The goal of the BBA program in Marketing is to provide students with a broad base of knowledge in the Marketing discipline. 371, 378, 471, 472, 473.
Marketing Core Concepts And Principles
1) Students who complete the BBA in Marketing will demonstrate knowledge of the core concepts and principles of Marketing and the elements of the marketing mix. MKT371
Marketing Core Concepts And Principles - Pre And Post Tests As Indicators
Assessment will be made using pre-test and post-test performance on concepts and principles and on the elements of the marketing mix in MKT 371.
Marketing Core Concepts And Principles - Improvement On Post-Test Scores
Students will average at least a 50% improvement over the pre-test score. The class average on individual post-test questions will be 75% correct. Post-test questions will be included on each unit examination. 371
Marketing Core Concepts And Principles - Findings
Students were given a pre-test and post-test covering key concepts and terms for principles of marketing. Three sections were included in the assessment, 127 students took the pre-test and 131 students participated in the post-test. Class performance on the pre-test was 36 percent and for the post-test 84 percent, a significant improvement. Despite the apparent overall excellent performance, some areas were identified as needing improvement. Students had difficulty: distinguishing between the four growth strategies presented in Ansoff’s Strategic Opportunity Matrix, classifying Boston Consulting Group’s portfolio mix strategies, identifying the unique characteristics that distinguish services from tangible goods, distinguishing consumer sales promotion from the other promotional mix elements, identifying the different price strategies, and could not define Customer Relationship Management.
We are realizing that we are not able to compare across all sections with the current assessment and want to adjust it.
Marketing Core Concepts And Principles
Six key concepts were identified for improvement. These received more attention through additional in-class discussion, examples of the concepts and assignments. This course is scheduled for assessment during Spring 2012.
Collect And Interpret Market Research Data
Students who complete the BBA in Marketing will be able to communicate research needs to a professional researcher, evaluate a research report, and collect and interpret their own research data. MKT472
Marketing Research: Exam Results And Project Outcomes
Achievement of the objective is indicated by students’ performance on exams and projects developed to assess their knowledge and abilities. Questions assessing student knowledge are embedded within all exams and performance on these questions is obtained during the semester. Student performance on projects is also measured using a scoring rubric. At the end of the semester, two average scores are computed by aggregating student scores across all sections of the course. The students’ average score (as a percentage) on pertinent exam questions and average score (as a percentage) on projects represent performance. Specific levels for these indicators are noted below as criterion.
Marketing Research: Average Scores On Exam Questions And Projects
The average score on embedded exam questions across all course sections should be 75% or higher. The average score on student projects should be 75% or higher.
Marketing Research: Findings (Assessed Fall 2010)
Exam 1 had four embedded questions that asked students to determine appropriate research designs (i.e., exploratory, descriptive, and causal research) to use when completing different types of research. The students’ average score on these questions was 77.01%, thus exceeding the criterion of 75%.
Exam 2 had three questions that asked students to determine the appropriate measure (i.e., nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio) to use when collecting data. The students’ average score on these questions was 76.91%, thus exceeding the criterion of 75%.
Exam 3 presented five questions that asked students to determine the appropriate statistical test of means (i.e., one sample t-test, two-sample t-test, paired t-test, ANOVA) for different analyses. The average score on these questions was 73.78%, thus exceeding the criterion of 75%.
Throughout the semester, a total of 6 projects (i.e., 2 before each of the exams) were given to determine student’s ability to translate theory into actual practice. The average score on each of the projects was as follows: 99%, 88%, 80%, 90%, 83%, and 95%. Therefore, the criterion of 75% was exceeded.
Marketing Research: Actions To Be Taken (Short-term And Long-term)
The findings indicate that students across all sections of the course are achieving the objective. Course modifications will be made as needed to ensure achievement of the objective. Specifically, the students found the following areas to be challenging:
In Exam 1 students did a good job identifying when to use exploratory and descriptive research, but they had difficulty determining when to use causal research.
In Exam 2 students were able to determine nominal and ratio data, but they had difficulty determining ordinal and interval data.
In Exam 3 students were able to determine the one-sample t-test and ANOVA, but they had difficulty differentiating and determining when to use independent vs. paired t-test.
To improve performance in the above areas the following activities will be undertaken:
(1) In class exercises will be developed to facilitate learning these concepts in greater detail.
(2) Some take-home assignments will be created so students may further develop an understanding of the concepts and do so without the time constraints of in-class exercises.
(3) Some type of tutoring (e.g., online, one-to-one, study groups) before each of the exams will be developed.
Global Marketing
Students who complete the BBA in Marketing will demonstrate knowledge of the global nature of business today and the forces shaping the evolution of the global market and the process of extending from domestic business operations into global markets. MKT471
Global Marketing Pre-Test And Post-Test
Assessment will be made using pre-test and post-test performance on the concepts related to the current state of international business and its development as well as the nature of taking a domestic business global. 471
Global Marketing: Improvement On Post-Test Scores
Students will average at least a 50% improvement over the pre-test. The class average on individual post-test questions will be 75% correct. Post-test questions will be included on each unit examination. 471
Global Marketing - Findings
Thirty-eight items were used for pre-test and post-test comparison. The average performance score on the pre-test was 38%, whereas the average on the post-tests was 78.1% This meets the target performance level of 75% and reflects a 104.5 % improvement.
