Provide seamless access to a collection of high quality resources, including print, web-based resources and locally produced content, which meet the curricular and research requirements of the University.
Access To Resources
The Digital Resources department will provide a collection of digitized resources, including photographs, books, journals, artifacts, videos, oral histories, reports, papers, presentations, and artwork, in order to enhance library resources. The digitized materials will be provided in an online environment using CONTENTdm, our digital collection management system.
Access To Digital Resources
Digital Resources will continue to enhance and promote access and usage of Newton Gresham Library's Digital Collections
Increase the number of visitors to Newton Gresham Library's Digital Collections by 5%.
CONTENTdm Usage Findings
During the fiscal year 2009 (9/1/2008 to 8/30/2009), CONTENTdm registered 3987 visitors. During the first 9 months of the fiscal year 2010 (9/1/2009 to 5/25/2010), CONTENTdm registered 5135 visitors. Even though data was gathered three months before the end of FY 2010, the number of visitors increased by 28.79%.
Digital Collections Growth
Add at least one-thousand (1,000) images, audio files, and/or video files to CONTENTdm for use by Sam Houston State University faculty, staff, and students. (One CONTENTdm item can contain multiple images).
Digital Collections Growth Findings
Because of long-term projects, approximately 416 images, audio files, and/or video files have been added to CONTENTdm between 9/1/2009 and 5/25/2010. This finding does not include the final three months of FY 2009, in which approximately 2300 items are scheduled to be uploaded. By the end of FY 2009, we will have reached our goal of 1,000 items.
The creation of metadata is the step in the workflow process most responsible for slowing down our digitization efforts.
Institutional Repository
Digital Resources will continue to promote the intellectual output of Sam Houston State University faculty, staff, and students through its Digital Collections. Intellectual output refers to materials such as papers, journals, presentations, artwork, etc. that have been created by Sam Houston State University faculty, staff, and students.
Institutional Repository Growth
Add at least two-hundred (200) images, audio files, and/or video files to CONTENTdm that have been created by Sam Houston State University faculty, staff, and/or students.
Institutional Repository Growth
During the first 9 months of the fiscal year 2009 (9/1/2009 to 5/25/2010), a virtual representation of the Huntsville: Then and Now - Avenue J art exhibit, created by the SHSU Political Science Junior Fellows, was developed and uploaded to CONTENTdm. The virtual exhibit consists of approximately 300 separate images, exceeding our goal of 200 images, audio files, and/or video files that have been created by Sam Houston State University faculty, staff, and/or students.
Keeping up with the intellectual output of the university is a challenge because it can come from any number of individuals throughout the school.
Digital Collections Usage, Growth, And Institutional Repository Actions
CONTENTdm Usage: We will continue to try to increase the number of visitors to Newton Gresham Library's Digital Collections.
Digital Collections Growth: We will add approximately 2300 items to CONTENTdm prior to the end of fiscal year 2009 and reach our goal. We will continue to add items to CONTENTdm. The addition of a Metadata Librarian would significantly increase the quantity and quality of digitized materials.
Institutional Repository: We will create and develop additional working relationships and partnerships with faculty, staff, and students throughout the university to enhance the institutional repository.