OATdb Archive

2011 - 2012

Enrollment Management, Vice President

Enrollment And Retention
To provide affordable, quality education to a diverse population by recruiting and enrolling qualified freshman and transfer students for admission.

Enroll A Highly Qualified Student Population
To increase the academic profile, diversity and academic performance of the new enrolled undergraduate student and transfer student populations

Conversion Rate
Conversion rate of applied, becoming accepted, and eventually enrolled students. Since we were able reach 52% for applied to accepted last year and to reach 55% from accepted to enrolled, this year our goal will be 55% for both areas.

Conversion Rate Results
Conversion rate for applied to accepted for all undergraduate types was 48%.  Freshman rate was 41.3% and transfer rate was 65.8%.  Conversion rate from accepted to enrolled for all undergraduate types was 50.1% with a freshman rate of 40% and a transfer rate of 70.1%.

On-campus Recruitment Inquiry Card Numbers
A position was created to oversee on-campus recruitment at events where possible students attended and no information had been gathered, such as summer camps, community events, and UIL competitions.  At these events, inquiry cards are distributed and hopefully returned with contact information and interests.

Our return rate last year was only 35% with a goal of 60%.  We are eager to determine whether our interventions this year will increase our return rate this year.  Our goal for 2011-2012 remains at 60%.

Improved Result
The return of usable inquiry cards was about 45%. Several issues came to our attention for the 10% increase: 1) the campers are now supervised when completing the cards; 2) the return for UIL guests involved in academic competitions is adequate: the return for UIL guests in band and athletic competitions is improving for time of completion. 100% success rate for inquiry information was a community event with the Boy/Girl Scouts. The 300 plus attendees registered over the SHSU website where it captured all the required information for recruitment without the use of inquiry cards.

New Recruitment/Enrollment Opportunities
New opportunities for recruitment and enrollment will be developed for target audiences of veterans. Last year the military recruiter in the Veterans Center interacted with 5000+ participants through military base visits and career fairs.  We have attempted to join SHSU ROTC in recruitment efforts.  To that end, we hope to interact with 5500 participants.  We need to track how many applications results from the recruiting efforts.

Veterans Resource Center Recruiting Results
The Veterans Resource Center reports 6200 contacts for the year.  Visits were made to Ft. Hood, Ft. Sam Houston, Lackland Airforce Base, and Fort Polk in Louisiana.  Six recruiting fairs were held at Lone Star College campuses and one at Houston Community College. 

Enrollment And Retention Goals
A new admissions standard and an accountability system for admissions counselors will increase conversion rates.

Better communication to the camp directors about the importance of the inquiry cards from the campers. Internal camps to beginning to use Marketplace for registration which will capture camper information directly from reports and uploaded into the Hobson’s data base. A new department, On Campus Recruitment, under Enrollment Management will manage and assess this information in the future.

Since the most successful visits were at college fairs on the bases instead of "cold visits," we hope to attend more fairs this year and focus on those visits.  The recruiter had more face-time with military members at those fairs.  The most productive visits were the college fairs at the community colleges.  The Veterans Resource Center will actively seek out those opportunities for more face-to-face contact with military members. The Veteran's Center and its activities will be moved under the Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Management starting in 2012-2013.

Promote The University's Image And Brand
To develop and maintain divisional publications, websites, and other communication tools by promoting the university’s image and brand for recruitment and retention programs in relation to the President's Image Campaign.

Division Publications
All Enrollment Management publications will promote the university's image and brand. We have implemented a marketing program in the division and are eager to whether applications increase enrollment between 2010-2011 and 2011-2012.

Program Marketing Implemented
Marketing plans were developed for 12 undergraduate academic programs.  These plans included marketing pieces such as a brochure for each program, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, promotional items, mass emails to community college students, landing pages, short videos for the SHSU YouTube Channel, Pandora Internet Radio ads, magazine ads, banners, and other printed pieces.  All programs contributed promotional items, brochures, and funding towards Hobsons database software to Undergraduate Admissions so that recruiters could promote the programs.  Brochures were also given to the SAM Center, Visitors Center, The Woodlands Center, University Advancement, and the Veterans Resource Center so that they could also promote the programs.  Most of the programs saw an increase in applications and enrollment in the majors for Fall 2012. Six of the degree programs saw an increase of ten percent or more for Fall 2013. Final reports for the programs included marketing strategies, details of marketing pieces, enrollment summary for Fall 2012, performance summary, and recommendations for the future to help contacts continue their marketing efforts. Attached are statistics for Fall 2012 enrollment in the areas targeted by the Program Marketing efforts. 

