The students will be able to demonstrate competency in research and writing skills.
Research Proposal
MA Health students will be able to develop a research proposal for an area study of their choice.
Proposal Development
As developed by the faculty, a common embedded portion of HED 574 (Research Seminar) will require students to utilize elements of the research process to write a research proposal.
Research Proposal
A common rubric developed by the faculty will be used to assess the written proposal assignment. The following elements will be included in the rubric: 1. Topic 2. Writing (grammar, spelling) 3. Organization/flow/clarity 4. APA formatting 5. Creativity
Students must score at least 80% correct on writing a research proposal.
Research Proposal
88% of the students scored at least 80% correct on writing a research proposal and 12% of the students exceeded the target.
Research Proposal
After a review of the findings, students met or exceeded the target. The program faculty will identify and set a new goal for the 2011-2012 academic year. It seems that the next step would be to engage students in and independent research study into a topic and the literature evaluated for its appropriate conclusions and methodology. This experience should lead the students to formulate a deeper research question.
Critical Thinking Skills
Produce MA Health Graduates with Critical Thinking Skills.
Apply Critical Thinking
MA Health graduate students will be able to apply health education principles and practices using critical thinking skills.
Thinking Critically
A common embedded portion of health graduate courses assignments and tests, developed by the faculty, will require students to use and apply critical thinking skills.
Critical Thinking
Students must score at least 80% correct on the common embedded critical thinking skills assignments/projects.
Critical Thinking
85% of the students met the 80% target. 15% of the students exceeded the target on the common embedded critical thinking assessments and projects.
Critical Thinking
After a review of the students work on critical thinking, the faculty have decided to develop tasks/activities to further enhance students critical thinking skills. The program faculty feel that it is important for students to be able to think critically about the obstacles to healthy physical aging and make recommendations designed to buffer the negative impact of the aging process. Therefore, all core MA Health classes will have at least two faculty-developed assessments related to critical thinking.
Aging And Health Promotion
The Health MA Program will emphasize the aging population its impact on health education.
Research Papers
Students in the Health MA program will be able to demonstrate the ability to research an area of aging which will enhance the student's professional practice.
Research Papers
A common embedded assignment of HED 565, Aging and Health Promotion, developed by the faculty, requires students to write two research papers. Students will select two topics dealing with aging and compile a research paper on each topic. The first paper should cover the social or physical aspects of aging. The second paper should cover mental and emotional aspects of aging or health services for the elderly. The paper should present a current issue in the field of aging using the most current research and data available. The paper should conclude with the student's perspective on what the future of that particular issue holds, including the student's view of how society should prepare to successfully deal with the issue. The papers should be 4-6 pages (duble-spaced) in length and fully referenced in APA style.
Research Papers
Students must correctly address the elements outlined in the indicator in the two assigned research papers. The research papers are worth 100 points (2@50). Students must score at least 80% on the two research papers to meet the criterion.
Research Papers
85% of the students met the target of 80% correct on the research papers assignment. 15% of the students exceeded the target.
Research Papers
After a review of the students performance on the research papers, students met or exceeded the target. The program faculty will identify a new goal for the 2011-2012 academic year. New assessments developed by the program faculty will likely focus on late life decisions and services for the elderly.