Administrative oversight of Lowman Student Center (LSC), Recreational Sports, and Students' Legal and Mediatoin Services
Students' Legal And Mediation Services
Provide follow-up service check-up and evaluate whether students have understood their rights and taken action on one or more legal options.
Students Responding To Follow-Up Calls Will Affirm That They Have An Ongoing Understanding Of Legal Options.
Each student seeking legal consulations will receive a follow-up telephone call 1-2 weeks after appointment. When calls are unanswered, the department will leave a message expressing concern/interest in legal resolution. When calls are answered or returned, the following will be asked:
Was the information you attained in your legal consultation helpful in understanding your legal options? (yes/no)
Were you able to take the next step towards resolution of your legal issue? (yes/no/na)
Invite additional consultation if no steps have been taken.
Of students receiving consultation:
95% will receive a follow-up call.
20% of students will be reached by telephone and agree that the information attained in legal consultation was helpful in understanding legal options.
15% of students reached by telephone and will have taken the next step towards resolution of their legal issue.
Follow Up Telephone Survey Results
100% of students who participated in the pre-consultation assessment received a follow-up telephone call; exceeding goal of 95%.
Of those receiving a follow up-call, 67% were reached, surveyed and agreed that information from consultation was helpful in understanding legal options; exceeded goal of 20%.
88% of students reached by telephone reported that they had taken the next step to resolve their legal issue; exceeded goal of 15%.
Increasing Number Of Follow-up Surveys
Only 67% of students called were reached or called back to respond to our follow-up survey. While this number exceeded the goal, there is room for improvement.
We will work to increase the number of follow-up survey responses by sending a survey email to students who do not respond by telephone.
Recreational Sports
Students who take advantage of the May trip to Grand Canyon National Park will report participation: 1. increased self-esteem, 2. enhanced interpersonal relationships 3. involved learning at least one new skill.
Survey With StudentVoice
The indicator will be a survey with a Likert scale 1-5 with a place for comments for two of the items. Expectations are that 90% of participants will report positive experiences with the trip. We are especially interested in the self-esteem ratings improving from the 86% reporting improvement during 2010-2011.
Hawaii Volcanoes Survey Results
According to the post trip evaluation conducted using StudentVoice, 94% of the participants reported that they had experienced some level of increased self-esteem. The same survey found that 100% of participants fostered interpersonal relationships and learned at least one new skill. The criterion for this goal was having at least 90% report a positive experience. The findings for these three objectives average to just under 97%, thus exceeding the goal.
Work On Self-esteem Objective
The Outdoor Recreation program will work on improving its scores in regards to self-esteem until 100% of participants report improved self-esteem. The program will incorporate nightly debriefing activities into its trips to help facilitate self-esteem development.
Lowman Student Center (LSC)
Provide guests with high quality facilities, equipment and services.
Quality Operations
Using an assessment survey, measure the quality of the operations for service and the facility. The service portion of the survey is broken into 3 areas: communication, efficiency, and courtesy. Facility issues surveyed were quality of tables, chairs, equipment and special needs. Each of the areas allowed the responder to select a rating of excellent, good, fair, or poor. The survey provided space for additional comments from the responder. A copy of the survey is attached.
Quality Operations
Using the Student Voice survey instrument to evaluate our facility and operations, we have received a 96.3% excellent or good response overall. Our reservations section received an overall 97.7% approval rating and the facility side attained a 95.2% approval.
Quality Operations
In addition to the 96% approval rating, the comments on the survey were overwhelmingly positive. One of the requests made early in the survey cycle was to develop an online reservation system. We purchased that option with our current reservation system with very positive results. We will expand the number of users this coming academic year. We have also upgraded our technology in the meeting rooms to include large flat panel televisions and Skype access.