OATdb Archive

2010 - 2011

Student Services, Vice President

Innovative Programs And Services
Provide innovative programs and services.

Enhance The Student Experience
Develop programs and activities that enhance the student experience in the areas of University spirit, traditions, and residential campus culture.

Recruitment Of New Students
Recruitment of new students.

Participation In Spirit Day Camps
Approximately 600 students from the 2011 Freshman Class will participate in three spirit day camp sessions.

Number Of Students
342 students from the 2011 Freshman Class participated in two spirit day camps.

Spirit Day Camps
Provide three spirit day camps for freshman students by Summer 2011.

Number Of Spirit Camps
Two spirit day camps for freshman students were offered due to the limited availability of camp facilities.

Bearkat Camp Growth
The Forest Glen camp property that is being leased for Bearkat Camp did not have the availability of dates to accommodate the need for a third camp.  A meeting will be held with Forest Glen staff to make long range plans to secure open dates earlier in the camp schedule to ensure facility availability. A marketing plan will also be developed to recruit new students for Bearkat Camp in advance of Freshman Orientation.

Inclusive Community
Foster the development of an inclusive community.

Collaborative Programs
Improve communication with the University community to encourage participation and attendance at programs and events.

Student Communication Assessment
Instrument will evaluate the effectiveness and value of e-mail marketing to the campus community.

Percentage Of Respondents Agree The Student Services Weekly E-Update
25% of respondents receive valuable information from the Student Services Weekly E-Update.

Developing Survey Instrument
The survey is in development and will be distributed to students during the 2012 academic year.

Distribute Survey Instrument
The survey will be distributed during the 2012 academic year to determine the value of weekly e-mail update information.

Student Critical Thinking And Lifelong Learning
Engage students in programs that promote critical thinking and lifelong learning skills.

Opportunities For Learning
Students will be able to offer constructive ideas concerning the improvement of University programs and services and develop social responsibility through alternative learning opportunities.

Collegiate Readership Active Program Student Survey
Collegiate Readership Active Program Student Survey. The survey provides information on civic engagement and global awareness.

Knowledge Acquired From Reading The Newspaper
75 percent of student participants indicate that the knowledge acquired from reading the newspaper has influenced their views on a political or ethical issue.

Results Of Collegiate Readership Program Survey
Due to reorganization within the Dean of Students' Office, the process of creating the survey was delayed.

Survey Information Exchange Luncheons
Survey of students attending information exchange luncheons sponsored by the Vice President for Student Services. The survey provides information concerning what was learned and the learning experience. Throughout the fall and spring semesters the Vice President has six luncheons and randomly selected students are invited to attend. They are primarily comprised of freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior students who are leaders in student and academic organizations on campus. International students are also invited to attend. Students were provided additional space at the end of the anonymous survey for comments, as well as asked to identify what they would like to discuss at the event.

Topics Requested By Students
Participants of the luncheon will be asked what topics they would like to hear discussed during these events.

Topics Requested Survey Results
Students were asked how they would improve the program and they suggested adding the following topics to next year's program; Financial Aid, Long Range Development Plans, Weekend Activities and Scholarships.

Alcohol And Drug Abuse Initiative (ADAI) Educational Sessions
Prepare educational sessions that will positively impact the high-risk behaviors of students in regard to drug and alcohol use.  The content of these educational sessions will focus on blood alcohol concentration, binge drinking, alcohol serving sizes, laws and regulations, prescription drug abuse, care for alcohol and drug emergencies, physical and mental impairment, campus policies, and resources available to students.

ADAI Program Components
80 percent of students who attend the 5th Annual Alcohol and Drug Summit will indicate that the educational sessions conducted during the event will positively change their attitudes and behaviors regarding substance use and abuse and the risks associated with alcohol or drugs.

