Ability to apply organizational theory to criminal justice management.
Demonstrate Integration Of Principles
Students completing the Master of Science will demonstrate the ability to integrate principles of organizational theory in addressing issues related to the area of public administration, specifically as it relates to criminal justice management.
Research Paper Scoring Methodology
A consistent faculty-developed scoring methodology will be applied to research papers submitted for CJ 530 - Critical Analysis of Criminal Justice Administration. The research paper will demonstrate application of organizational theory principles taught in a number of courses.
At Least 70% Of Students Will Obtain A Rating Of Satisfactory
At least 70% will be assessed as "satsifactory or better.
81% Students Scored Better Than Satisfactory
81% of the students taking CJ 530 course received better than a ‘satisfactory’ performance rating. These students demonstrated the capability to integrate principles of organizational theory and apply their knowledge into a semester long project.
Additional Concentrated Instruction
Although the criterion of 80% of students meeting the objective was achieved, there remains work to do to in order that all students perform in a greater than satisfactory manner. Actions to achieve this goal will be to provide additional one on one instruction and coursework in writing, analysis and research techniques.
Integration Of Knowledge, Skills, And Abilities
Integration of knowledge, skills, and abilities related to the degree's coursework.
Demonstrate Ability To Integrate Knowledge, Skills, And Abilities
As students prepare to graduate with a Master of Science of criminal justice, they will demonstrate the ability to integrate knowledge, skills, and other abilities.
Research And Publication Portfolio
A research and publication portfolio developed in the program's capstone course, CJ 688, Emergent Issues in Criminal Justice Leadership, is reviewed by a faculty committee using a predetermined set of criteria.
80% Of Students With Acceptable Portfolio
At least 80% of the students enrolled in CJ 688 will complete a portfolio judged to be "acceptable" by the faculty committee.
89% Obtained A "satisfactory"
89% of students assessed received a "satisfactory" or better rating on the portfolio
Rating Refinement
Though the identified goal was met and exceeded, continued review of the emergent issues portfolio project and the review criteria will continue. Additionally, with more sections and varying delivery methods (distance education) developing, greater attention will be focused on internal consistency.