Each theatre student will acquire the acting techniques necessary to demonstrate proficiency through an acting jury or audition.
Acting/Directing Majors Will Demonstrate Proficiency In Acting/Directing Artistry
The proficiencies demonstrated will include knowledge of character development, use of body and voice, knowledge of script analysis and other areas of expertise related to a particular genre of theater ( as required by the particular production)
Auditions For SHSU Productions Or Outside Internships
During a juried performance the student will demonstrate proficiency in character development including effective movement, playing objectives, textual clarity, and vocal energy.. A juried performance is one which is sanctioned by the SHSU Theater program either on campus or off campus. The jury consists of SHSU Theater faculty.
Excellence In 90% Of Juried Performances
90% of the student performances will be judged by SHSU faculty juries to be demonstrating excellence in all areas stated in the learning objective
Excellence In 90% Of Juried Performances
Excellence in 80 % of all juried performances for Acting/Directing emphasis.
Reevaluating Current System Of Assessing Acting/Directing Students
The Theatre Dept faculty have decided a juried gateway for the Acting/directing emphasis will occur at some point in the first two years of a student's stay at SHSU. A process is being developed to overcome high student to faculty ratio in order to aid this endeavor.
Design Proficiency
Each theatre student will acquire the design techniques necessary to demonstrate proficiency through a juried portfolio review.
Design/Tech Majors Will Demonstrate Proficiency In Design/Tech Areas
During a portfolio review Theater students with a design/tech emphasis will demonstrate proficiency in at least two of the following areas: costumes, lights, scenic design and sound design
Design/Tech Portfolio Review
Through annual portfolio review, Design/Tech students must demonstrate a degree of design/tech proficiency in a minimum of two areas specified in the learning objective. Theater faculty assess portfolios and provide feedback in one-on-one meetings with each design/tech students.
85% Design Readiness
85% of student design/tech portfolios will be assessed as "ready" to allow the student to be considered to design for the SHSU main season productions.
Design/Tech Portfolio Review
80% of student Design/tech portfolio reviews demonstrated proficiency in two or more areas.
Assess Impact Of Technical Resources On Design/Tech Learning