Oral and written communication skills will be emphasized with students in the Kinesiology BA program.
Communication Skills
Kinesiology BA students will communicate in oral and written forms their personal philosophy of a career in kinesiology.
Communication Skills
A common embedded portion of KIN 131 will require students to communicate their personal philosophy of a career in kinesiology using both oral and written communications skills developed by the faculty.
Communication Skills
Students must score at least 70% correct on the common faculty-developed rubric for the personal philosophy oral and written communication skills assignment.
Communication Skills
During the 2010-2011 academic year, 85% of the students scored above the 70% target, 10% of the students scored at the 70% target, and 5% of the students scored below the 70% target. Although we made our criteria, the faculty realize we still need to improve the communication skills of our students.
Communication Skills
After a review of the students work on communication skills in KIN 131, the program faculty have decided that more focus and emphasis will be placed on communication skills. Therefore, all core kinesiology classes will have at least three faculty-developed assessments related to communication skills.
Technology Skills
The use of technology skills will be emphasized with students in the Kinesiology BA program.
Technology Skills
Students majoring in Kinesiology will be able to identify and describe appropriate web sites that provide useful and accurate information about the field of Kinesiology.
Technology Skills
A common embedded portion of the Adaptive Kinesiology Notebook assignment, section 8, will be used to determine if students have met this objective. The rubric for the Adaptive Kinesiology Notebook was developed by the faculty.
Technology Skills
At least 80% of the students must identify and briefly describe at least 3 web sites that provide accurate information about the field of Kinesiology and include this information in the Adaptive Kinesiology Notebook.
Technology Skills
During the 2010-2011 academic year, 95% of the students enrolled in KIN 469 scored above the 80% target, and 5% of the students scored at the 80% target. Although we exceeded our goal, we are not sure we are tapping all the skills students need.
Technology Skills
After a review of students work on technology skills in KIN 469, the program faculty have decided that although the students met or exceeded the target, technology skills are important and will be assessed in the Kinesiology BA program. Therefore, all core Kinesiology classes will have at least two faculty-developed assessments related to technology development.
Content Knowledge
Content knowledge will be emphasized in the Kinesiology BA Program.
Content Knowledge
Students will be able to gain and apply knowledge of the 12 sub-disciplines of kinesiology.
Content Knowledge
A common embedded portion of each KIN 131 exam will require student knowledge and application of the 12 sub-disciplines of kinesiology developed by the faculty.
Content Knowledge
Students must score at least 70% correct on the common 12 sub-disciplines of kinesiology exams.
Content Knowledge
80% of the students met the 70% target, 12% of the students exceeded the target and 8% of the students did not meet the target. While we are pleased with the 70% meeting the target, we would like to see more exceed the target and few failing to meet the minimum standard.
Content Knowledge
After a review of students' exams in KIN 131 assessing for knowledge of the 12 sub-disciplines of kinesiology, 8% of the students did not meet the target of mastery. Therefore, KIN 131 will have at least two faculty-developed exams/activities related to the 12 sub-principles of kinesiology.