To increase the level of service provided to our students.
Staff Development
Perform regular staff development training to strengthen understanding of existing programs and train staff on new policies, procedures and programs.
Students Calling More Than Once
Fewer call-backs would indicate that first encounters would be clear and concise so that students would know what to expect in the loan application and award process. Our goal is to have less than 50% call-backs.
Cross-Trained Staff Decreased Number Of Call-backs
With cross-trained staff who could assist during peak time and could answer questions if person with expertise was unavailable, we were able to decrease call-backs by 75%
Ongoing Cross-Training
Ongoing cross-training will be used in-house to lessen employee reliance on co-worker expertise.
Technological Enhancement
To utilize the Banner software features and functionality.
Summer Awards
This will be the second summer to use the Banner platform to assist with awards. The objective is to learn how to make the process work seamlessly in Banner
Number Of Summer Awards
The number of summer awards will demonstrate effective use of the Banner platform in the summer semesters with a goal of 3200 applicants during the summer.
Rethinking Technology
We believe that we will be able to increase the number of summer awards weekly because the entire process will be moved to Financial Aid office where a workload automation system (UC4) will be coupled with Banner.