs of students and faculty and staff?
* How can we further enhance campus business incubators to promote innovative new commercial ventures in Huntsville and Walker County?
Physical Facilities And Infrastructure
Develop a new Campus Master Plan.
Physical Facilities And Infrastructure - Campus Master Plan
Complete the new Campus Master Plan by Fall 2012.
Physical Facilities And Infrastructure - Campus Master Plan
The University has been in the process of developing a new Campus Master Plan. It was on target to be approved at the November 2012 Texas State University System Board of Regents' meeting. However, there were a few items that needed to be reviewed and is currently on schedule to to approved by the Board of Regents at the February 2013 meeting.
Physical Facilities And Infrastructure
Dr. Gibson will implement the first phases of the Campus Master Plan.
Physical Facilities And Infrastructure - Acquistions
Acquire land to facilitate implementation of the new Campus Master Plan.
Physical Facilities And Infrastructure - Acquistions
Acquire: * 2105 & 2107 Avenue J * 2110 & 2112 Avenue I * 1614 Sycamore Avenue * Richmond Apartment Complex * Baptist Student Union * Church of Christ Student Union
Physical Facilities And Infrastructure - Acquistions
*Received TSUS Board of Regents approval and purchased 2105 & 2107 Avenue J at the May 2012 meeting. *Received TSUS Board of Regents approval and purchased 2210 & 2112 Avenue I at the May 2012 meeting. *Received TSUS Board of Regents approval and purchased 1614 Sycamore at the May 2012 meeting. *Received TSUS Board of Regents approval and purchased 2207 Avenue J (Richmond Apartment Complex) at the August 2012 meeting. * Dr. Gibson has met with the local and state leadership of the Baptist Student Union regarding purchasing the Baptist Student Union property and is currently in the process of trying to obtain this property. * Dr. Gibson has met with representatives of the Church of Christ Student Union and is currently in the process on trying to obtain this property.
Physical Facilities And Infrastructure - Acquistions
Dr. Gibson will continue to acquire land that is necessary to implement the Campus Master Plan.
Physical Facilities And Infrastructure - Improvements And New Construction
Make improvements to exisiting facilities and build new facilities to keep pace with growth.
Physical Facilities And Infrastructure - Improvements And New Construction
* Start expansion of LSC * Start construction process on Allied Health Facility * Start construction process of Agricultural Complex at Gibbs Ranch * Start construction process on Events Center
Physical Facilities And Infrastructure - Improvements And New Construction
* The residence life facilities of Smith-Kirkley were demolished to provide the room for the expansion of the LSC. The University is in the process of negotiating with the Baptist Student Union and the Church of Christ to increase the footprint for construction. Currently, the plans for the expansion are being developed. * The Allied Health Facility has been incorporated into the new Campus Master Plan. The construction plans are complete and the University is in hopes of receiving Tuition Revenue Bond (TRB) funds during this Legislative session to begin construction. *The University has received a $10 million match donation for the construction of part of the Agricultural Complex at Gibbs Ranch. The University is in hopes of receiving Tuition Revenue Bond (TRB) funds during this Legislative session to begin construction. *The University has changed the focus of a stand alone Events Center to combine the Events Center with the expansion of the press box.
Physical Facilities And Infrastructure - Improvements And New Construction
Dr. Gibson will continue to monitor the current projects to make certain they have the resources for full implemtation.