Establish and coordinate innovative inservice programs for mathematics teachers.
Mathematics Workshops
Teachers who attend the Reeves Center workshops will be able to use presented material in their classroom.
Inservice Workshops
A post-workshop evaluation will be conducted asking the participants for specific ideas that they can immediately employ in their classroom.
No Workshops Conducted.
Due to an error in the budgeting process related to Banner implementation, the Reeves Center received no funding this year. As a result, the Center did not provide any support for inservice workshops in 2011-12.
New Funding
It is our hope that SHSU will restore funding for the Reeves Center in the next fiscal year. We have been told that there is a strong likelihood that this will happen.
Sponsor research to improve school mathematics curriculum, teaching, and learning.
Research Conference
Mathematics Education instructors who attend the MERiT (Mathematics Education Research in Texas) conference will find other researchers to work with or clarify their research topics.
MERiT Conference
A post-conference evaluation will be conducted asking the participants asking them to identify collaborators or new research topics.
No Results To Report
Due to an error in the budgeting process related to Banner implementation, the Reeves Center received no funding this year. As a result, the Center did not contribute to the support of the MERiT Conference. While a conference was held, it was abbreviated and no post-conference evaluation was conducted.
New Funding
It is our hope that SHSU will restore funding for the Reeves Center in the next fiscal year. We have been told that there is a strong likelihood that this will happen.