Individual items on which there was less than average improvement were identified. These included questions on topics such as international product management and international regulation. These parts of the course curriculum have been earmarked for increased focus and particular attention in future offerings of the course.
Global Marketing - Actions
An ongoing assessment of the learning objectives to maintain their relevancy continues. Regarding instructional methods, during Summer and Fall 2010 a comprehensive written assignment was given to students. They were engaged in writing individual papers on a selected aspect (economy, culture, political and legal environments) of a country assigned to them. They researched the assigned topic and encapsulated their findings in an 8 page paper. In addition, students were asked to reflect, in writing, on the learning achieved. The average grade for the individual paper was 89%. Submitted papers were of reasonably high quality. In the written reflections students mentioned: - A revision of their preconceived views of different countries - Increased openness to differences between the U.S. and other countries - A desire to learn more about and possibly travel to the country studied - Increased appreciation of global commonalities and differences, and what they mean for business
Strategic Marketing
Students who complete the BBA in Marketing will demonstrate knowledge of the impact of strategic marketing decisions on the firm and marketing decision models currently found in practice. MKT473
Strategic Marketing Learning Rubric
Performance on the nature of strategic marketing decision making and the models used in practice will be assessed using performance on discussion question and term projects as evaluated with a rubric. 473
Strategic Marketing: Rubric
The class performance on essay questions and term projects will be at least 75% correct. 473
Strategic Marketing - Findings
An exam consisting of short-answer essay questions requiring elaboration was administered with the primary function of assessing the knowledge of marketing concepts. Eighty-one percent of students scored at least 80% correct.
Group writing assignments were completed in the form of developing a marketing strategy for a firm. This assignment was partitioned into four successive deliverables, culminating in the final project. The evaluation process placed emphasis upon evidence of critical thinking and integration of ideas and concepts in a strategic marketing context. Eight percent of students scored at least 80% correct.
Students were also given individual writing assignments which correlated to each of the four major topics of material covered. These exercises also provided evidence of critical thinking and integration of ideas and concepts in a strategic marketing context. Deliverables for each ranged from 1 to 4 pages typed. Eighty percent of students scored at least 80% correct.
Strategic Marketing - Actions
While it appears that students on average have reached the stated learning objectives, modifications will be made with the goal of enhancing student learning. Examples of superior work along with the grading rubric for the learning assignments and projects will be provided. This should help in setting high expectations and standards. In addition, the faculty will produce instructional videos to aid with the learning assignments and projects. Students will have access to these web based videos should clarification be needed.
Three techniques for setting expectations (examples of successful work, grading rubrics) were provided. The additional structure positively impacted the ability of the students to effectively complete the Learning Assignments and the Project.
Videos of key topics have been recorded. However, the implementation of them was postponed due to technology issues with Blackboard. When the course moves to the e-College platform, these will be implemented.
Consumer Behavior Process
Students who complete the BBA in Marketing will demonstrate knowledge of key consumer behavior actions (selection to acquisition to consumption to disposal), factors that influence consumer behavior, and the consumer decision making process. MKT378
Consumer Behavior: Exam Results And Project Outcomes
Achievement of the objective is indicated by students’ performance on exams and projects developed to assess their knowledge and abilities. Questions assessing student knowledge are embedded within all exams and performance on these questions is obtained during the semester. Student performance on projects is also measured using a grading rubric. At the end of the semester, two average grades are computed by aggregating student grades across all sections of the course. The students’ average grade (as a percentage) on pertinent exam questions and average grade (as a percentage) on projects represent performance. Specific levels for these indicators are noted below as criteria.
Consumer Behavior: Average Scores On Exam Questions And Projects
The average score on embedded exam questions across all course sections should be 75% or higher. The average score on students’ projects should be 75% or higher.
Consumer Behavior: Findings (Assessed Fall 2010)
Achievement of this objective was assessed during Fall 2010. The average score for embedded exam questions across all course sections was 76.4%. In terms of number of students, 69.4% achieved this level of performance or higher. The average score on students’ projects was 78.5%, with 71.8% of the students achieving this level or higher.
Consumer Behavior: Actions (Short Term And Long Term)
The findings indicate that students across all sections of the course are achieving the objective. Course modifications will be made as needed to ensure achievement of the objective. Specifically, the students found the following areas to be more challenging: (1) focusing on consumer behavior as a whole versus buying behavior alone, and (2) achieving high quality writing, including correct grammar.
To improve performance in these areas, the following activities will be undertaken:
(1) additional time spent on the comprehensiveness of the definition and domain of consumer behavior, including selection, acquisition, consumption, and disposal, and
(2) incorporation of interim writing projects (as building blocks for larger projects) to encourage students to spend additional time revising and strengthening their work prior to final project submission.