OATdb Archive

2009 - 2010

Library, Music

Provide seamless access to a collection of high quality resources, including print, web-based resources and locally produced content, which meet the curricular and research requirements of the University.

Access To Resources
Evaluate the Music Index on the EBSCO platform and compare it to the Harmonie Park Press platform. Conduct searches, analyze results, and evaluate the database Music Index as it currently stands on the Harmonie Park Press platform and compare it to the EBSCO platform, and determine if changing platforms would lead to a positive collection development outcome.

Music Index, Analysis
Searching the Music Index on the EBSCO platform will surpass the search count for the Harmonie Park Press platform.

Music Index, Platform Change
The search count on the EBSCO platform should double the search count of the Harmonie Park press platform.

Music Index, Platform Change
The search counts were surpassed in 2009 with 9,406 and in 2010 with 3,615 using the EBSCO platform of Music Index.

Music Index, Platform Change
The number of searches on the EBSCO platform exceeded the number of searches on the Harmonie Park Press platform. This seemed to indicate a preference for the EBSCO platform. In addition, the EBSCO platform is less expensive; therefore, the decision was made to acquire the Music Index on the EBSCO platform. An actual user study would have provided more detailed information regarding the ease of retrieval; number of references to materials available in NGL; number of links to online materials available to the user; and number of times the user had to use ILS to gain access to the information.

Provide and improve the services that support the learning, teaching, and research needs of students and faculty.

Access To Resources
Insure that the music scores are in the correct order on the shelf.

Shelf Reading, Shifting And Labeling, Music Collection
Shelf read and shift all scores, including placing a corresponding shelf number on every shelf and corresponding score that sits on that shelf in the collection of monographs. Provide easy access in locating the scores as well as greatly reducing scores being misplaced. Scores are highly circulated; it is expected that the shelf number assigned to each score will increase the numbers for circulation of materials, this would be reflected in circulation statistics, and would indicate if successful achievement is obtained.

Shelf Reading, Shifting And Labeling, Music Collection
Complete shelf reading, shifting and labeling of the 239 shelves and ~15,600 scores.

Shelf Reading, Shifting And Labeling, Music Collection
The goal has been fully completed.  All shelf reading, shifting and labeling of the 230 shelves and ~16,084 scores. There has been a reduction in misplaced scores and an increase in the ease in locating and retrieving these materials. Shifting reduced the number of shelves, thus acquiring additional shelf space for growth.

Shelf Reading, Shifting And Labeling, Music Collection
As a standard library practice, shelf reading will continue on a regular basis next year.  Shelf labeling and shifting will continue as needed and as new materials are acquired. Reports will be generated from SIRSI to monitor the circulation of the scores.

Promote the Library, its services and role in the University.

Promote Library Services
Disseminate information about Library resources and services.

Promotion, Music Collection
Promote the newly acquired compact discs in the collection.

Promotion, Music Collection
Develop an easy, noticeable link and maintain high quality scans of the covers of the new compact discs. Success would be evident by the number of uses of the link and the number if circulations of the compact discs in the collection. A total of between 10 and 12 covers would be scanned with each new batch cataloged. They would be put up on the web and made accessible as quickly as possible, after determining if there could be a potential problem with the copyright law.

Promotion, Music Collection
After evaluating this goal, and realizing the University web site and the Library web site were going to be redesigned, it was not practical to proceed with this project.  Instead, a NEW CD email distribution list was created for interested Faculty and Staff.  This email distribution list notifies Faculty and Staff of new CDs that have been added to the Music Collection.

Promotion, Music Collection
There has been an increased in the circulation of the CDs and a new clientele of Faculty and Staff has begun using the collection in the Music Listening Room.  Since the redesign of the library's web site delayed the development of a link to scanned CD covers, this promotional avenue will be re-evaluated after the launch of the new library web site.

Update to previous cycle's plan for continuous improvement

Plan for continuous improvement The overall the Music Listening Room was successful in achieving its objectives. Access to resources of the Music Collection has improved.  Users are finding an ease in retrieval of information, indicated by the increased usage (number of searches) of the Music Index on the EBSCO platform.  As indicated a more comprehensive evaluation of the two platforms providing access to the Music Index would have included developing a study involving users. A project involving users may be developed at a later date. Also, users are accessing scores more readily; shelf reading and shelf numbering will continue. Finally, users are inclined to use newly acquired materials, if made aware of them, which the new CD email accomplishes. Members of the distribution list will be queried about their preference for the email list of newly acquired CD’s or a link to scanned covers from the library’s webpage.