Provide high quality facilities and services in support of the university's mission.
Quality Operations
Provide guests with high quality facilities, equipment and services.
Quality Operations
Using an assessment survey, measure the quality of the operations for service and the facility. The service portion of the survey is broken into 3 areas: communication, efficiency, and courtesy. Facility issues surveyed were quality of tables, chairs, equipment and special needs. Each of the areas allowed the responder to select a rating of excellent, good, fair, or poor. The survey provided space for additional comments from the responder. A copy of the survey is attached. The goal is to maintain a 90% rating of excellent or good in the quality assessment survey.
Quality Operations
Using the Student Voice survey instrument to evaluate our facility and operations, we have received a 96.3% excellent or good response overall. Our reservations section received an overall 97.7% approval rating and the facility side attained a 95.2% approval.
Quality Operations
In addition to the 96% approval rating, the comments on the survey were overwhelmingly positive. One of the requests made early in the survey cycle was to develop an online reservation system. We purchased that option with our current reservation system with very positive results. We will expand the number of users this coming academic year. We have also upgraded our technology in the meeting rooms to include large flat panel televisions and Skype access.
Programs And Events
Encourage student participation in programs and events held in the student center.
Provide university community with programs and increase participation in line with university growth.
Program Participation
The programs sponsored by the LSC will increase student participation by a factor equal to the university growth.
Program Participation
The on campus population remained static for this past year. The participation in the Kat Klub programs is down a little more than 10% while at the same time the number of people coming into the game room is up 4%.
Program Participation
During the second half of this evaluation period we have been short at least one full time staff member. The result was the Kat Klub programming has not been the emphasis of our efforts. The overall student population at SHSU has grown, but the students attending class on the main campus has remained the same as last year. We have hired a new full time staff member to assist with the programs and participation which will greatly improve our student involvement in the future.