OATdb Archive

2010 - 2011

International Programs

International Faculty Development
Provide information and opportunities for faculty to engage in international development

International Faculty Development
To provide increased services and support to faculty members in terms of international faculty-led programs/courses.

Faculty Development Workshops
Workshops will be offered once a semester for faculty international development opportunities.

Faculty Development Workshops 2011-2012
Provide workshops once a semester that focus on encouraging faculty members to develop short-term study abroad courses.

Faculty Development
Due to the personnel and leadership changes, this objective was not accomplished.

Faculty Development
Workshops will be offered once a semester for the campus community and on-demand for individual units and departments throughout the year. The workshops will focus on making faculty aware of opportunities and on encouraging them to develop short-term study abroad courses. The new full-time Study Abroad director will work with this objective.

International Programming On Campus
Quality international programming to further internationalize the university community

Provide International Activities And Events For The University Community
Provide activities and presentations that speak to international issues.

International Academic And Cultural Activities
Academic presentations and cultural activities will be offered to enhance internationalization of the campus.

International Activities
Provide international presentations or cultural activities twice a semester to enhance international programming.

International Programming On Campus
During Fall 2010, the former director left the university.  During Spring 2011, the search for a new director was complete.  However, with changes in personnel and leadership, no faculty development workshops were held.

Present Regular And On-demand Workshops For Employees And Students
Present workshops for employees once in the fall and in the spring and on-demand workshops for departments that request them.

Work with international student organizations to facilitate an "International Week" in the spring of 2012.  This event will highlight the work of Office of International Programs (OIP) and SHSU's international efforts, as well as the contributions of its' visiting international students and scholars.  SHSU faculty will also be provided an opportunity to promote their programs and the courses they teach abroad.

Study Abroad Opportunities
Identify funding for a full-time study abroad coordinator position (from it's current part-time status) that will provide increased services to students and faculty.  This position will also promote and market opportunities to the campus community. 

Increase Number Of Faculty And Students Who Participate In Study Abroad Activities
Plan and implement workshops and informational forums to create interest in study abroad opportunities.

Study Abroad
Study abroad fairs will be offered at least twice a year under this new full-time position.

Workshops/Fairs For Study Abroad
Provide study abroad fairs to encourage students and increase awareness of study abroad courses/programs.

Study Abroad Workshops
Unfortunately, with the change in personnel and leadership, no study abroad workshops were held. However, 64 students received the International Education Fee Scholalrship for study-abroad trips. 

Institute An Expanded Study Abroad Fair In The Spring
The new full-time coordinator of Study Abroad will work with entities across campus to build and expand the study abroad fair in the spring of 2012.

International Student Enrollment
To enhance the number of international students on campus

Increase International Student Enrollment
Plan and implement recruitment strategies

International Student Enrollment Comparison
International student enrollment fall '09 will be compared with fall '10 to determine enrollment increase/decrease.

Enrollment For Academic Year 2010-2011
Expect increase of 5% over academic year 2009-2010.

Increase In Enrollment
There was a 2% increase from Fall 2009 to Fall 2010 in international student enrollment.

F 2009 - 269

F 2010 - 288

Target Community College Students And Promote Certain Programs To Specific Populations
Although we did not make the 5%, we were pleased to increase even 2% given the global economic situation. Recruiter will make greater efforts to reach students already attending Houston area community colleges and will look into working with various recruiting agencies and a foundation, Barachel, to recruit sponsored students.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

Plan for continuous improvement Many changes have occurred during the 2010-2011 academic year, not the least of which was a change in leadership.  We have many ideas and goals and will need to provide support for the recruiters and coordinators as then work to increase our enrollment and productivity. We did provide orientations through the year even though other programming efforts had to be put on hold. We look forward to providing a full slate of activities over 2011-2012.