to contribute to the quality of the University's academic programs, the Office of the Associate VP for Academic Affairs will promote the development and maintenance of a variety of academic support services.
Attract Quality Undergraduate Students
To improve the academic reputation of the institution, it is imperative that a higher quality of student be recruited and retained. The higher quality students will also assist the University in recruiting and retaining higher quality faculty.
Enrollment Rates
If the University is successful in targeting and enrolling quality undergraduate students, there should be an increase in SAT scores for entering students, an increase in the number of honor students and international students from year to year..
Quality Students
Slight Increase in ACT/SAT Scores
F 2010 average - 1015.80
F 2011 average - 1019.95
Increase in Number of Honors Program Students
F 2010 - 346
F 2011 - 371
Increase in Number of International Students
F 2010 - 150
F 2011 - 195
We are delighted with the rise in Honors Students enrollment. That rise is over 13%, International Student enrollment is up by approximately 30%, although the table from Institutional Research has a significantly lower percentage. Our weaker area is the sluggish increase in ACT/SAT scores. Our administration has been meeting to increase standards for acceptance which should include higher standards for ACT/SAT scores. A higher benchmark for ACT/SAT scores should certainly improve the quality of undergraduate student at SHSU.
Quality Students Retained
Quality Students who enroll in SHSU enroll from semester to semester, and thus be retained.
Retention Rates
Retention rates are calculated by the SHSU Institutional Research Division. Our goal is 70% retention rate for incoming freshmen year to year.
Steady Retention
F 2010 - 72%
F 2011 - 72%
Retention Interventions
Student Success Initiatives and Student Services have a number of programs to encourage retention of first-time freshmen from their first year to their second year. We dropped three percentage points from 2009-2010 and remained the same this year. We met our goal of 70%, although just barely. We will be looking at other programs that have been successful at other institutions across the nation to determine what might be added at SHSU. Many factors go into retention including the economy and access to financial aid, family issues, and readiness for the college experience. We are definitely successful in our endeavors. Still, we would like our percentage of retention to be higher each year.