Evaluation Results
95 students completed the 2010 Alcohol and Drug Summit Evaluation, providing a response rate of 27%. Approximately 90% of respondents indicated that the sessions they attended changed their attitudes about the use of alcohol and drugs. Furthermore, approximately 85% of respondents indicated that they were less likely to binge drink as a result of information obtained from the Summit. Between 80-85% of respondents indicated that they were less likely to engage in other risky behaviors, including unprotected sex and driving under the influence.

Improvement Of Student Attitudes And Behaviors
Increase the rate of the improvement of student attitudes and behaviors regarding alcohol and drug use to 93 percent.  This improvement will be facilitated by providing interactive student experiences such as bar lab; posting alcohol and drug educational resources, current research, and intervention assessments on the ADAI website; and by offering individual and small group educational sessions for students in a crisis situation.

ADAI Student Attitude Findings
During FY11, the coordinator for the ADAI was assigned several new administrative duties and was unable to complete program components and finalize assessment efforts. As a result, the planned assessment objectives were not achieved.

Updated ADAI Evaluations
Administer updated evaluations to students participating in National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week and Reducing Irresponsible Drinking and Drugs Week via StudentVoice, to determine the effectiveness of the educational sessions in regards to improving attitudes and behaviors relating to alcohol and drug use.  These attitudes and behaviors assessed in the evaluation will focus on drinking and driving, riding with impaired driver, binge drinking, accessing community and University resources, and academic performance variables relating to alcohol and drug use.

National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week And Reducing Irresponsible Drinking And Drugs Week Assessment
During FY11, the coordinator for the ADAI was assigned several new administrative duties and was unable to complete program components and finalize assessment efforts. As a result, the planned assessment criteria were not set.

Planned ADAI Assessment
A full-time coordinator for the ADAI will be hired in October of FY12 and this individual will be to begin developing a more meaningful assessment program to determine the impact of ADAI programming on student development.

Create StudentVoice Assessment For Collegiate Readership Program
A specific staff member has been assigned to work with the Collegiate Readership Program on campus. They will create a survey through StudentVoice that will capture data concerning what form of media students use to receive information on a local and global level to remain civically engaged.

Suggested Student Topics For The VPSS Student Luncheons
Students suggested that the following topics be added to the discussion at the VPSS Student Luncheons.  Financial Aid, Long Range Development Plans, Weekend Activities and Scholarships will be added as optional items to be discussed.

2010 ADAI Summit Evaluation
Although data from the 2010 Summit Evaluation suggest that the desired levels of attitude and behavior change were attained, the data gathered was too general to be helpful in guiding program development. During FY12, one or two specific programs will be targeted for assessment with learning outcomes tailored for them. This change should help yield data that is more helpful for program development. In addition, new survey administration strategies will be utilized to improve response rate.

Hire A Full-Time ADAI Coordinator
A full-time ADAI Program Coordinator will be hired in October of FY12.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

Plan for continuous improvement The lack of University facility space continues to be a challenge to the growth of this program. The Department of Recreational Sports and the architects have completed the design phase for the new University Camp and plans for the construction phase have been given a high priority. Construction of the facilities necessary for the projected growth of Bearkat Camp should be completed in two years.

Students will be surveyed for 2011-2012 to evaluate the effectiveness and value of e-mail marketing to the campus community.

The newspaper readership still needs to be assessed; therefore students will be surveyed in the coming year to determine student perception of readership benefits. Additionally, Student Services representatives met with the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Student Services will coordinate the effort of providing marketing materials to faculty through the Council of Deans to encourage student readership for classroom instruction and discussion.

The luncheons are a valuable tool used to discover important student issues and areas of the University that may need improvement.  Students will be asked to share their ideas concerning what changes they would like to see at SHSU.  Administrators will be notified of valid student concerns, and asked to consider making the changes that address student needs on campus.

During FY11, the coordinator for the ADAI was assigned several new administrative duties and was unable to complete program components and finalize assessment efforts. As a result, the data that was gathered was not as helpful as it might have been in regards to program development. A full-time coordinator for the ADAI will be hired in October of FY12. One of the first tasks of this individual will be to develop a more meaningful assessment program to determine the impact of ADAI programming on student development.