Timely Marketing Materials
Program Marketing was launched mid fiscal year so many of the programs did not have their marketing materials early enough to effectively change enrollment.  The new and continued programs will receive their materials much earlier which should make an impact on the programs visibility to prospective students deciding on universities.  Many of the programs will have materials available at campus preview day, Saturdays@Sam in November.

Department Professional Development
Employees will be expected to utilize various avenues of professional development via on-campus and/or off-campus trainings and conferences, to become highly qualified in their positions to impart needed knowledge to students, coworkers, and visitors to campus.

Knowledge, Accuracy, And Compliance
Employees will demonstrate and practice the current knowledge, accuracy and compliance needed for the department and specific position.

Professional Development
Professional development opportunities associated with best practices in the appropriate Enrollment Management areas. Enrollment Management employees will take advantage of at least one professional development opportunity each academic year that is related to goals and objectives for the division.

Professional Development
Professional development opportunities were accomplished both on and off campus.  We did not keep careful track of who attended what this year; however, we know everyone had an opportunity to attend professional development workshops sponsored by Staff Council and/or the Professional and Academic Center for Excellence (PACE).

Rules And Regulations Seminars
The following seminars will allow Enrollment Management employees to be current with legislative mandates, as well as Texas State University System (TSUS) and Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) rules and regulations. Enrollment Management Leadership staff will take advantage of at least one seminar opportunity each academic year that is related to rules and regulations associated with the division.

The seminars were really just informal sharing brought from the President's Cabinet meetings down to the division.  The objective of more interaction and sharing what leaders were doing did not happen in the way envisioned. 

These objectives have been met or reorganization has meant changing objectives.  These objectives will be retired.

Communicate Enrollment Processes
Employees will effectively plan, train, and communicate enrollment processes for students, faculty, and staff throughout the enrollment cycle.

Meetings With Campus Representatives
Regular up-close-and-personal committee meetings with representatives from various divisions on campus will indicate what types of training are needed. Our goal is that a solution will be generated for each issue.

Enrollment Management has been reorganized with a new structure of who reports to which administrator.  To that end, still for every issue a solution was generated.

Directors' Meetings
The Vice President of Enrollment Management will hold bi-weekly group meetings with the directors and then bi-weekly one-on-one meetings with each director. The goal is a solution will be generated for each issue raised. 

We were able to generate a solution for each issue raised.  With the reorganization, this meeting now involves the Leadership Team.

New Objectives With Reorganization
These two objectives will be retired and replaced next year with new objectives that represent the reorganization of Enrollment Management.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

Plan for continuous improvement A new admission standard will be put in place.  Top quartile students have shown to be successful applicants and automatic admission should raise the conversion rate.  Additionally, an accountability system will be put in place for undergraduate counselors that will track communication and those counselors will be responsible for the conversion rates from their assigned region. We will be making the following recommendations for On-Campus Recruitment: 1) Better communication to the camp directors about the importance of the inquiry cards from the campers; and 2)  Internal camps to beginning to use Marketplace for registration which will capture camper information directly from reports and uploaded into the Hobson’s data base. A new department, The recruiter had more face-time with military members at career fairs; thus, representation at more career fairs will be sought.  The Veterans Resource Center will actively seek out those opportunities for more face-to-face contact with military members, especially during college fairs at community colleges. The Veteran's Center and its activities have been moved under the Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Management starting in 2012-2013. We will work intensely to have materials available in all departments and at campus preview day and Saturdays@Sam in November.

Because of reorganization of the division, we are retiring four objectives associated with department professional development.  We will be adding more relevant goals/objectives for 2012-2013.